And the Room Cleaning Progresses, ever so slowly
Okay, so I haven't had that "Sleep Paralysis" thing since that one time. I'm glad so far its a one time thing. I had to have Aaron tell me ALL DAY that it was a one time deal and that I was okay, etc. Anyways that was saturday. During that day saturday I stopped by to see my dad and eat something and Aaron came in with me (which was really awesome of him cause he didn't want to because it was a Baha'i event, and he feels uncomfortable at them. Saturday night I had work. It was good. It was Senior Ball, and there were two Hockey games, so it was REALLY busy. It was fun though, as always. I saw rachel there at the end of my shift, and talked to her. Her dad left her with me so we went over to Aaron's house. Kyle was there and Bryce. We all hung out and joked around. It was a lot of fun. I'm glad Rachel had fun cause she was still upset about some things with Micheal (although they are good now. :D Yay for rachel). Aaron and I slept in on Sunday, and had told a girl saturday to come in because I didn't think they would be able to have me work really because I didn't get trained in what I was supposed to do. She came in, and so did I. I got 15 minutes though, until she was there. When she showed up, we talked with the manager, and she stayed. It was nice to have a night off. I don't really like working nights all that much because thats when I like to do things. Either way, I don't exactly remember what I did sunday besides make spaghetti. Monday Aaron had his first Auto Class in the evening. He enjoys it. I had to work, so we basically were both gone at the same time. He got out of class about the same time I was off work. We met at my house. Tuesday we both had class and work, but he had a class during the day too. Tuesday I got off work earlyish (like always nowadays) and we went to Denny's that evening, saw rachel, etc. I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night at a small nap for about 30-45 min this afternoon. Last night I realized that I'm really poor and I can't afford my bills, so I went job hunting. I went to FMH (fairbanks memorial hospital) to see if they had any openings. They didn't. (I check online, but my uncle said to ask a family friend, Carla). I went to the Newsminer, and it turns out they have a part-time Circulation position open. That would be perfect, and I really want it. Aaron got mad at me for making him wait, but we got over it. He gets mad about that alot. Its kinda my personality, but he wants me to try to change it, and I don't mind trying to do better at least. So, Aaron and I got in this fight and I'm still mad at him. I still Love him, but I'm mad at him right now. He has this habit of being REALLY grumpy when he wakes up in the morning. We were napping watching tv, and he woke up. I asked him if he started the truck, and he responded by telling me that wasn't important to him, REALLY rudly. I was more mad that he was rude than that he hadn't started the truck. He had to be to class. I tried to start it and it didn't start. He said the reason he was rude back was because I was bugging him about not starting it and he was busy getting his contacts in, etc. for class. Anyways, we were arguing about it, and he got mad at me. We didn't really talk the whole car ride. I didn't buckle (which I normally just forget to do) and figured out of spite we'd hit something and I'd fly through the window. OKAY before anyone freaks out, I know thats retarded. Its one of those emotional girl things. I try not to have those moments too often. It all worked out for the best cause I chickened out anyways. There was a moose in the rd, and everyone was breaking/swerving to miss it and slow down, etc. I buckled up when I saw it, cause I got scared we would hit it. We got to my house so he could drop me off, and I got his backpack out of the car. I meant to toss it into his truck and accidentally threw it too far. It basically looked like i chucked it into the car cause I was mad. He had said something that I didn't hear, but when i tossed the backpack in, he said nevermind. I told him he could call me if he wanted to (earlier when we were arguing he mentioned not calling me after class). Anyways, I'm still mad and waiting for an apology. If he can get mad at me and expect me to change one of the "downfalls" of my personality, than I can expect the same. I apologize when I make him wait for me, and I'm trying, but failing miserably. He didn't apologize. I don't know if he's trying, but it doesn't seem like it. So, yeah, i'm mad. Like I said before, I'm still mad, but honestly, all it would take is an apology, and i'd be okay. I think its almost good that I'm mad at him cause usually we get in a fight, I cry, and then he feels bad and we make up, but I rarely get mad at him. I think it means we are getting to the point where i feel safe getting mad at him and I'm not worried he will break up with me, which is a good thing, (I think). So, I know NONE of this mentioned me cleaning my room. Its a really slow process. I have more room than I used to on the floor, but its still a pain in the butt to get around, and usually involves stepping on stuff. Anyways, thats all for now. I know the post was INSANELY long. Thanks for reading, unless you skipped to the end and didn't really read it, in which case SHAME ON YOU! LOL!
At 10:40 AM, January 26, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I;m sorry V...that you and Aaron are fighting, i know how that can be--said the girl whose been fighting with her boyfriend for almost 7 years....jj...just keep in mind that Aaron might not apoligize casuehe might not know that he did anything wrong, that happends with micheal alot.once he cools down he forgets how mad he was and is fine where as i end up stooing overit all day so i am still pissed.
about the personality thing- i have learned over the years that you cant change a person-you can only change yourself.i thinkyou know what aspect of micheal that i would like to change...but you either learn to love the person, faults and all or you dont becuase you cant expect the person to change, its nice if they do but you cant expect you know that i mean? people change a great deal in a relationship, they grow together as a couple but they also have to keep in mind that they are who they are. i sacrificed who i really was for micheal and friends for a really long time, actually this is the first time in my life that i feel like i am really me and not someone that someone else wants me to be.but the last thing that i want to tell you and you can choose to ignore it if you want along with everything else that i have written in this extremely long comment is this: take a breathe, calm down and call him (of course thats if you have waited sufficient time for him to call you-in this case i would give it till this evening and if you want to call him then call him) there are only certain instances where you shouldnt call him, and that would be when you think its over, or that you would end it if you did...well i am going on and on trying to waste time cause i finished my work early today. but you know the drill-you want to talk, call :)
luv u
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