Sunday, March 27, 2005
So, I haven't updated since last saturday, probably because nothing has happened. Everyone got back from spring break, which has been great because i'm not so bored now. :D I spent my first week of work and school... it was a little stressful, and I had to learn how to balance them, so I would get my homework done and such. I had to take 3 hours off of work to do my homework, so I have to start doing it in the evenings. I have only played pool once since spring break. Its almost sad. I just can't bring myself to do anything that isn't sitting down doing nothing, unless its spending money. LOL! I bought my ticket to go to anchorage for Convention, so I'll get to see my mom and my friends there. Thats going to be awesome. :D I'm pretty excited about it. Thats not for another 3 weeks or something. This friday, my Junior Youth Group made their first newsletter, which hasn't been sent out yet, so don't tell anyone about it. :D It was fun to make. I think they had fun planning it. :D Haven't done anything REALLY fun for a while, but done things that were kinda fun. LOL! I think thats reallya bout it, except I got an A on my midterm for Econ, (the only midterm I had) and so that brought my grade from a C to a 86.6% (B). :D Thats happy. Oh, and Naw Ruz was last sunday. That was fun. Oh... big news and I can't believe that I almost forgot. My new cousin was born!!! Alexandria Shalamar Caldwell. :D I have a picture of her, but not on the computer, but maybe I can get one. Look forward to that.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Make Money, Spend Money
So, I promised I would tell everyone how work was, and I LOVE it. I worked tuesday for 5 hours, then wednesday and thursday for 8 hours each, then I think I get paid for friday because its a holiday and I didn't have to work today. :D So, what did I do instead today? Went to the store, and then a bunch of other stores and spent a LOT of money. I will not say how much because it really is sad. So, for my job I work for the business office, so I do a lot of business office stuff, which I really enjoy. I spent tuesday doing filing jobs working with grants. Wednesday I spent a little bit of time working with employees work credit cards and matching up receipts and such, and some time searching through grants for some stuff, and then matching it with something else and changing it. Then Thursday I spent the entire day working with the company credit card stuff again. I really enjoyed it. I like working with the financial stuff. I haven't gotten to work with my best friend yet because she took spring break off, and once she does come back to work we will be working mostly opposite shifts. :( I still love the job and and EXTREMELY happy to be able to do it. So tomorrow night some Baha'i Youth are getting together to watch movies and tomorrow day my dad and I are going to go Skiing. :D I'm really excited. I haven't gone skiing in a long time. :D
Monday, March 14, 2005
Spring Break
So I officially hate spring break. No one is here but my friend whoI went to the party with, and I think I'm driving him crazy stopping by all the time. I basically sit around all day watching TV and movies and sitting on my computer. My CD drive is broken so I can't play computer games so i just sit at my computer and watch tv, or lay on my bed and watch tv... running downstairs from time to time to get some food. Luckily, I get to start work tomorrow. I'm really excited about that. I am going to get to work with my best friend as on Office Assistant, and getting 9.50 and hour, and it goes through the summer, I can work 40 hours on spring break, and 20 hours during school, and they don't really care when I work really. Like, if I didn't want to work during spring break, I would have to. At least that will take 8 hours a day out of time that i'm bored. :P At least if i'm sitting at home bored I am not spending money. :D I wish I could have slept longer today. I tried, but got up after only 9 hours. Its so so lame having nothing to do. Oh well, I will tell everyone about my job later. Thanks for reading. :D
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Okay, thursday friday classes not much happened. I didn't go to the morning class because it was presentations and I'd already finished mine. The second and third class, almost as soon as we showed up decided to cancel them for some reason or another, so I didn't really even have to wake up. :P I had dinner with my dad to talk about my junior youth study circle, and then during the study circle we talked about it too. We got some stuff organized, which is defiantly good, and then went to the ice park. It was fun, but could have been more fun if I had snowpants or something. Went to a party with this really nice, cute guy last night. It was really fun, a bonfire and DJ (although the DJ only played techno and 80's music, so I couldn't dance to any of it). Then, we went and rented movies, but he wouldn't watch them with me. :P My friends friend (whose now my friend) came upstairs to watch a movie with me, but I fell asleep, so he left. I was feeling really sick last night, but this morning was worse. I was supposed ot go skiing with my dad, and REALLY REALLY wanted to, but I am way to sick. :P I really hope I get better soon. :)
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Luckily, I only have 1 midterm for all my classes. I took it today and got done with it in 15-20 minutes. We got 41 points just from writing our name, which is kinda sad. LOL! I think he felt bad for us. My roommates boyfriend went to the hospital today about a concussion. I'm not sure if he has a concussion, but I know somethings wrong, but he has medicine for it and should be okay. I watched Saw, which really isn't all that good. Everyone talked about how good it was but I really didn't think so. Still sick, but I'm getting better, I think. I hope. :D
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
I got my ring. :D Yay. I also had my econ teacher tell me I should marry this guy in my class because he plays hockey (rec hockey) and because he's a "budding economist" because he's always using econ terms. It was hilarious. :P Nothing else interesting, just class and sickness. :D Actually finished my homework tonight, before 6. I'm proud of myself. Econ exam tomorrow. Really really hope that i do good. :D
Monday, March 07, 2005
Sick Sick Sick. :P
I hate being sick! I spent all day today being sick. :P I decided late last night that I wanted to stay home all day, but I had a dinner at 6 at my dads with all the college youth that wanted to come. I stayed in my room the rest of the time, but went with my roomy, her bf, another friend, and karrina and travis (her bf) to dinner at my dads, tacos. It was really good. :D We had alot of fun playing pool and such, and then my dad drove us back, and got me some dayquil. :D My daddy takes such good care of me. :D Actually, its sad how lazy i've been today, spending all my time in my room watching TV, but thats what you do when you are sick. So, that was my weekend.
What the F's A Seawolf? A losing team, thats what!
I woke up at 2:30, and still had a few things to do in order to get ready for the hockey game, so I missed Ice Dodgeball. I feel a little bit bad about missing it because I promised someone I would cheer for them, but I don't think they even noticed I wasn't there. I had heard some disconcerting things about the hockey players the night before, so my idolizing of them is pretty much over, which is almost definatly for the best. :D Tried to get to the hockey game early, but even though I was there an hour and a half early, the entry way was full, and 15 minutes later the line was out the door. I was worried about getting a seat on the glass, but my new friends saved me a seat (they rock!). :D It was another awesome night. We tied, but still won the cup (not sure exactly how it works). The girls had shirts that spelled UAF IS UNREAL (apparently a hockey player word- unreal). One of the guys left (IS) and so i got his shirt incase they needed a picture, but apparently half the people left, so the girls said I should give the guy whose number was on the back the shirt. I waited, and they got tired of waiting, so they were gonna leave, and I didn't know him to give it to him, so I gave them the shirt and left. By then, my ride (my best friend) had left me so I had to walk to her house for her and her bf to give me a ride home. I was a little hurt. I got back, and a few people watched Emperors New Groove (after coyote ugly). I was sick though, had been since saturday afternoon. :P
Cloreseptic Spray, my new best friend.
So, I think I didn't update friday or saturday night. So, I will do each day individually. Friday was a fun day. Class, hanging out, then hockey. The hockey game rocked! I sat with these girls I had met a few games ago. They are really nice girls, and know all the hockey players because they are in the dorms with them. They are alot of fun, cheering and making signs and shirts. I was the second row. I wanted to be on the glass, but there was a line out the door at 5:45, even though the games start at 7. :P Governors Cup (UAA vs. UAF) is a big game. :D I missed most of the tailgate party, but it was mostly just hot dogs and hamburgers. After the game, I went to the new fred meyers (YAY!). It was fun, just cause I was excited about hockey still. :D When I got back, everyone was playing pool with my stuff (which they know I don't mind) so I played with them, met this nice guy named mike. Eventually people drifted away, (actually disappeared during a long long game of 5 person cut throat) and so me and this guy and my roommy and her bf watched Legally Blonde in our room. It was fun. :D Oh, I forgot all about the title. The reason I like Cloreseptic Spray is because we were cheering at the hockey game and started to go hoarse, and one of the girls pulled out the spray, we used it, and could keep screaming. :D
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Update on Greatest Day Ever
Okay, so there was more. I need to wait until the end of the day to update. I got my friend to take me to blockbuster, and there was this really hott guy who works there. The computer said I didn't return a ton of movies that I KNOW I returned. They couldn't find them, but they took off the balance anyways. It was so sweet of them. So I had a whole bunch of extra hockey tickets, so I went back and gave them to the hot guy for him and the other guy who took the balance off. He was pretty appreciative. :D I'm sure i'll have to have a horrible day to make up for this, but whatever. I'm going to try to post a picture of me, except its not my whole outfit because I can't seem to do that with the webcam. I can't seem to figure out how to post them INSIDE the blog, but thats okay. :D Anyways. Much Love to you all
Greatest Day EVER! (maybe not ever)
Pep Rallys Rock! Okay, lets start from the beginning. I looked HOTT today! I have on high heel boots (yes sometimes called "hooker boots") and a knee length jean skirt, and then a new shirt I got that is really pretty and flowery. Just trust me when I say that I looked hot. Maybe eventually I'll get a picture up. I just need some light in room. I had a job interview this morning, early. I think I did REALLY well. :D I hope I get the job. I would be working with my best friend. :D I missed breakfast, so I didn't eat all day until 6 PM. I was really tired, probably from not eating, so I took a nap, and missed class again. I know, I know. I am going to stop missing classes. I'm going to start making myself go to every class, even when I don't feel like it. Nothing short of the doctor from now on! So, I went to the class to turn in a paper after the class was over. Then ran back to the dorms in order to change out my laundry. Then I went and met with this hot missionary (I know, theres something wrong with me). That was interesting. Its always good to learn new things. Then, the pep rally. I have never been to a pep rally. I don't even think they had pep rallys at my high school. So, I got there, and met my friend, and she started to make a t-shirt using blue and gold stuff. It was all free. :D Then we went and the coach of the hockey team talked, and one of the hockey players talked. Then, we all ATTEMPTED to sing the fight song, but no one really knew the fight song, so it was sad. Then we cheered, and then they played music, and people mingled. There was food there too but I couldn't eat it because it wasn't 6. :( I know alot of people think that pep rallys are lame... but I had so much fun. I saw a lot of friends, one who hit on me the entire time, which was funny. :D Then, I went to dinner with this chick i'm going to try out for cheerleading with (Unika). We decided to go to the girls basketball game, and it turns out that I didn't have to PAY for my governors tickets. I heard that the sports pass didn't work for the governors cup, but it turns out it does, and since they never swipe your card for the games at the carlson center, and because I never go to any of the other games (basketball, etc) I can get TONS of tickets. :D I have 4 tickets for each knight. I hope I can get someone to come with me. :D LOL! I came back early because we were getting spanked like a newborn baby! It was really sad. Like 38-22 the end of the first half. So, now i'm sitting in my room, looking all awesome with nothing to do. maybe i can get karrina and travis to go do something. I love getting dressed up, its extremely fun, but then I don't end up going many places. I'm hoping that I can find something or somewhere to go. :P Okay, well I guess thats all for now. :D
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Help from those who know blogger best
I can't seem to figure out how to get a picture on the profile. It asks for a URL, and I downloaded the thing it suggested for it, but that doesn't give me a URL. If anyone has any helpful advice, it would be much appreciated.
First Blog EVER
Okay, so I'm sure no one will really read this, because not many care much about my site. The name is from my little pony. Her origional name was bowtie, but I changed it to princess winter. I thought that was pretty. I didn't come up with it though, someone else did. I'm not sure if me having a blog is a good idea because I tend to reamble, especially when I am given the opportunity, but I guess, whoever is reading this, that is their fault. LOL! So, lets see, I guess I can give some background information so that incase random strangers read this. I'm 20. My birthday was on the 8th of February. :D I love birthdays. I'm living up on UAF Campus, and I love it up here. I love living on campus because you meet so many new people and theres always SOMETHING to do. :D Its great. Its actually winter carnival weekend or something. so theres alot of stuff happening, and for the governors cup (which is hockey game vs UAA). I love hockey. Too bad I'm starting this right before the last hockey game of the season (thats in town). So, what else about me. Today was the first day of the fast (which is a religious thing that I do where I don't eat between 6 am and 6 pm. The baha'i faith is my religion. Yeah, I'm sure theres more about me, but i'm just not sure what else to say. I'm a business administration major, because I want to be an administrative assistant, or executive assistant, or personal assistant. So, I didn't go to class today. I know I should, but I woke up late, and it is the first day that I'm not getting to eat, so i would be hungry and tired, and class was cancelled anyways, but I should have gone to my other classes, but I just decided not to. Bad, bad Evelyna. Okay, I think that that is about it. If anyone reading this can think of anything else they want to know about me, or something they do know about me that I should share, let me know. :D Oh, so a really bad picture of my pony will follow.