Stressing About Work
So, the most recent update of my life would have to be titled "Stressing about Work". Basically, I love my job. I love the environment for the most part, I love alot of the people I work with. one of the things I really like about it is that They are very understanding of emergancies. If some emergancy comes up and I have to miss work, everyone understands and it is okay that I"m not there, unlike other jobs I've had. I was loving work more than ever up until the other day. The production Manager that came from fairbanks to help out, who became production manager, became general manager on the 1st. I am not sure if he just doesn't like me, doesn't think I"m doing a good job, or it isn't anything, but I am not enjoying work since he took over. He has told me not to talk to insurance companies (which is half of our business) and then the next day not to talk to customers (which is the other half). Now, I am reduced to answering the phone and transferring or taking messages. I can do a few other simple tasks, such as a little bit of data entry or filing, but other than that, nothing. Because of that, I don't have nearly as much to do. I was busy today, but I not only finished my pile of things from Friday, but I also went through a book of people to call and schedule and left a message for evrey single one. So, tomorrow, if leslee leaves stuff for me to do, I will have enough to do before I go to lunch, and then after that, nothing. I hate doing nothing. The worst thing about all of this is that I hate that they don't think I'm going a good job. I figure the only reason they would not let me do things I had been doing for a while is because I"m not doing a good enough job. I hate feeling like that. Thats one of the worst things in a work environment for me, if feeling like they think I'm doing a bad job. So, I stress about that all the time. My "Supervisor" (or the other receptionist basically) keeps saying that I have to learn the basics, and not to take it personally, but I wasn't aware that I didn't have the basics down. I thought I was doing good. I was apparently mistaken. She also goes on and on about how it takes time and I haven't been there for very long. When I started there, she had been there for 8 or 9 months. She was already practically in charge of the whole place (and this is 8 or 9 months total between both the chaz's cause she mentioned she started at the other one. I have been there a little more than half the time she was when I started, and I"m nothing but a switchboard. So, yes, I'm stressing. I don't know if expectations are higher here, or if I'm different, but I used to be the favorite of every workplace. Everywhere I worked I exceeded expectations, and they gave me glowing references and they loved me. Ever since I moved to Anchorage, every job has had such high expectations for me that I was pushing myself to do my best harder than I ever had before, and it still wasn't good enough. Thats tough for me to accept, that my best isn't good enough. Aaron's really sweet saying he's sure i'm a great employee and he's sure that they like me. Other than him and his family, he's the only one. Everyone who seems me work doesn't seem to feel the same way. They just don't say anything one way or the other. Anyways, enough about that. My cats are the most annoying pets in the world. Too bad I love them so much. They scratch up everything, they run everywhere day and night and that make as much noise as two toddlers in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep. Its insane! Thats pretty much all of my life. We'll see how its going down the road. :P
At 10:09 PM, March 12, 2007,
Rachel_Bachert said…
Hey V, Sorry about work... Im sure aaron is right though... i know how you feel though, my boss this summer was like that and basically told me that i would never ever get a job with the federal government again as long as she was still working... i was like fine... why would i want to work for a c*$t anyway right? Anyway, i think work jsut sucks in general and even if you enjoy it somebody has to come along and make you miserable, thats why its called work...nobody really wants to do it:) wel i hope things get better miss you
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