I'm not in jail.
Okay, so... I have been really really busy. So, Tuesday we were PLANNING on going to see the Landlord, but the landlord ended up talking to Aleena's mom, Helen on the phone, so she e-mailed the landlord to have him let us out of the lease. I don't really remember what I did until 4:30, cause I just remember going to pick Aaron up at the airport. I think I did some errands and went to lunch with Aleena at Bostons. I was "on time" to pick up Aaron at the airport, but his flight was early, so he was already getting his luggage. I was really excited to see him. :D We got some food and then went back to my house. I think I went to bed that night at like 8, because I was so tired. Wednesday I worked swing shift. I spent time with Aaron until I had to be there. Thursday I spent most of the day packing and moving into my new place. I really like the new place. Friday was my first day at Bostons. I really really like it. On thursday, Helen called, and told me the details of the "breaking the lease" She made it sound like the Landlord could probaby rerent it really easily. She said that they would let us out of the lease. I was thinking, YAY. She said there were a few catches. One, we would have to be out before the first of the month. Two, we would have to pay rent for January. I was like, Okay, thinking, i don't have the money, but i'll figure something out. Then she tells me, if they can't rent it before february, we have to pay february. Basically, we have to pay rent until they rerent it. Thats not really doing us any good, except for looking good for us, that we didn't "break it." Helen (and the landlord later) tried to tell me that they could sue me for ALL the rent until August, but legally, they can't do that. They have to make an effort to rerent it, and if they do, they cannot charge us for rent anymore. Anyways, when I called the landlord, she told me it was a slow season, so shes not sure if she can rerent it, and we technically don't have to be out of the place until we stop paying rent (so we can be out after the 1st). Good deal, cause the girls weren't even done packing this morning. I tried to talk to Aleena about the deposit. She thinks her mom should get the whole thing back, so does her mom. So, I wouldn't get anything back, even though I paid for a third. To top it off, Felicia or one of her friends broke her window (really bad, $300 to fix) and someone punched a hole in the bathroom door (not me or Aaron, and everyone in the house knows it.) Now, i'm pretty sure paying for it will come out of ALL of our deposits, instead of just ours. Basically, I'm going to talk to them, and if they decide that I'm going to have to pay for that, or that I'm not getting my part of the deposit, etc, then I will not be able to trust Aleena in the future and we would not be able to be friends. I hate to say that, but it is true. Anyways, so Life at Bostons. Its really fun. I really like working there. Its alot more relaxed (as far as professionalism). Its more a "fun place" than uptight. We joke around, and even with the customers. I think its mostly cause its partially a sports bar. They aren't really picky about how I wear my uniform, or my hair. I didn't even really get any rules about the place. Everything I've learned about it, I've learned from other employees. I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Also, there are alot of different things there. My manager told me not to let anyone move, even if they want to. If I sit them in a table, and they want a booth, then don't let them move. Most places, the customer is always right, and I know I used to hate it when people would move at Denny's. I had one lady walk out, call back, say I was being rude because she wouldn't sit where I told her to sit, and asked for the manager. He was too busy, so she asked for HIS managers name, and our names. I gave it to her, but it was kinda sad that she went through all that, because she didn't want to sit in a certain seat. Anyways, New Years Eve was nothing. I got off work and went to my old house to pack and talk to my mom. We talked through the new years (I hope she is excited about that) and then I didn't see Aaron until closer to 12:30. He was somewhere else for new years eve. At first I was a little mad, but I'm over it now. Anyways. I started this last night, while Aaron and his friends packed to go on a snowmachining trip. They won't be back until wednesday night. I saved it for now, which is Monday night. I didn't do anything at all today. My phone should be switched to my new house tomorrow. Hopefully that happens. :D We are still not out of the place, and the papers still aren't signed, and blah blah blah. Anyways, thats all for now.
At 4:14 PM, January 04, 2006,
Anonymous said…
That word you use, I don't think it means what you think it means.
in·quis·i·tive (ĭn-kwĭz'ĭ-tĭv)
1: Inclined to investigate; eager for knowledge.
2: Unduly curious and inquiring
Just the resident know it all chiming in :D
Also, when we gonna get together eve..me and juan are leaving next tuesday or wednesday.
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