Nothing Much
So, I haven't updated since last saturday, probably because nothing has happened. Everyone got back from spring break, which has been great because i'm not so bored now. :D I spent my first week of work and school... it was a little stressful, and I had to learn how to balance them, so I would get my homework done and such. I had to take 3 hours off of work to do my homework, so I have to start doing it in the evenings. I have only played pool once since spring break. Its almost sad. I just can't bring myself to do anything that isn't sitting down doing nothing, unless its spending money. LOL! I bought my ticket to go to anchorage for Convention, so I'll get to see my mom and my friends there. Thats going to be awesome. :D I'm pretty excited about it. Thats not for another 3 weeks or something. This friday, my Junior Youth Group made their first newsletter, which hasn't been sent out yet, so don't tell anyone about it. :D It was fun to make. I think they had fun planning it. :D Haven't done anything REALLY fun for a while, but done things that were kinda fun. LOL! I think thats reallya bout it, except I got an A on my midterm for Econ, (the only midterm I had) and so that brought my grade from a C to a 86.6% (B). :D Thats happy. Oh, and Naw Ruz was last sunday. That was fun. Oh... big news and I can't believe that I almost forgot. My new cousin was born!!! Alexandria Shalamar Caldwell. :D I have a picture of her, but not on the computer, but maybe I can get one. Look forward to that.
At 8:43 AM, March 31, 2005,
Kate said…
Congrats on the midterm! Having a B is a happy thing.
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