Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Leslee's BBQ

So, this Bar-B-Que rocked. I didn't have enough time yeterday to do everything I needed to do. I got up and went to lunch with Aaron, then I picdked Nava up and showed her my new home and we went shopping and on a coffee run. She went back to her brothers house and I went to the BBQ; It was just Leslee, Dani and me and Donna at first. We had WAY too much food I think. I had to leave to pickup Aaron cause he wouldn't go otherwise. I did my devotions for feast while I waited for him to get home and then we went back to the BBQ for about a half an hour. We left to get the devotions printed and made it to feast a few minutes before. I went in to give them the devotions, and they had already done their own. I was a little offended. They said they weren't able to get ahold of me, but i put my phone number on the paper and hadn't missed a single calll. No one really tried to get ahold of me. Everyone has my number or my dads number who has mnine They basically assumed I was going to forget and just didn't even bother to talk to me about it. They said they'll use the devotions another time, but I finished them whenb I could have been doing something else. Anyways, we stayed at the BBQ until 10:30 or 11:00. Aaron was PERFECT He was social and not clingy, and affectionate, and just all around wondeful. :) I just got up at like 2:30. Something about this house makes me sleep forever. Its kinda creepy. I never want to get up for work or anything and I don't wake up if I don't set an alarm. Weird.

Oh, and I took TONS of pictures, well, some. So, I will post them on my pics site eventually.

PS Rachel called me yesterday morning and she is a homeowner, a real once, b/c the home is actually already on land, etc.


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