Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I guess I can update

So, I guess I should update. Life is going good. Home is nice. Its getting all settled. My room is still a mess, but I will get to cleaning it soon. My living room and kitchen is clean most of the time. The "dining room" or basically the area where my table is is still messy. Some of it is Aaron's stuff, and some is mine. My bathroom is really clean too. :D Its nice living by myself. No roommates to deal with. I know no one is doing drugs in my house because I'm the only one here. Thats really nice. :D I never smell weed anymore. Its wonderful. :P No one has even dented Aaron's truck even though there are about 60 apartments here. :P LOL! Anyways, I am in a nice routine. None of the drama that went on Daily at Boston's. Its awesome to just have little boring stories from work, get off work, watch one my 200 channels... hang out with Aaron, etc. I went to a Baha'i Reflection Meeting Saturday. It was really nice. I haven't been to anything like that for a while. I am starting a book 4 tutored by Maniksaq (for those of you who know him) Friday. I'm really excited. Its one of the only books I haven't done. The NEW book 5 is the only one left and they might be starting one soon. :D It will be nice to not only have something social every friday, but some Baha'i activity in my life. Right now I don't have alot of social activity because the only people I talk to here is Aaron, his family and Jordan sometimes. He has a few friends in class, but isn't ready to hang out with them outside of work. At work I don't get much social interaction because I work with one person, my boss. I see people every now and then, but none my age. They are all bar owners, all 30-40-50, etc. Its funny, I remember having so many Baha'i friends here a long time ago. I don't know what happened to them. LOL! Anyways, I'm going to hang out with Jordan today and I went to H2Oasis Saturday night and Saturday day I had the Baha'i Reflection Meeting, so I've had lots of social interaction this weekend. :D I'm feeling good about that. Anyways, so thats the update. I'm happy, work is okay (my boss thinks i"m a total idiot), money is going okay, spirituality is going okay, relationship is going okay. In general I don't have any problems. :P This is nice. :D :D :D

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Not Confidential

Just wanted to say that there was nothing confidential in that post. I specifically checked it to make sure that there was nothing confidential. I took our the office I work for and the phone number, etc. Everything that I explained was my trials and tribulations with the company and were all things that could have happened to me as an individual if I wanted to try using Symantec Anti-Virus. If whoever commented wants to explain why it would be confidential, feel free.

Problems with Symantec? I can relate!

So, this is something I've been doing at work, for everyone who keeps asking me what I do at work. LOL! So, just a brief intro. This is a letter I wrote to Digital River. Digital River is the company that run's Symantec's website. Symantec asked them to hire a company from India to handle ALL the customer service. Basically, my boss tried to renew her Anti-Virus 7/12. When she renewed it, she mailed a check to where they told her, and made out to who they told her to. Then, the check wasn't cleared until 8/7. They never sent her a confirmation code to renew her anti-virus. She has a temporary one now. I finally got ahold of someone besides this company in india, and this is the letter I wrote to them (at their request).

Judy Alexander:

Thank you for
your help with this issue. Enclosed is a copy of our cleared check and the order
confirmation page. Listed below are the times that I personally have contacted
the Customer Service in India regarding this issue.

*I first spoke
with a representative on 8/30/06. The representative told me that he saw that
they had receieved my check, but it hadn’t been processed yet. He said if we had
not received an e-mail confirmation by 8/31/06, to call back and ask for the
“higher authorities.”
*I spoke with a different representative on 8/31/06. I
asked immediately to speak with the “higher authorities.” I was told I would be
able to speak with them, but to let the representative know the problem so they
could give that information to their supervisor before he/she spoke with me. I
gave them the information they asked for. The representative told me that he saw
the problem, and there was no need to speak with the supervisor. He said that
they have our check, and it has been cashed, but it hasn’t been “processed” yet.
He offered me a 15-day trail version of the anti-virus software we ordered, and
said that it would defiantly be taken care of within the week.
*We did not
receive the confirmation code as promised within the week. I called again asking
to speak with a supervisor. Again the representative tried to solve my problem
without going to the supervisor. When I insisted I speak with a supervisor, they
put me on hold. The representative came back on the line and told me they had
spoken with their supervisor, and assured me that the problem would be taken
care of. I insisted again to actually speak with the supervisor. She told me the
supervisor would say the same thing, and I insisted again to speak with them.
The supervisor told me that they were forwarding it to the accounting
department. I asked if I could speak with them directly. The supervisor again
assured me that it would be taken care of. I had to ask several times for the
phone number of the people he was forwarding it to. Eventually, I was told that
they did not have a phone number for that department. They only had an e-mail
address. He insisted that he would follow up, although when I asked him how he
planned to follow up if all he had was an e-mail address, he just repeated that
he’d follow up on it.
*I was contacted by someone (also in India) named
Jacob. He asked me the same questions my boss had given answers for twice. I
gave him the information, and he thanked me.
*I looked online for a phone
number for Symantec. I got an operator for their headquarters in California. She
gave me a number that she thought was for Digital River. It directed me again to
India, to the same representatives. I eventually looked at Digital River’s
annual report and found a phone number at the bottom. I called and spoke with a
receptionist, who was extremely helpful. She gave me a phone number for the
Manager of Customer Service and Accounts Receivable. She transferred me to
Accounts Receivable, and Judy Alexander was extremely helpful also. She asked me
for all the information I’ve listed here, and a copy of the cleared check, and
said she would find out what was happening.

If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me. My time zone is the Alaska Time Zone (a
separate time zone one hour later than the west coast). I am available Monday
through Friday 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm. Please accept my sincerest thanks for
assisting me with this problem.

Evelyna Caldwell

So, that was fun. I've spent so much time on it. She's probably spent twice as much as she spent on the product paying me to fix it. Oh well.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sorry So Long

Okay, sorry its been so long. I've just been busy with work and unpacking. I usually try to blog on the weekends, but last weekend my mom was here, so I didn't get to. So, update... I'm getting into a nice regular schedule. Is pretty nice to have a regularity to my life. Even though its kinda boring, its nice that there isn't all this craziness every day. I have been thinking more and more about getting a second job. I got my first paycheck Friday. It was for $13.50 an hour, even though it was supposed to be $13, but thats not only okay, but good.

When I calculated my bills, I went for yearly, instead of monthly. So months that I only get 4 paychecks (1 check a week), I am making just enough for my bills. If I get 5 checks, I have extra money. Well, since there is only 4 extra checks a year, that means I would have to save the extra checks and budget them, which I have trouble with. At first I was thinking of waitressing. I might, but thats alot of work, and usually they need you for more than two days a week, and you have to work Weekend nights if you do work only a couple days a week. I started thinking about working at a coffee shop instead. That would be fun, cause I liked it before. I have to see what days I'm available outside of work first. There are days at my job where I may have to work outside of 8-5, so I need to know what days they would usually be, so I don't work those days.

Anyways, Yesterday (saturday) was mine and Aaron's 1 year anniversary. It sucked, but today was better. I got up early Saturday and went shopping with Nava for work clothes. That was good to not only spend time with Nava, but also I got some really good clothes. So Aaron went to class while I was doing that, and went to lunch with his parents, etc. Once we both got back to my apartment, we were going to go to H2Oasis. I was REALLY excited cause it would make the day really different because it was such a special day. Well, H2Oasis wasn't open, they were closed for Maitenence. We were very sad.

We hung out at my apartment watching this STUPID show all day until late, after dinner. We then went to dinner at a Chineese Restaurant. We had planned on cooking a steak dinner together. That was special too, but I didn't have a broiler pan, so we didn't do that either. We went to Wal-Mart and then to the Dimond Mall. Aaron got me a cell phone cover. I was pretty sad because it was such a big event, and he got me a gift I would get for a vauge friend for their birthday.

Today was way better. We woke up REALLY late, which was nice. We went to lunch, shopping at WalMart and Office Max and the PX/Commisary. What made it better, was that we spent all day looking at Printers. Aaron had one he had gotten for free, but it had broken the other day. I wanted to surprise him, so when we found one that was a good price, I bought it for him. He was surprised, and seemed happy about it. He said he felt bad because he didn't get me anything expensive. It was a nice chance to talk to him about how I had been feeling. I think he got the idea, and he said that my cell phone cover was only part of my gift.

We spent a little time with his mom, and then rented a movie and came home to watch it. Thats what we are doing now. He spent a little time setting up his printer, which he seemed to have fun with. He printed some pictures on the picture paper they gave us with the computer. He printed a picture of himself for me, and a picture of me for himself. I put a speaking bubble on the picture of me, that said I love you Aaron. Anyways, I am so glad that Aaron and I are still together, and i hope we are together for many more 1 year anniversaries. I really love him, and he makes me so happy. :D