I'm on a roll
Wow, i've updated every day huh. Okay, I still hate my job, but it was okay today. The only nice thing about working somewhere where EVERYONE goes, is that you get to see people you haven't seen, and can start hanging out with them. Anyways, today I woke up to aaron being mad at me. He called a couple times and kept getting mad cause I wasn't awake yet. We talked about it for a while, and he still seemed upset until he got here, and then he seemed fine. He said he jsut really wanted to see me and I was sleeping. We went out to eat, rented a movie and came home. We watched it and he was so sweet. I was trying to make Rachel feel better because she was upset about something and he was okay with that, but still wanted attention. Finally, I payed attention to him. Then, we finished the movie and I went to work. I got there, and it was pretty slow, so helen suggested that I take my break as early as possible. I took it about 1.5 hours after I started. I got off break and had two tables (one of six). No problem, then another, then another, then another, then another... all in a row. The other guy left and I was running around like crazy doing all these tables. Helen came out and helped me, because they just came in this stream. I knew quite a bit of them. Thats how the hanging out with new people came up. A friend from UAF that I used to hang out with (Woody) came in. I didn't really get to talk to him, so I told him to call me and gave him my number. Anyways... it slowed down after that. It was nice. I had to do the ENTIRE buildings sidework because I was the only one there. I was worried I would never leave, but I actually got all of it done, except wiping down the counter, before the dayshift waitresses came in. When they came in, I wiped down the counter and was all done when they told me I needed ranch. I was told earlier that it was already done and taken care of. It took me half an hour to make ranch, so I got out of there at 7:45 (after counting out) instead of 7:15. I was so excited too that I had gotten all my work done and was going to be out so early. Anyways... tomorrow im getting up, taking a shower, going to FMH and bostons to see about a job, and buying a sunday paper to see what jobs are in there. I really want a different job. ON the plus side I made almost 100 today in tips, and that was about 20% of my sales. Good for me. :D
At 8:52 AM, November 21, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
look at uakjobs.com too. make a log in and a resume and you can apply right online, its really easy and convienent cause you dont have to run around all over the place. you can search by where you want to work, position type and i think also you can search by pay but i'm not sure....i still think you should look into a benifited position up here at the U. but i just thought you might want to know that you dotn have to deal with bitchy HR ppl anymore, you can bipass them by going to that web page.
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