Still not as happy as I could be
Okay, so I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I "supposedly" have a job at sears, although they have not called me back yet. I'm waiting for their call, and my cell phone has been shut off :'(. I bought a message machine yesterday so they could leave a message at my house. I hope she saved the sticky. I might stop by sometime tomorrow or tonight and make sure they haven't tried to get ahold of me. I need to start working Immediately. I have run out of gas (which I got from aleena cause I took her somewhere), and bills are still piling up. Sears pays 8.20. I realized today that, even at 8.20, I still cannot afford everything I have to pay for. I cannot restart my cell phone until I find another job, which I hate, because I HATE not having a cell phone. I went to TDL again today and the only position they have available right now is Dateline, and they don't want to send me over there unless I'm going to work there for like 3 years or something. I don't mind Dateline, but its 11-8, and working 11-8 for three years is alot, and even if it wasn't alot, its still Dateline. I don't know if I want to work there for 3 years. I could probably handle it if it were a year or so, but I don't want to spend all this energy convincing them that I'll work there forever, and then quit as soon as I find something better. TDL said they'd keep my file open. I think I might keep looking for jobs, like in the paper and such. I will just work at sears until I'm sure I have a job. I need at least 11.25 to just pay my bills. I really miss my cell phone already, even though its only been off for less than 8 hours probably. I don't know exactly when it turned off. So, now i'm just waiting for Aaron to get off work. I know he'll make me feel better. He always does. I've been having alot of fun just playing "worms" with him and bryce. I know it seems lame, but thats mostly what we do every day now. I hate all this time I have on my hands. I sleep most of the day, and then I dork around until aaron gets off work, then I hang out with him, then go to sleep. It's even worse when I have no money for anything. So, I probalby won't look for a job until I start at sears because I can't afford gas to go to an interview or to drop off applications or anything like that. Any suggestions? On a happier note, only about two weeks until my brother and sister-in-law come to visit. I'm SO EXCITED! I haven't seen them since August 2004, when I left for Belize. They will get to meet Aaron too, which will be awesome. :D Thats all for now I think. Anyone have any ideas of how I can get free money? LOL!
At 4:53 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
sears is really bad about calling people back.. just go over there or call them... what job are you applying for there?
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