Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Question of the Day: (Sorry Mom. LOL!)

So, Guys think lesbians are Hot right?

Guys also think twins are Hot.

So are Lesbian Twins Hot? (like with each other).

Isn't that Incest that ISN'T Hot?

Think about it.

Another Weekend Come and Gone

So, another weekend has come and gone and I didn't do anything CRAZY or anything. Just like any other days. I went to work, stayed home during the day (mostly). Went to Denny's one of the nights, but didn't order anything cause I can't afford it. I turn 21 in less than 2 weeks. I'm excited. :D Its been really cold until today when it rose to 20 below. For anyone who reads this and isn't from here... oh wait, who am I kidding... no one reads this except my mom, Rachel and then randomly others, but rarely. Anyways, so, yeah for alaskans, sometimes 20 below is warm. Mostly only after its been 40 or 50 below for a while. Anyways, Starting wednesday i'm going to start watching my sister-in-laws brother and sister (ruhi and ben). It should be fun, except they will be at school during the day, then I work nights, so I won't be able to spend alot of time with them, but I will sleep there to keep an eye on them and help them get off to school, etc. They shouldn't be hard to watch cause they are great kids. Anyways, its Ruhi's birthday today and I ran into her at Boston's while I was working. We went to sing happy birthday to a table, and there she was. I went to her house after work, and hung out for a while. ANywyas, Aaron and I have been fighting a bit lately, but we get over it. I think thats a good thing, that even though we fight, we get over it and work through it. That is the more important part. A good note to any guys that read this (which I think is none, but anyways),
"Never tell a girl that she could break up with you. If she didn't realize that
was an option, than it will only make her cry if you tell her that. She will
think that you want to break up with her. If she did see it as an option, then
she didn't need you to tell her, and will do it if thats what she decides"

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And the Room Cleaning Progresses, ever so slowly

Okay, so I haven't had that "Sleep Paralysis" thing since that one time. I'm glad so far its a one time thing. I had to have Aaron tell me ALL DAY that it was a one time deal and that I was okay, etc. Anyways that was saturday. During that day saturday I stopped by to see my dad and eat something and Aaron came in with me (which was really awesome of him cause he didn't want to because it was a Baha'i event, and he feels uncomfortable at them. Saturday night I had work. It was good. It was Senior Ball, and there were two Hockey games, so it was REALLY busy. It was fun though, as always. I saw rachel there at the end of my shift, and talked to her. Her dad left her with me so we went over to Aaron's house. Kyle was there and Bryce. We all hung out and joked around. It was a lot of fun. I'm glad Rachel had fun cause she was still upset about some things with Micheal (although they are good now. :D Yay for rachel). Aaron and I slept in on Sunday, and had told a girl saturday to come in because I didn't think they would be able to have me work really because I didn't get trained in what I was supposed to do. She came in, and so did I. I got 15 minutes though, until she was there. When she showed up, we talked with the manager, and she stayed. It was nice to have a night off. I don't really like working nights all that much because thats when I like to do things. Either way, I don't exactly remember what I did sunday besides make spaghetti. Monday Aaron had his first Auto Class in the evening. He enjoys it. I had to work, so we basically were both gone at the same time. He got out of class about the same time I was off work. We met at my house. Tuesday we both had class and work, but he had a class during the day too. Tuesday I got off work earlyish (like always nowadays) and we went to Denny's that evening, saw rachel, etc. I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night at a small nap for about 30-45 min this afternoon. Last night I realized that I'm really poor and I can't afford my bills, so I went job hunting. I went to FMH (fairbanks memorial hospital) to see if they had any openings. They didn't. (I check online, but my uncle said to ask a family friend, Carla). I went to the Newsminer, and it turns out they have a part-time Circulation position open. That would be perfect, and I really want it. Aaron got mad at me for making him wait, but we got over it. He gets mad about that alot. Its kinda my personality, but he wants me to try to change it, and I don't mind trying to do better at least. So, Aaron and I got in this fight and I'm still mad at him. I still Love him, but I'm mad at him right now. He has this habit of being REALLY grumpy when he wakes up in the morning. We were napping watching tv, and he woke up. I asked him if he started the truck, and he responded by telling me that wasn't important to him, REALLY rudly. I was more mad that he was rude than that he hadn't started the truck. He had to be to class. I tried to start it and it didn't start. He said the reason he was rude back was because I was bugging him about not starting it and he was busy getting his contacts in, etc. for class. Anyways, we were arguing about it, and he got mad at me. We didn't really talk the whole car ride. I didn't buckle (which I normally just forget to do) and figured out of spite we'd hit something and I'd fly through the window. OKAY before anyone freaks out, I know thats retarded. Its one of those emotional girl things. I try not to have those moments too often. It all worked out for the best cause I chickened out anyways. There was a moose in the rd, and everyone was breaking/swerving to miss it and slow down, etc. I buckled up when I saw it, cause I got scared we would hit it. We got to my house so he could drop me off, and I got his backpack out of the car. I meant to toss it into his truck and accidentally threw it too far. It basically looked like i chucked it into the car cause I was mad. He had said something that I didn't hear, but when i tossed the backpack in, he said nevermind. I told him he could call me if he wanted to (earlier when we were arguing he mentioned not calling me after class). Anyways, I'm still mad and waiting for an apology. If he can get mad at me and expect me to change one of the "downfalls" of my personality, than I can expect the same. I apologize when I make him wait for me, and I'm trying, but failing miserably. He didn't apologize. I don't know if he's trying, but it doesn't seem like it. So, yeah, i'm mad. Like I said before, I'm still mad, but honestly, all it would take is an apology, and i'd be okay. I think its almost good that I'm mad at him cause usually we get in a fight, I cry, and then he feels bad and we make up, but I rarely get mad at him. I think it means we are getting to the point where i feel safe getting mad at him and I'm not worried he will break up with me, which is a good thing, (I think). So, I know NONE of this mentioned me cleaning my room. Its a really slow process. I have more room than I used to on the floor, but its still a pain in the butt to get around, and usually involves stepping on stuff. Anyways, thats all for now. I know the post was INSANELY long. Thanks for reading, unless you skipped to the end and didn't really read it, in which case SHAME ON YOU! LOL!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sleep Paralysis

Okay, so I didn't work tuesday, which sucks because I was supposed to get trained to do EXPO (which is basically expediting the servers getting their food out). I was too sick so I wasn't there, and I wanted to get trained in that. Then I slept during the day tuesday because I was sick. Wednesday I unpacked alot of stuff in my room. Aaron and I put my mirror up, and my posters and my closet clothes rod. Wednesday night I didn't sleep, and I waited until Thursday evening to sleep. I fell asleep at 7 (missig the OC) cause I was so tired. I was even laughing at REALLY dumb things. When I woke up at like 5am the next morning, Aaron and I were just hanging out watching TV/Movies. I got tired and decided to take a nap. As I was falling asleep, I started to hear this REALLY loud ringing in my ears. It was making my head hurt, so I started to kinda moan (I'm a wuss). Well, no sound came out. I tried to cry out and I couldn't make any noise. I tried to move and I couldn't move my entire body. I thought my feet were sitting on Aaron's lap, so I tried moving my toe, and barely could. It wasn't doing any good. I was so TERRIFIED. Finally, I decided to breathe really hard and fast. I was hoping Aaron would hear me and do something (I wasn't sure what yet). He said he didn' know why, but he just decided to look at me. He saw that my body was moving alot faster (like I was breathing fast). He thought maybe I was hurt or something and that I was saying ow or something. He couldn't hear me breathing though. He said Hey and I could hear him, but not what he was saying because of the LOUD LOUD ringing in my ears (it would get stronger, and lighter and stronger and lighter but always making my head hurt really bad). I didn't answer, so he lifted up the pillow over my head. My arm was over the pillow, so it woke me up. I was so scared. I cried and was scared about sleeping next time. I went online and read about it, and figured out its called Sleep Paralysis. Basically it can be caused by a disruption in your sleep schedule or stress, etc. It can be hereditary, or it can be a once in a lifetime thing. I kept making Aaron tell me it wouldn't happen again, but I was still really scared. Anyways, you can look it up if you want. I worked tonight, and also got paid my tips for the last two weeks ($70! I only expected like $30). I got gas, and toilet paper. Anyways, thats all for now. :D (oh, besides I talked to the landlord and explaind that I couldn't pay the rent, and they would have to do what they would do, but I was sorry).

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sick. :(

So, I've been spending alot of time sleeping recently. I have also been working since Friday... I was supposed to work tonight too, but I'm feeling really sick. I might even go to the doctor tomorrow if I am not feeling better by then. Anyways, I cannot seem to think of what I wanted to blog about, but yeah, mostly just been working and sleeping. Thats about it for now. Okay, I know that is the worst post ever, but I really don't remember what I wanted to write.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cops out like crazy

Okay, so I went to visit with my dad on thursday. He had gotten an offer for a credit card with a really good transfer balance rate. We set it up so that we transferred ALL my balances (if it goes through with each place) except my CapitalOne, cause its a CapitalOne, so they won't transfer it. All the rest will hopefully work. Then, I have one low payment a month. My dad and I talked about me getting more hours at work, or going job hunting. I made Aaron Taco's (it was fun to cook for him.) They were pretty good. After that we went back to his house, and played worms most of the night with him, his roommate, and 3 of his friends. (if you haven't played worms, its a game where you get a couple little worm guys, and shoot heavy artillary and such at each other. Its really fun. Anyways, Friday, I didn't wake up until right before work because we had been up so late the night before playing the game. I went to work, and enjoyed myself. I like my job. Aaron had dropped me off, to save time, so when he came to pick me up, we stopped by my house to get some food and pick up some things, and then went back to his house, and played some more worms. I went to bed earlier than the couple nights before. I got up around 12:30, ate breakfast, went to Boston's to talk to them about my schedule, and they gave me 26.5 hours a week. :D Thats basically how much I need to pay my bills. I'm excited that I don't have to get a second job. Especially because if I change my tax information like my dad suggested so they are taking less out, then I will get more money, and I almost ALWAYS stay late every day, because I just never get out on time. Anyways, I started to take a nap, when my mom called. I realized I had to be at work at 4, not 5 like usual, so I was late. I got to work and had a pretty good time. Got off work and came home. I had to get gas, and so Aaron came over and we went to the Gas Station. I came back to the house, and asked if he wanted to go anywhere. He wanted to go to Safeway, so we went there, but on the way I got pulled over. I had already seen about 5-7 people pulled over by then, and after saw 5-7 more pulled over all on Geist between University and the Mitchel Expressway. It was rediculous. I got pulled over because I didn't come to a COMPLETE stop at a redlight, turning right with NO ONE AROUND! I think they must have been looking for someone, because I don't know why else they would be out in force like that. I didn't get a ticket, but I didn't have my license on me, and so he "talked" to me about it. We left and went to safeway. I didn't want to go home, so we went to my driveway. We sat there for a while, trying to call people we knew, to do something. We found out that Michael, Rachel's boyfriend, his truck had died, but Rachel was going to go help him. I told her to call if she needed help. We came inside and were doing NOTHING, except surfing the internet. She called back, and we went to help him out. It was funny because we had JUST seen them today and Michael and Aaron had JUST met that day, and both complaining about it, and then we went to help them. They liked each other just like Rachel and I predicted. LOL! It was actually kind of fun. So, now I'm back at home and just hanging out doing nothing again. :D Thats all for now. Aaron is going to try to get me Civilization II (off my wishlist) :D

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So, I went to UAF. It turns out the money on my accoutn was a "computer glitch" (stupid) and I didn't really have the money. So, I went and talked to my dad. I am going to go tomorrow and look at consolidation loans. I also need to find a secnod job if Boston's cannot give me more than 30 hours a week. I will be living cheaply until I start either making more an hour or start working full time. With just the Consolidation loan, I can pay off all my loans, and only pay monthly rent, and insurance, and then the consolidation payment. My dad is going to Co-Sign the loan. The payoff date is 5 years, but hopefully, if everything goes well, I'll pay it off even earlier. I'm going to hold off on getting a cell phone for a while too. I'm going to try to live really cheap. I don't think i'll skimp on food from home though, because I really want to eat real food instead of crap (i.e. canned food and mac n' cheese). Okay, so, maybe you are wondering about the title. I decided to put a wishlist on my blog, in case someone wants to buy me something for my birthday etc. I"m not asking for anything, just putting it out there, so if someone wanted to get something and didn't know what to get. I also put the prices, but they are approximate.


Down Comforter-$65.00
Mille Bornes-$10.00 (off ebay, its a card game)
Rock N' Roll Racing-$15.00 (off ebay, its supernintendo, not gameboy advance)
Shining Force-$20.00 (off ebay, its a Sega Genesis game)
Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker-$20.00 (off ebay, also Sega Genesis)
Civilization II-$14.95 (I can purchase it from my computer, I have already downloaded it)
Someone caring about me-Priceless.... (sorry, had to add that)

Anyways... yeah, I'll add stuff another time if I think of anything. Most of them are games because I don't have any games I like. Its something to do that would be free! Thats all.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Okay, so now i'm not sure about the financial aid thing. I went to double check and it still said "Appeal Denied" and when I went to my account last night, it said that I still owed 744 or something. Now, on my account it says something like that I have an A/R Refund and has financial aid on there, which means that I did get it. I'm just thoroughly confused now. Aaron and I are going to go up to UAF to ask them now. I'll let everyone know what they say.

So, I guess its been a long time

Sorry its been so long. I have internet at my house now, but I haven't had a chance to really blog. Last time I posted was my first weekend of work. During the week I think I just spent most of my time sleeping and unpacking and stuff. Aaron went out of town for snowmachining for a couple days last week too. Last week I went shopping for food. I went to the commisary with Aaron, and I got lots of food that I can cook. I decided that I want to start eating real food, not canned food. I still have canned food, but I was tired of having just canned food. I got stuff to make Taco's (which I'm making tomorrow night), and stuff to make Enchilada's, and stuff to make sandwiches. I also bought Egg's and Bacon. Its been nice eating real food. So, this weekend I worked at Boston's again. I really enjoyed it again. I really do like my job. I told my boss Friday night that I could work whatever hours they want me to, because I have TONS of free time on my hands, and she told me she wished I had told her earlier, so she could have put me on the schedule. I think I will remind her on Friday night. Last night was the employee party, and Aaron said he'd go. Before I went, I went online and checked my Financial Aid, but my appeal was denied. I cried for a while, because I'm really not sure what I want to do now, but I had to go to the party. We got there and Aaron decided he didn't want to be there. He complained the entire time until right before we left (about an hour into it) and then he told me I could stay, but by then I didn't want to. So, later that night we talked about what I was going to do about not getting my loans. I've decided to talk to my dad. I'm hoping I can convince him to co-sign a consolidation loan, that way I can pay it off from one place. I tried consolidation agencies, but they don't really help at all. My dad could easily get a loan from his bank. If he agrees to that, then I could pay off all my bills, and just have the consolidation loan and regular bills. Also, this weekend at work I was talking to them, and they practically assured me that when I was 21 I could be a server. If I'm not taking classes this semeseter (which I'm not since I can't get a student loan) then, I will be able to work whenever. If they don't give me more hours next schedule, then I will find another second part time job. I will have to figure out something, because right now I had promised every bill collector that I would pay on the 20th, and now I have no money coming in. Anyways, if anyone else has any ideas, feel free to let me know. I tried a debt consolidation agency, and they were charging me $50 a month, and lowering my payments, but then they weren't telling my people, so it wasn't doing me any good. Everyone still saw it as I wasn't paying enough or on time. It didn't do anything.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I'm not in jail.

Okay, so... I have been really really busy. So, Tuesday we were PLANNING on going to see the Landlord, but the landlord ended up talking to Aleena's mom, Helen on the phone, so she e-mailed the landlord to have him let us out of the lease. I don't really remember what I did until 4:30, cause I just remember going to pick Aaron up at the airport. I think I did some errands and went to lunch with Aleena at Bostons. I was "on time" to pick up Aaron at the airport, but his flight was early, so he was already getting his luggage. I was really excited to see him. :D We got some food and then went back to my house. I think I went to bed that night at like 8, because I was so tired. Wednesday I worked swing shift. I spent time with Aaron until I had to be there. Thursday I spent most of the day packing and moving into my new place. I really like the new place. Friday was my first day at Bostons. I really really like it. On thursday, Helen called, and told me the details of the "breaking the lease" She made it sound like the Landlord could probaby rerent it really easily. She said that they would let us out of the lease. I was thinking, YAY. She said there were a few catches. One, we would have to be out before the first of the month. Two, we would have to pay rent for January. I was like, Okay, thinking, i don't have the money, but i'll figure something out. Then she tells me, if they can't rent it before february, we have to pay february. Basically, we have to pay rent until they rerent it. Thats not really doing us any good, except for looking good for us, that we didn't "break it." Helen (and the landlord later) tried to tell me that they could sue me for ALL the rent until August, but legally, they can't do that. They have to make an effort to rerent it, and if they do, they cannot charge us for rent anymore. Anyways, when I called the landlord, she told me it was a slow season, so shes not sure if she can rerent it, and we technically don't have to be out of the place until we stop paying rent (so we can be out after the 1st). Good deal, cause the girls weren't even done packing this morning. I tried to talk to Aleena about the deposit. She thinks her mom should get the whole thing back, so does her mom. So, I wouldn't get anything back, even though I paid for a third. To top it off, Felicia or one of her friends broke her window (really bad, $300 to fix) and someone punched a hole in the bathroom door (not me or Aaron, and everyone in the house knows it.) Now, i'm pretty sure paying for it will come out of ALL of our deposits, instead of just ours. Basically, I'm going to talk to them, and if they decide that I'm going to have to pay for that, or that I'm not getting my part of the deposit, etc, then I will not be able to trust Aleena in the future and we would not be able to be friends. I hate to say that, but it is true. Anyways, so Life at Bostons. Its really fun. I really like working there. Its alot more relaxed (as far as professionalism). Its more a "fun place" than uptight. We joke around, and even with the customers. I think its mostly cause its partially a sports bar. They aren't really picky about how I wear my uniform, or my hair. I didn't even really get any rules about the place. Everything I've learned about it, I've learned from other employees. I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Also, there are alot of different things there. My manager told me not to let anyone move, even if they want to. If I sit them in a table, and they want a booth, then don't let them move. Most places, the customer is always right, and I know I used to hate it when people would move at Denny's. I had one lady walk out, call back, say I was being rude because she wouldn't sit where I told her to sit, and asked for the manager. He was too busy, so she asked for HIS managers name, and our names. I gave it to her, but it was kinda sad that she went through all that, because she didn't want to sit in a certain seat. Anyways, New Years Eve was nothing. I got off work and went to my old house to pack and talk to my mom. We talked through the new years (I hope she is excited about that) and then I didn't see Aaron until closer to 12:30. He was somewhere else for new years eve. At first I was a little mad, but I'm over it now. Anyways. I started this last night, while Aaron and his friends packed to go on a snowmachining trip. They won't be back until wednesday night. I saved it for now, which is Monday night. I didn't do anything at all today. My phone should be switched to my new house tomorrow. Hopefully that happens. :D We are still not out of the place, and the papers still aren't signed, and blah blah blah. Anyways, thats all for now.