American Idol
I only have a few moments to post, so I am going to do a quick post and do a real post another time, eventually. So I don't know who all watches american idol that reads this. I usually don't, but this year, I was watching hte tryouts, which is what I usually watch, and there was this kid that I thought was awesome. Him and his sister were these little middle eastern kids and they both seemed like really good, moral kids. I liked them so much, i decided to watch until they got kicked off. I think the girl got kicked off right away. The boy, isn't really a very great singer. So, the funny part is, that he is still on. They are down to the top 12 right now, and america has voted off some awesome singers and kept this kid on who is an okay singer, but a great, positive kid. He seems more shocked than anyone every time they don't send him home. I wondering if this is a change in the way american's are thinking? Are they now more concerend with personality and morals than with a skill that a person has? I sure hope so. I would vote for him too if I voted for anyone. Anyone else have any thoughts?
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