Sleep Paralysis
Okay, so I didn't work tuesday, which sucks because I was supposed to get trained to do EXPO (which is basically expediting the servers getting their food out). I was too sick so I wasn't there, and I wanted to get trained in that. Then I slept during the day tuesday because I was sick. Wednesday I unpacked alot of stuff in my room. Aaron and I put my mirror up, and my posters and my closet clothes rod. Wednesday night I didn't sleep, and I waited until Thursday evening to sleep. I fell asleep at 7 (missig the OC) cause I was so tired. I was even laughing at REALLY dumb things. When I woke up at like 5am the next morning, Aaron and I were just hanging out watching TV/Movies. I got tired and decided to take a nap. As I was falling asleep, I started to hear this REALLY loud ringing in my ears. It was making my head hurt, so I started to kinda moan (I'm a wuss). Well, no sound came out. I tried to cry out and I couldn't make any noise. I tried to move and I couldn't move my entire body. I thought my feet were sitting on Aaron's lap, so I tried moving my toe, and barely could. It wasn't doing any good. I was so TERRIFIED. Finally, I decided to breathe really hard and fast. I was hoping Aaron would hear me and do something (I wasn't sure what yet). He said he didn' know why, but he just decided to look at me. He saw that my body was moving alot faster (like I was breathing fast). He thought maybe I was hurt or something and that I was saying ow or something. He couldn't hear me breathing though. He said Hey and I could hear him, but not what he was saying because of the LOUD LOUD ringing in my ears (it would get stronger, and lighter and stronger and lighter but always making my head hurt really bad). I didn't answer, so he lifted up the pillow over my head. My arm was over the pillow, so it woke me up. I was so scared. I cried and was scared about sleeping next time. I went online and read about it, and figured out its called Sleep Paralysis. Basically it can be caused by a disruption in your sleep schedule or stress, etc. It can be hereditary, or it can be a once in a lifetime thing. I kept making Aaron tell me it wouldn't happen again, but I was still really scared. Anyways, you can look it up if you want. I worked tonight, and also got paid my tips for the last two weeks ($70! I only expected like $30). I got gas, and toilet paper. Anyways, thats all for now. :D (oh, besides I talked to the landlord and explaind that I couldn't pay the rent, and they would have to do what they would do, but I was sorry).
At 7:23 PM, January 21, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
So what are they going to to? according to my dad he said there isnt alot they can do other than take your deposit. well hope everything is going well
luv ya
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