Another Weekend Come and Gone
So, another weekend has come and gone and I didn't do anything CRAZY or anything. Just like any other days. I went to work, stayed home during the day (mostly). Went to Denny's one of the nights, but didn't order anything cause I can't afford it. I turn 21 in less than 2 weeks. I'm excited. :D Its been really cold until today when it rose to 20 below. For anyone who reads this and isn't from here... oh wait, who am I kidding... no one reads this except my mom, Rachel and then randomly others, but rarely. Anyways, so, yeah for alaskans, sometimes 20 below is warm. Mostly only after its been 40 or 50 below for a while. Anyways, Starting wednesday i'm going to start watching my sister-in-laws brother and sister (ruhi and ben). It should be fun, except they will be at school during the day, then I work nights, so I won't be able to spend alot of time with them, but I will sleep there to keep an eye on them and help them get off to school, etc. They shouldn't be hard to watch cause they are great kids. Anyways, its Ruhi's birthday today and I ran into her at Boston's while I was working. We went to sing happy birthday to a table, and there she was. I went to her house after work, and hung out for a while. ANywyas, Aaron and I have been fighting a bit lately, but we get over it. I think thats a good thing, that even though we fight, we get over it and work through it. That is the more important part. A good note to any guys that read this (which I think is none, but anyways),
"Never tell a girl that she could break up with you. If she didn't realize that
was an option, than it will only make her cry if you tell her that. She will
think that you want to break up with her. If she did see it as an option, then
she didn't need you to tell her, and will do it if thats what she decides"
At 7:16 AM, January 30, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
hey thanks for the comment on my blog V. you are right, i just crashed and burned yesterday...i think its cause i couldnt think of any homework that HAD to be done cause i am like a week ahead in all but chemistry.but then i had trouble sleeping adn realized why at like 3 this morning, i have chemistry due that i didnt do...again so i guess i know how my afternoon is going to go, on the plus side now that its warmed up they should be having practice today adn i was thinking of going to yoga so i think i should feel way better by tonight, or exhausted at least. I cant believe its almost feb looking forward to our girls night (minus that whole john thing cause he isnt a girl) I;m really happy you are going, keep me dancing all night, thats our goal:dancing or bull riding....luv u 2
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