Cops out like crazy
Okay, so I went to visit with my dad on thursday. He had gotten an offer for a credit card with a really good transfer balance rate. We set it up so that we transferred ALL my balances (if it goes through with each place) except my CapitalOne, cause its a CapitalOne, so they won't transfer it. All the rest will hopefully work. Then, I have one low payment a month. My dad and I talked about me getting more hours at work, or going job hunting. I made Aaron Taco's (it was fun to cook for him.) They were pretty good. After that we went back to his house, and played worms most of the night with him, his roommate, and 3 of his friends. (if you haven't played worms, its a game where you get a couple little worm guys, and shoot heavy artillary and such at each other. Its really fun. Anyways, Friday, I didn't wake up until right before work because we had been up so late the night before playing the game. I went to work, and enjoyed myself. I like my job. Aaron had dropped me off, to save time, so when he came to pick me up, we stopped by my house to get some food and pick up some things, and then went back to his house, and played some more worms. I went to bed earlier than the couple nights before. I got up around 12:30, ate breakfast, went to Boston's to talk to them about my schedule, and they gave me 26.5 hours a week. :D Thats basically how much I need to pay my bills. I'm excited that I don't have to get a second job. Especially because if I change my tax information like my dad suggested so they are taking less out, then I will get more money, and I almost ALWAYS stay late every day, because I just never get out on time. Anyways, I started to take a nap, when my mom called. I realized I had to be at work at 4, not 5 like usual, so I was late. I got to work and had a pretty good time. Got off work and came home. I had to get gas, and so Aaron came over and we went to the Gas Station. I came back to the house, and asked if he wanted to go anywhere. He wanted to go to Safeway, so we went there, but on the way I got pulled over. I had already seen about 5-7 people pulled over by then, and after saw 5-7 more pulled over all on Geist between University and the Mitchel Expressway. It was rediculous. I got pulled over because I didn't come to a COMPLETE stop at a redlight, turning right with NO ONE AROUND! I think they must have been looking for someone, because I don't know why else they would be out in force like that. I didn't get a ticket, but I didn't have my license on me, and so he "talked" to me about it. We left and went to safeway. I didn't want to go home, so we went to my driveway. We sat there for a while, trying to call people we knew, to do something. We found out that Michael, Rachel's boyfriend, his truck had died, but Rachel was going to go help him. I told her to call if she needed help. We came inside and were doing NOTHING, except surfing the internet. She called back, and we went to help him out. It was funny because we had JUST seen them today and Michael and Aaron had JUST met that day, and both complaining about it, and then we went to help them. They liked each other just like Rachel and I predicted. LOL! It was actually kind of fun. So, now I'm back at home and just hanging out doing nothing again. :D Thats all for now. Aaron is going to try to get me Civilization II (off my wishlist) :D
At 1:20 PM, January 15, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
you spelled micheals name wrong...its ok i forgive you, at least your not calling him "whats his name" like everyone else...thanks again for coming and helping get micheals truk home...he was freaked that he might have to leave it there till tonight when his dad gets back. "our little plan worked....but next time YOU hang off the bottom of the car...."lol
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