I miss him
Okay, I know its retarded to miss him already, when he just left this yesterday evening, but for some reason, the weekend he chooses to leave, is the weekend I really need him. Thursday night/Friday morning I woke up with the worst cramps I've ever had. I took medicine and they went away, but it took me a long time to get the medicine because I couldn't move. Then I woke up friday morning and was supposed to go to breakfast with Rachel, but I was tired and still hurt, so I didn't go, which sucks cause I haven't seen Rachel in a while and really miss her. Then I woke up in the afternoon, and was getting ready to go see my dad, and my back started hurting (like a crick in your neck, but in your back). It hurt so bad that I could hardly move. I also had to get medicine for this infection I have, that they already gave me medicine for which I have been taking, and it turns out is the wrong kind. Then, I go talk to my dad, who proceeds to tell me he doesn't trust me and he's heartbroken with how I'm living my life. Hey, at least he gave me $40. I came home and laid on my bed and watched the first four episodes of the pretender before I went to work. At work, I dropped so many things and made so many mistakes and just kept hurting myself. While at the store earlier, I had slipped and stubbed my toe (which is now almost ALL BLACK). So today at work, my toe hurt, and my back hurt, so I couldn't really pick up things like normal, or bend over, or even really move any direction. Luckily, I was getting off at 4am instead of 7. So, it was REALLY busy, almost the entire time. I spent almost 2 hours doing sidework after I finished because it was so much and I didn't know how to do most of it. Then, FINALLY, at 5, I got off work. I counted my tips and I had made just barely 10%. For how hard I worked, it just felt like I should have made more. Its because alot of people didn't tip me at all. I'm lucky a few tipped an exhorbatant amount. I was definatly expecting more. Then, i get home and just want to go to bed. I go in to brush my teeth, and I decide to clean up the bathroom a little bit. Emptying the trash, I dump most ofit on the floor, so I have to clean it up. Then I go to get my toothpaste out of the mirror cabinet, and everything falls out of it because the pegs were coming out from below the shelves. I just couldn't handle it any more. I started crying. I tried to put them back and more things would fall, and then more things. FINALLY, I got them all up there, but by then I was crying. SO I brushed my teeth while I cried, then washed my face. I came back into my room and missed Aaron terribly. (he's snowmachining by the way). I decided I would text message him about how upset I was, and it would make me feel better (I can text him through MSN). I tried to sign on the MSN, and it was unavailable. So I couldn't even text him. He wouldn't get it until later anyways, but he would get it. Now, because I spilt crap ALL over me at work. I get to spend the saturday that my sister-in-law and brother come into town to visit washing clothes. and then I get to work tomorrow night. So, yeah... I just wish aaron were here because he would hug me and tell me everything will be all right and somehow just make all the shit go away. But since he's not here, he can't, and I get to cry myself to sleep instead.
At 2:38 PM, November 12, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
hey V, I;m sorry you are having such a shitty time. adn i miss you too. Organic chem has me acting like a fucking hermit...If you cant tell i have been studying and itsput me in a bad mood. i just dontget this stuff. i know arrons not here to give you a hug adn that i am locked away untill i have maserted the mysteries of carbon for my test monday but here is an E-Hug From me to YOu adn I hope that you feel better. adn things will get better----promise *HUG*
At 3:56 PM, November 17, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
Ok i keep updating my blog...now the peoples whose blogs i read should update...How am i supposed to know what you are up to? Have you gotten your phone back yet...maybe i will just call you...i am friend deprived right now....nest semester should be better:) well i am heading out of town tommorrow for Leahs concert in Anchorage. I love you and miss you V
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