Monday, November 28, 2005
Okay, so I know its been like a week. Almost exactly. Okay, so my internet went down and I brought it to Geek City, on monday or tuesday, then they called me wednesday, but I didn't get in there to pick it up, and thursday was thanksgiving, and so I figured they were closed, but then realized they probably were open, but then it was too late to pick it up. I went in saturday, but then didn't get a chance to blog until now. I didn't work last night. Called in sick. Aaron and I spent time together. It was really nice. I went to work tonight, but they weren't sure if I would be in, so they scheduled someone else. I worked until 1, then drove around with Aaron. My dad and April and Ben stopped by to eat before this thing they had to do at 1. It was nice. I'm going to go job hunting tomorrow. I hope I find something cause I really hate my job. Anyways, so, thanksgiving... I don't really like it, but whatever. I've been spending alot of time helping aaron move into his new place. He's moving into work. We recarpeted, repainted, replaced celing tiles. It was fun because i've never done anything like that. It keeps amazing me how much stuff him and his friend bryce know how to do. Anyways, it was pretty fun. So thats whats been up since last time I blogged...
Monday, November 21, 2005
I'm on a roll
Wow, i've updated every day huh. Okay, I still hate my job, but it was okay today. The only nice thing about working somewhere where EVERYONE goes, is that you get to see people you haven't seen, and can start hanging out with them. Anyways, today I woke up to aaron being mad at me. He called a couple times and kept getting mad cause I wasn't awake yet. We talked about it for a while, and he still seemed upset until he got here, and then he seemed fine. He said he jsut really wanted to see me and I was sleeping. We went out to eat, rented a movie and came home. We watched it and he was so sweet. I was trying to make Rachel feel better because she was upset about something and he was okay with that, but still wanted attention. Finally, I payed attention to him. Then, we finished the movie and I went to work. I got there, and it was pretty slow, so helen suggested that I take my break as early as possible. I took it about 1.5 hours after I started. I got off break and had two tables (one of six). No problem, then another, then another, then another, then another... all in a row. The other guy left and I was running around like crazy doing all these tables. Helen came out and helped me, because they just came in this stream. I knew quite a bit of them. Thats how the hanging out with new people came up. A friend from UAF that I used to hang out with (Woody) came in. I didn't really get to talk to him, so I told him to call me and gave him my number. Anyways... it slowed down after that. It was nice. I had to do the ENTIRE buildings sidework because I was the only one there. I was worried I would never leave, but I actually got all of it done, except wiping down the counter, before the dayshift waitresses came in. When they came in, I wiped down the counter and was all done when they told me I needed ranch. I was told earlier that it was already done and taken care of. It took me half an hour to make ranch, so I got out of there at 7:45 (after counting out) instead of 7:15. I was so excited too that I had gotten all my work done and was going to be out so early. Anyways... tomorrow im getting up, taking a shower, going to FMH and bostons to see about a job, and buying a sunday paper to see what jobs are in there. I really want a different job. ON the plus side I made almost 100 today in tips, and that was about 20% of my sales. Good for me. :D
Sunday, November 20, 2005
To All You Non-Tippers... I hate you
So, today I made 8% of my sales in tips. I would have made at least closer to 10%, but I had a table of students from UAF (I even knew a few) with a $117 table, and they tipped about 3.00 MAYBE, and that covered the part I had to pay for their meal cause our register is dumb. Let me explain that part.
Okay, so today I woke up and Aaron came over for a bit. He said he talked to Aleena online and she thought I was mad at her, and he explained that I thought she was mad at me, (well she was, but she wasn't anymore) and that me and her should do something together and talk. We hung out, went to Food Factory (it took forever. Aaron Kyle and I ended up tipping the hostess instead of the waitress cause she did EVERYTHING, besides enter the order. I saw our waitress once, to double check what the hostess took (sidenote: if I do a shitty job, I don't deserve a tip). Anyways, then Aaron took me home and He and Kyle and Bryce went snowmachining. I played worms and did some laundry. Aleena came home and we were fine. YAY! I still think what I said last night about the whole Forrest thing, but as long as she's not mad at me, I"m okay. Aaron came back over later, and he's always so lovey dovey during/after snowmachining. I think he just gets happy. All he wanted to do was be with me and spend time with me and hug me, etc. I love it. He'll tell me how much he likes me and how pretty I am. Its a great self-esteem thing. LOL! Anyways, we hung out for a while, then he left. Aleena and I went to the store (where we ran into him and bryce) and then I made it home, changed, and was 5 minutes late to work. Then, work was okay, but kinda lame... and I hate non-tippers (at least the ones who don't tip even thoughthey got good service). I'm in an okay mood, except I need to make another $100 or so so I can pay for insurance. Thats all for now.
People can comment if they want. So, when someone buys a meal, we ring it up, and then a ticket prints. Lets say, you get a Burger with Seasoned French Fries. Seasoned French Fries are $0.50 extra. It rings up the burger as.. lets say 8.70 (I don't remember how much). So, instead of saying the total for the burger is 9.20, or saying that the burger is 8.70, but .50 is for the seasoned fries, it JUST says 8.70. Then the Total (after everything is added together) has the seasoned fries included. No problem if they all pay together. The problem arises when they split the bill.So, I ended up paying for all their add ons, which several of them got seasoned fries, I think a few added cheese or bacon or whatever. that probably totaled their tip. I also thought I didn't charge them for a shake, that I did... so I had to pay for that too. Work sucked. After I worked my ass off and didn't even get a spare moment to call Aaron, we close at 3, I didn't eat anything there cause I had already bought chinese earlier. I took my break until about 3:20. From 3:20 to 4:20 I was doing my sidework. Sidework is supposed to take you about a half an hour or less. I'm lucky I got out of there that fast. Lets explain another Denny's shortcoming.
They have basically 4 sections most of the time. Sometimes, if they have enough servers, they have 7 sections. The four sections are nicely divided (besides two random tables that are on one side of the center and are in the opposite sides section. Then the counter and two seaters are another section, then the tables in the back, then the back room. When they have 7 sections, theres a third section that is REALLY dumbly placed in the middle of two (taking seats from each section), and the reason its dumb is because they aren't really even how they split it, so it is just a few random tables on each side. The section they add to the back section is the same way. It just splits the table side somehow. Anyways... Two, since its only counter and two seaters, makes NO MONEY! It sucks. You have people who JUST get coffee (a quater, or maybe 1.25 tip for a bunch of coffee refills) and then little $20 tickets (so 2-3 dollars tip) with people that are willing to sit in the little seats (not nearly many). Nice thing about two is it also has a small set of sidework. The section I had (four) is the one I hate. Five has the big table (bigger sales, bigger tip) and it has quick sidework. Four has to do SO MUCH. It ALWAYS takes me at least an hour. You have to stock the dessert fridge, and then clean the whole back counter, and soak the soda things. It doesn't sound like much, but it really is. Stocking the Dessert fridge takes forever.Okay, so I guess this has turned into a rant about Denny's rather than the not tipping. I hate denny's. I NEED to find another job. Enough said. Okay, so the ranting about not tipping. I got taxed for $54 tonight, even though I only made $45. Thats lame. It makes up for the other times when I get taxed for less than I make. OH HAH. I was wrong, more downfalls of Denny's.
Because people are apparently inherintly dishonest, they lie about how much they are making for tips. The IRS needs to know that people are taxing their tips. Since its general policy to tip 10-15% of your meal, then they make a rule. You can CLAIM that you made 8% of your sales in tips or 10& of your sales in tips. If you claim less, the IRS thinks you are lying and will come hunt you down (sucks if you make less than). If you claim more, the IRS realizes (apparently they didn't know this before) that everyone is lying about how much they make, and they will come hunt everyone else down and give Denny's a lot of trouble for having people not claim their tips. I wanted to claim whatever I got (usually over 8%). I was told that I'm NOT ALLOWED TO. I am told that I'm REQUIRED to lie about how much I am making. That bothers me alot. Tips are alot of my income. On a good night, I make twice what my hourly wage is in tips. So yes, its dumb that I am not allowed to be honest.Okay, sorry... I really thought I was done. Anyways.. funny story from last night (well, it would be yesterday morning for you folks on regular time). I was getting my employee meal, French Toast. I'm always joking with the cooks and told them to make my French Toast special. They did. I was excited to try it, but scared also. I took a bite, and it didn't taste differnt. THey were like, you'll figure it out. I looked and saw something green. I was like, did they put lettuce between them? I picked it up and realized they had cooked it in. I was like, okay. He was like, try it its good. I took a bite and BAM! It wasn't lettuce it was green peppers. It was REALLY funny. THey offered to make me more, but i was full from the other 2 I had left.
Okay, so today I woke up and Aaron came over for a bit. He said he talked to Aleena online and she thought I was mad at her, and he explained that I thought she was mad at me, (well she was, but she wasn't anymore) and that me and her should do something together and talk. We hung out, went to Food Factory (it took forever. Aaron Kyle and I ended up tipping the hostess instead of the waitress cause she did EVERYTHING, besides enter the order. I saw our waitress once, to double check what the hostess took (sidenote: if I do a shitty job, I don't deserve a tip). Anyways, then Aaron took me home and He and Kyle and Bryce went snowmachining. I played worms and did some laundry. Aleena came home and we were fine. YAY! I still think what I said last night about the whole Forrest thing, but as long as she's not mad at me, I"m okay. Aaron came back over later, and he's always so lovey dovey during/after snowmachining. I think he just gets happy. All he wanted to do was be with me and spend time with me and hug me, etc. I love it. He'll tell me how much he likes me and how pretty I am. Its a great self-esteem thing. LOL! Anyways, we hung out for a while, then he left. Aleena and I went to the store (where we ran into him and bryce) and then I made it home, changed, and was 5 minutes late to work. Then, work was okay, but kinda lame... and I hate non-tippers (at least the ones who don't tip even thoughthey got good service). I'm in an okay mood, except I need to make another $100 or so so I can pay for insurance. Thats all for now.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I Hate Being Replaced
Okay, so this has happened to me other times, which I'm over, but that it happened again sucks. I have this sign that I guess says "For Use When LoveLife is Non-Existent." or something like that. I am not going to go over the first time, because I'm over it, and me and the person have gotten over it, and I love her. :D This time, its my roommate. We were spending almost ALL our time together when she was single. We were both single, so we were just running around having fun. It was some of the funnest times of my life, and also the most Dramatic. I'm sure you remember those times if you've been keeping up with my blog. So, anyways, as the story goes, I introduce her into a friend, and i'm so excited when they hit it off because I figured I wouldn't have to worry about her. I was apparently wrong.
She was SO into him that she wouldn't talk to thim about things because she was scared of losing him. I was like that with Aaron and first, but he reassured me enough that it definatly wasn't happening. (That was nice of him) So, when he broke up with her, it was devestating for her. She cried alot, and I was there to hold her and tell her it would be okay. The whole time she was dating him, if he was in town, she was with him. I'll admit, I'm like that with Aaron also. It was fun, us four. When they broke up I was willing to give up some time with Aaron to spend with her. I wasn't happy that she was sad, but I was excited about the possibility of getting to spend time with her again. For a while there, we weren't really ever talking because she was so busy with him.
A day after they broke up, he was back at the house. I was thoroughly confused. She explained that she wanted to stay friends with him. She'd rather have him as a friend than not at all. I could understand that. The thing is, that its still her and him in her room with the door closed. Its still him sleeping here, in her bed, more often than he did when they were dating. Its still him and her cuddling on the couch. She is still his doting servent. He does not have a car, but manages to get EVERYWHERE because he calls her for rides. She was hanging out with Aaron the other night, and he called for a ride, and immediately was free to drive him. She picks him up from sports events, drives him to them, to or from work when she's free. It started to worry me. It wasn't even me and her and him and aaron anymore. It was just them two. Granted, i'm not around as much because it bothers me. I've always been really protective of her, and what I see is her getting taken advantage of. I'm not the only one who sees this, btw. I worry that although she says they are JUST friends and she has NO feelings for him, that he will one day leave and not come back, and she will be left wondering why they never got back together, or something. Now, I probably just need to ignore it, because it really really upsets her when I say that to her.
There is another part to it. THat last part is the part that cares about her more than anything and worries when people are taking advantage of her or possibally going to hurt her. The selfish part of me is jealous. I know, its sad. But, it is really hard for me to handle everyone in my life always ditching me when they get someone new in their life. They get a boyfriend, and all of a sudden theres not time for me.
Now, where is this randomly coming from? So, last night (well still tonight for me) he was here when I came home. Awkward. I got my stuff and was going to clean my room and do laundry (desparately needed). I was distracted on the couch, they left, she took him to the gas station I guess. Apparently he was either meeting someone there or doing something there. She came back and asked me if I didn't like him anymore. I told her that that wasn't it. She asked if I was still mad at him I told her no. She asked why it was awkward, and I told her nevermind or something and that it was dumb. She took that as her and his relationship was dumb (I meant me being jealous cause it is admitedly a little childish). I told her no, then she assumed He was dumb (no) or that she was dumb (no). I told her, no, it was me, and I"m dumb, and not to worry about it. After that she stomped up the stairs and told her sister about how mad she was at me (thats why i felt she was sticking up for him over me, because she got mad at me, whose been there for her since 10th grade, because I wasn't being TOTALLY friendly to him). Anyways, when I heard her upstairs talking to her sister about how mad she was at me (thats ALL I NEED is her sister mad at me, its hard enough with her without Aleena being mad at me too) I decided I couldn't handle it.
I left. I cried, I called aaron but he was snowmachinging. I hung out at walmart. I went to bently mall. I stopped by rachels (not home) then Nava's. For those of you that don't know her, Nava isn't exactly the consoling type. Shes awesome and fun, but not good for making you feel better. I tried Aaron again, no answer. I tried his home and he was there. When I asked him if I could stop by (figuring he got my almost crying message about aleena being mad at me) he was like, I guess, if you want, but I don't know what we'll do (like he didn't really want me to). I was really upset that he wasn't being more sweet. When I got there it turned out that when he got the message it was really crackly and didn't really understand. He tried to make me feel better a little, but not a whole bunch. Bryce and me and him went back to my house (no one was home), got my work clothes, then I drove them back.
I was already having a horrible day and then I had to work. Lame. I get to work, and I'm in section 2 (thats all the little two seater booths and the counter. Tips as a percentage of sales might be okay, but you get WAY WAY less sales, so less tips total. They sent me home at 2:15. It was SO SO SO slow. I made almost $40 woohoo. I guess in 2.5 hours, thats pretty good. $16 in tips, but I really needed alot of money. Either way, now i'm home, glad to be home and can't wait to sleep. Tomorrow I plan to clean my room and maybe some of the house, and do laundry. Thanks for listening. Sorry its so long. I tried to add some paragraphs to make it easier.
She was SO into him that she wouldn't talk to thim about things because she was scared of losing him. I was like that with Aaron and first, but he reassured me enough that it definatly wasn't happening. (That was nice of him) So, when he broke up with her, it was devestating for her. She cried alot, and I was there to hold her and tell her it would be okay. The whole time she was dating him, if he was in town, she was with him. I'll admit, I'm like that with Aaron also. It was fun, us four. When they broke up I was willing to give up some time with Aaron to spend with her. I wasn't happy that she was sad, but I was excited about the possibility of getting to spend time with her again. For a while there, we weren't really ever talking because she was so busy with him.
A day after they broke up, he was back at the house. I was thoroughly confused. She explained that she wanted to stay friends with him. She'd rather have him as a friend than not at all. I could understand that. The thing is, that its still her and him in her room with the door closed. Its still him sleeping here, in her bed, more often than he did when they were dating. Its still him and her cuddling on the couch. She is still his doting servent. He does not have a car, but manages to get EVERYWHERE because he calls her for rides. She was hanging out with Aaron the other night, and he called for a ride, and immediately was free to drive him. She picks him up from sports events, drives him to them, to or from work when she's free. It started to worry me. It wasn't even me and her and him and aaron anymore. It was just them two. Granted, i'm not around as much because it bothers me. I've always been really protective of her, and what I see is her getting taken advantage of. I'm not the only one who sees this, btw. I worry that although she says they are JUST friends and she has NO feelings for him, that he will one day leave and not come back, and she will be left wondering why they never got back together, or something. Now, I probably just need to ignore it, because it really really upsets her when I say that to her.
There is another part to it. THat last part is the part that cares about her more than anything and worries when people are taking advantage of her or possibally going to hurt her. The selfish part of me is jealous. I know, its sad. But, it is really hard for me to handle everyone in my life always ditching me when they get someone new in their life. They get a boyfriend, and all of a sudden theres not time for me.
One of my friends pointed out that I do this with Aaron. I might have, but i'm not sure. That person was a baha'i. I have regrettably pulled away from the faith a bit, so being around the baha'is feels awkward. I always feel like they either 1)wonder where I've been and want to invite me back to things, not realizing that i don't want to go anymore or 2)are disapopinted that I haven't been to anything and wonder where I've been and don't invite me because they know I don't want to go, but look Sad. (i'd perfer this because that way they don't just keep inviting me and I keep having to say no) Anyways, totally off topic, but the point of that tangent was that I stopped hanging out with the Baha'is months before aaron and I started hanging out/dating. My non-baha'i friends I still try to find time for, and still call. I don't have my cell phone anymore, so thats a big part of my separation. The other is lack of money, and another is I'm tired of putting in ALL the effort. With Aaron, I don't have to do any effort, he's just always there. Its nice once in a while. With some people, I still put forth the effort (i.e. aleena, rachel, dad for a while).Anyways, back to the main point. Although its hard for me to be put aside for a boyfriend, its still easier than being put aside for just a friend. If she isn't "in love with him" or doesn't like him at all, then she has in essence replaced me, because I'm basically not in her life nearly as much as she is, and I live with her. It also feels like he's more important to her than I am because she not only spends ALL her time with him, and does things with him that she was supposed to do with me (ex:bake a cake we shopped for together), but she also seems to stick up for him more than me.
Now, where is this randomly coming from? So, last night (well still tonight for me) he was here when I came home. Awkward. I got my stuff and was going to clean my room and do laundry (desparately needed). I was distracted on the couch, they left, she took him to the gas station I guess. Apparently he was either meeting someone there or doing something there. She came back and asked me if I didn't like him anymore. I told her that that wasn't it. She asked if I was still mad at him I told her no. She asked why it was awkward, and I told her nevermind or something and that it was dumb. She took that as her and his relationship was dumb (I meant me being jealous cause it is admitedly a little childish). I told her no, then she assumed He was dumb (no) or that she was dumb (no). I told her, no, it was me, and I"m dumb, and not to worry about it. After that she stomped up the stairs and told her sister about how mad she was at me (thats why i felt she was sticking up for him over me, because she got mad at me, whose been there for her since 10th grade, because I wasn't being TOTALLY friendly to him). Anyways, when I heard her upstairs talking to her sister about how mad she was at me (thats ALL I NEED is her sister mad at me, its hard enough with her without Aleena being mad at me too) I decided I couldn't handle it.
I left. I cried, I called aaron but he was snowmachinging. I hung out at walmart. I went to bently mall. I stopped by rachels (not home) then Nava's. For those of you that don't know her, Nava isn't exactly the consoling type. Shes awesome and fun, but not good for making you feel better. I tried Aaron again, no answer. I tried his home and he was there. When I asked him if I could stop by (figuring he got my almost crying message about aleena being mad at me) he was like, I guess, if you want, but I don't know what we'll do (like he didn't really want me to). I was really upset that he wasn't being more sweet. When I got there it turned out that when he got the message it was really crackly and didn't really understand. He tried to make me feel better a little, but not a whole bunch. Bryce and me and him went back to my house (no one was home), got my work clothes, then I drove them back.
I was already having a horrible day and then I had to work. Lame. I get to work, and I'm in section 2 (thats all the little two seater booths and the counter. Tips as a percentage of sales might be okay, but you get WAY WAY less sales, so less tips total. They sent me home at 2:15. It was SO SO SO slow. I made almost $40 woohoo. I guess in 2.5 hours, thats pretty good. $16 in tips, but I really needed alot of money. Either way, now i'm home, glad to be home and can't wait to sleep. Tomorrow I plan to clean my room and maybe some of the house, and do laundry. Thanks for listening. Sorry its so long. I tried to add some paragraphs to make it easier.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I really need to find another job
Okay, so tomorrow my plan is to go to FMH and talk to a friend of mine to see if I can get a job there, and maybe also stop by Bostons to talk to a friend about a job there. I don't know exactly how it will work. I also have a newspaper from monday and tuesday. I was going to look in them for jobs. I should have gotten yesterday's too. I am really tired of working at Denny's. I hate the graveyard shifts and I hate Denny's. I'll figure something out I hope. :D Things with Aaron are good though. My sister in law and brother are in town. Its exciting to see them. I've missed them alot. I haven't gotten to spend alot of time with them though, because of either Aaron or my dad. I know it sounds dumb, but because of how my dad's been acting recently, its awkward, and its hard to be around him. I'm going to get to see them tomorrow though. I odn't know what we are going to do, but hopefully it will be fun. LOL! Thats all for now, I think. Oh, besdies that I'm watching The Pretender almost non-stop. I'm almost finished with the first season. Yay.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
I miss him
Okay, I know its retarded to miss him already, when he just left this yesterday evening, but for some reason, the weekend he chooses to leave, is the weekend I really need him. Thursday night/Friday morning I woke up with the worst cramps I've ever had. I took medicine and they went away, but it took me a long time to get the medicine because I couldn't move. Then I woke up friday morning and was supposed to go to breakfast with Rachel, but I was tired and still hurt, so I didn't go, which sucks cause I haven't seen Rachel in a while and really miss her. Then I woke up in the afternoon, and was getting ready to go see my dad, and my back started hurting (like a crick in your neck, but in your back). It hurt so bad that I could hardly move. I also had to get medicine for this infection I have, that they already gave me medicine for which I have been taking, and it turns out is the wrong kind. Then, I go talk to my dad, who proceeds to tell me he doesn't trust me and he's heartbroken with how I'm living my life. Hey, at least he gave me $40. I came home and laid on my bed and watched the first four episodes of the pretender before I went to work. At work, I dropped so many things and made so many mistakes and just kept hurting myself. While at the store earlier, I had slipped and stubbed my toe (which is now almost ALL BLACK). So today at work, my toe hurt, and my back hurt, so I couldn't really pick up things like normal, or bend over, or even really move any direction. Luckily, I was getting off at 4am instead of 7. So, it was REALLY busy, almost the entire time. I spent almost 2 hours doing sidework after I finished because it was so much and I didn't know how to do most of it. Then, FINALLY, at 5, I got off work. I counted my tips and I had made just barely 10%. For how hard I worked, it just felt like I should have made more. Its because alot of people didn't tip me at all. I'm lucky a few tipped an exhorbatant amount. I was definatly expecting more. Then, i get home and just want to go to bed. I go in to brush my teeth, and I decide to clean up the bathroom a little bit. Emptying the trash, I dump most ofit on the floor, so I have to clean it up. Then I go to get my toothpaste out of the mirror cabinet, and everything falls out of it because the pegs were coming out from below the shelves. I just couldn't handle it any more. I started crying. I tried to put them back and more things would fall, and then more things. FINALLY, I got them all up there, but by then I was crying. SO I brushed my teeth while I cried, then washed my face. I came back into my room and missed Aaron terribly. (he's snowmachining by the way). I decided I would text message him about how upset I was, and it would make me feel better (I can text him through MSN). I tried to sign on the MSN, and it was unavailable. So I couldn't even text him. He wouldn't get it until later anyways, but he would get it. Now, because I spilt crap ALL over me at work. I get to spend the saturday that my sister-in-law and brother come into town to visit washing clothes. and then I get to work tomorrow night. So, yeah... I just wish aaron were here because he would hug me and tell me everything will be all right and somehow just make all the shit go away. But since he's not here, he can't, and I get to cry myself to sleep instead.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
This is how this website rated my life
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | ![]() |
Mind: | ![]() |
Body: | ![]() |
Spirit: | ![]() |
Friends/Family: | ![]() |
Love: | ![]() |
Finance: | ![]() |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Life in Hell.... cough, I mean Denny's
Okay, so its not THAT bad. At least I am making money. I work friday through tuesday 11pm to 7am. I don't like that its graves. I hate sleeping during the day and stuff. Also, graves there are hardly any customers, so the tips are lower than the other shifts, and it gets so slow, that from about 4-6 or so, you almost fall asleep because its so boring. Also, Denny's told me today that they "overpaid me" which isnt' true. So I explained it to them, they argued with me, then I she talked to her other manager, and never called me back, so I'm assuming that they figured out their mistake. Its been nice being able to fill up my own tank, and buy Aaron dinner, and know that i'm getting the stuff done that I need to. I am still looking around for other jobs, but don't tell my bosses. LOL! Aleena said that the Cashier for the Service department is quitting, and its her last week, so she is going to try to talk to the manager of Service and see if they will hire me. I really hope they do. I'd love to work there, cause not only would I get to work at the same place as Aleena (not in the same department though), but it would be a sweet job, with hopefully lots of overtime and about 10 or 11 dollars an hour. Oh well, I've got to go cause Aaron is getting tired. He wants to drive me home. Any questions? Post them on my blog.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
A job, for real
Okay, I know i've said before that i have a job, and then it didn't go through. Okay, so I've been working graveyards at Denny's since saturday night, sundaymorning. Its okay. I'm getting better. I don't make ALOT of tips, but maybe it will get busier soon. Aleena said there is a Cashier quitting at Seekins. When the boss for that department gets back (he's been out) she's going to talk to him about hiring me. I would quit denny's in a second for that job. Anyways... I will update more later, but I only have about a half an hour and I have other stuff to do. But yeah, 11pm-7am at denny's if you ever are bored around that time.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Still not as happy as I could be
Okay, so I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I "supposedly" have a job at sears, although they have not called me back yet. I'm waiting for their call, and my cell phone has been shut off :'(. I bought a message machine yesterday so they could leave a message at my house. I hope she saved the sticky. I might stop by sometime tomorrow or tonight and make sure they haven't tried to get ahold of me. I need to start working Immediately. I have run out of gas (which I got from aleena cause I took her somewhere), and bills are still piling up. Sears pays 8.20. I realized today that, even at 8.20, I still cannot afford everything I have to pay for. I cannot restart my cell phone until I find another job, which I hate, because I HATE not having a cell phone. I went to TDL again today and the only position they have available right now is Dateline, and they don't want to send me over there unless I'm going to work there for like 3 years or something. I don't mind Dateline, but its 11-8, and working 11-8 for three years is alot, and even if it wasn't alot, its still Dateline. I don't know if I want to work there for 3 years. I could probably handle it if it were a year or so, but I don't want to spend all this energy convincing them that I'll work there forever, and then quit as soon as I find something better. TDL said they'd keep my file open. I think I might keep looking for jobs, like in the paper and such. I will just work at sears until I'm sure I have a job. I need at least 11.25 to just pay my bills. I really miss my cell phone already, even though its only been off for less than 8 hours probably. I don't know exactly when it turned off. So, now i'm just waiting for Aaron to get off work. I know he'll make me feel better. He always does. I've been having alot of fun just playing "worms" with him and bryce. I know it seems lame, but thats mostly what we do every day now. I hate all this time I have on my hands. I sleep most of the day, and then I dork around until aaron gets off work, then I hang out with him, then go to sleep. It's even worse when I have no money for anything. So, I probalby won't look for a job until I start at sears because I can't afford gas to go to an interview or to drop off applications or anything like that. Any suggestions? On a happier note, only about two weeks until my brother and sister-in-law come to visit. I'm SO EXCITED! I haven't seen them since August 2004, when I left for Belize. They will get to meet Aaron too, which will be awesome. :D Thats all for now I think. Anyone have any ideas of how I can get free money? LOL!