Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Quick Update

So, I have to be at work in 50 minutes, so not much time to talk. I just wanted to tell everyone about work. I like my desk, and the office. I had alot of work to do in the beginning, although she seemed to be giving it to me slowly, whenever I would finish something, and hand it to her, there would be another. ALot of stuff was waiting on someone else. I even did filing today. After I got back from lunch, she was gone and had left me a list of to-do. I finished all of it except the part waiting on people in a few seconds. I even prepared those parts, like the fax I had to send once I heard from someone else. I kinda sat there for a while. When she came back, and after I had finished the whole list, she said that there wasn't anything else for then, so to look through the e-mails to learn about things, so I would at least recognize things when she mentioned them.

Anyways, after work I went to Aaron's parents house. I love his parents house (well, hanging out there, not the place! :P), but I need to spend less time there. I am not getting ANY unpacking done because we spend all evening there until 9 or 10 and then I get home and watch a bit of TV and go to bed. :( Oh well, I'm off to work at the golf course today for the golf tournament to raise money for us. This should be fun. Meeting legislatures and stuff. :D Theres a state rep going to be there at least, I know. Not as cool as Nava getting to drive Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Matt Lauer to a funeral, but still cool for me. :D

Monday, August 28, 2006

Life in the "Big City" Finally!

Okay, so sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Thursday night i spent packing and getting last minute stuff done. I knew we both wouldn't get done until midnight or later, and we had to leave town at 4, so we would get 3, maybe 3.5 hours of sleep. I figured it would be easier to do what we usually do, which is just drive down there and sleep once we are there. Aaron thought we should have slept before we left, but let me have my way. I got all the way to Nenana before I told Aaron that I couldn't drive anymore because I would fall asleep and crash. I had trouble halfway there already, and I knew I couldn't keep it up much longer. He was pretty irritated because he would have rather slept at home in a bed than in the car.

After a couple hour nap, we started driving again. He flung a rock and made a HUGE chip in my windshield. I got mad at him right wasilla because he passed some people, and I couldn't because it was raining and hard to see, and I couldn't see him anymore. We got over it though. :D In wasilla the lady at the staffing agency (Margo) called and said my boss had called. I was supposed to be at work at 1 (it was 10 when we were in wasilla), but my boss told me I could come in monday instead, because she heard the roads were bad and didn't want me to get hurt. It was really nice. I'm glad she did because I would have been really stressed out if I had to work friday.

We got to town and went straight to the apartment. I filled out the lease, got my keys, etc. It all took quite a while, as usual, but finally we got to go up to my apartment. I get there and it was definatly not finished being cleaned, and there was quite a bit of furniture in there. I went back to Autumn (the girl who I signed my lease with) and she told me she'd get housekeeping right away, and she was sorry (it had been checked as done). I also asked her about the furniture. She said she'd send maitenence to come pick it up. I told her that if they were just going to get rid of it, I'd keep it. She said I could, after talking to them. :D I got a couch, coffee table, two end tables, bedside table, dresser and a queen size bed (a really nice one with a pillow top). Aaron needed the bed.

Aaron and I went to his parents house for a little while, then came back to mine to move stuff upstairs. It was ALOT of work. I'm not used to doing all the moving, and it was really tough, but the first day we got EVERYTHING of mine out of the trailor. We went back to Aaron's parents house in the evening, and eventually came home. The cable guy came over at about 9:30 and hooked up my cable. He was pretty nice. :D Spent some time unpacking, and some watching TV. We didn't get up until noon or so the next morning (after going to bed at like midnight or earlier). It was nice to catch up on sleep.

Saturday after we got up, I spent some time unpacking, but eventually he and I went to pick up Jordan and go to the fair. The WHOLE reason I went to the fair and spent $10 per person and $5 for parking was because I wanted a good deal on a cell phone. Turns out Cellular One didn't have a booth this year. We left after only a couple hours to go get my cell phone. I got one, although I don't think Aaron or Jordan liked the one we picked. Then we went to my house for a few minutes. Aaron's parents called and asked if we wanted dinner. We took Jordan home and went to his parents house. We were there most of the night.

Sunday morning I got up really early. I had gone to bed at like 3am, but I woke up at like 10. I got some unpacking done. He got ahold of his parents and they came over to switch the beds out, and then we took the bed to Aaron's storage unit. We got all my stuff out of the storage unit (except the hutch for my desk). We brought it back here and unpacked all of it except the desk, which is in the back of his truck. We went to his parents house to eat, hung out for a bit, came back to get Aaron's trailor, brought it to his parents, then came back here. I'm really glad he stayed last night because there were some people hanging out out front and they creeped me out a little.

This morning I was going to get up at 6:45 so I was ready to leave for work by 7:30, which would have been perfect timing. Well, after I got dressed for work and did my hair and all I had left to do was eat, I looked at the clock to see what time it was. It was 6:15. I got confused, looked at my cell phone and the clock in the room. All of them said 6:15. I seriously though I got up at 6:45, but must have gotten up at 5:45. LAME! So now I have an hour before I have to leave, with nothing to do except eat. I could unpack, which I might, but I'm not sure if I want to do that in the morning. :P

So, sorry it took me so long to update. I e-mailed my cell phone number to everyone I could think of, but if you are reading this, and didn't get it, let me know. :D So far, no one has called it but Aaron and Jordan. I'm sure I'll get a few more calls eventually. :P On the sad side, I'm pretty broke with all the moving expenses. Hopefully I get paid a week from this friday. :D I miss alot of people from fairbanks!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Good News!

Okay, so now that I'm moving, I will have to post even MORE regularly because people will want to know whats happening with me, etc. So, good news, I have an apartment. I move in Friday afternoon. It is the nice one with the security guards and gate, etc. Even better news, I have a job. Its excactly the type of work I wanted to do, and the person i will be assisting is a really positive person, and the people I work for are doing alot of positive things. It will be nice to be involved with that! Even better news, the job pays enough to pay all my bills, with a little bit leftover. :D Things are going well. :D

Anyways, Aaron and I are leaving Friday EARLY morning. I hope we cane make it to Anchorage before noon. We are leaving at 4, so noon would be 8 hours, which is a long time, but Aaron said uphill his truck with the trailor will only be able to go about 45 or 50 and then downhill and on flat ground, he will only go 65 at the most, probably closer to 60. I don't know how long it takes to get to Anchorage at that speed cause I've never gone at that speed.

Anyways, when I get there, if I get there early enough, I have to go get my apartment. Then, no matter what I have to get to work at 12:45, ready to work. Then, after work friday night Aaron and I will have to stop by the fair for me to get a cell phone (hopefully they will have a good deal). If we have time (if the fair sucks and we leave early), I hope we can get some of the stuff out of his trailor and into my apartment. Then I have all day saturday and sunday to get everything out of storage, and from my grandma's and move it into my apartment.

Next week I start work monday at 8, work till 5, and tuesday we have this golfing tournament, but I don't know if I'm supposed to work there, or at the office. Thats why I have to be at work Friday evening. I have to spend all day monday getting ready for the tournament, and she is going to tell me friday what I need to get done for monday. AND next weekend my mom will be in town, and we will go get things for my apartment (which I'm excited about).

Anyways, so i will be busy busy busy when I get to Anchorage, and speaking of busy busy busy, I have so much to do today. I have to do laundry, re-pack all my things, clean my car out, stop by my tanning place, call GCI, call State Farm, call Cugach (electric company in Anchorage) and possibally even more to do. To top it all off, Aaron I think is feeling non productive without me there, (I know I've done that before). He wants me to come help him. We also have to visit Theresa and Joan (his friends parents) before we leave town, and I was going to come home early and spend time with my dad tonight. I hope I get it all done!

Friday, August 18, 2006

So its been a while. Sorry

Okay, so sorry its beena while. I went to interviews on August 10th. I went to 2 staffing agencies and 1 regular interview. They called and told me I didn't get the job for the regular interview, but for the staffing agencies they look promising. One staffing agency already offered me a $13 an hour job but I would have had to start last monday (8/14), but I was still working at boston's, and had told them my last day would be the 20th, so I couldn't take it. I called the cheaper of the two apartments and they told me that they had a one bedroom for me. So, things were looking good. I ended up calling the staffing agency back, since this sunday is my last day, to see if they had that position open still, because I could start Tuesday. They didn't, but they do have a $14 an hour job available, and so I hope i get that. I will have an interview Tuesday. I called the apartment people, and now they are saying that they do not have an apartment for me. That is okay, because I figure I could live in an efficiency and move into a 1 bedroom when available. Apparently not. I sign the lease for 6 months, and so I would have to live in an efficiency for 6 months. I don 't want that. I told her that if thats the case I can find something else. So, I'm trying to get ahold of Alpine now and see if I can live there, which I could afford with $14 an hour. I'm really irritated that the apartment complex did that, and I should have known it would happen. They are not very proffessional, hanging up on me, not faxing paperwork when they say they will. Anyways, I'm going to work at 11, and I have to call her back RIGHT before 11 and see if they have anything available. I hope they do, otherwise I have no where to stay. Sadface. Oh, and wish me luck on the interview!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On the Job Hunt Front

So, lets see. I worked a little this weekend, but because of the fair I made no money every night. (in comparison to other friday/saturday nights). It was dead. I couldn't go to the fair friday night. Saturday was Ben's birthday, which for some reason overwhelmed me, so Aaron and I left after a short visit. We went to the fair for a short while, and then I went to work. Sunday I worked at noon until about 5 or so. Sunday night Aaron and I went to dinner and then to see "Talladega Nights." It was pretty funny.

I worked last night, and then this morning. I'm so tired right now. I already took a short nap before work, but i've been up since 6:30. I didn't really make any money but last night I made $90 because it was so busy and we had already sent Alan home. I am supposed to be packing because I move out on saturday, but I cannot seem to find the initiative. I have 3 interviews already on thursday in Anchorage. Hopefully I'll have at least one more before I go. Thats all on the job front I guess. I spent $112 faxing resume's to Anchorage. Hope I find at least one job. :P

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Too Much Rest Now, Where is the Balance???

So, last week I only got that one day off. now they have more employee's or something, so I have 2 days off this week (and one day I worked I only had a dayshift). So, besides a short 11-3:30 stint, I haven't worked since Sunday Night. I was VERY proud of myself. I asked someone to take my Monday (I took someone else's Thursday so I still have the same amount of days) so I could go to feast. It worked. It was really nice to go to feast and Ruhi hosted it, and she did a good job, especially considering she was supposed to do it with sigourney and sigourney is in the Anchorage hospital so she couldn't help.

Anyways, I am VERY proud of myself again today. I woke up this morning and was in a good mood for some reason. I got about 5 or 6 hours of sleep, so I don't know why I was happy. LOL! I took Aaron home and was going to be REALLY productive, but he was being poopy and I got mad at him, which made me not productive. (Sadly my productivity usually depends on my mood). I came home and went through all the jobs and organized them in a spreadsheet to apply for them, but since I was still mad, I didn't apply for any. I played Warcraft III for several hours.

After a while, I ran to get the things done that I needed to. I got them done JUST in time. Two places couldnt' help me and I have to call Anchorage, and I DIDN"T have time to do those. :( I'll do it tomorrow. Anyways, after Aaron got off work, he came and picked me up, we made up and went to the store. We spent some time together, took a nap, stopped by a place to see Rachel and Natalie (her friend she's been working with) then he took me home. Here's where I'm proud of myself... I applied (or started to apply) for 21 jobs today. I think I sounded very professional and I hope I get lots of call backs. I have about 20 or so faxes to send out tomorrow, 4 places to call, and 2 things to mail (all for jobs). In the end there are like 50 jobs that I want, so I hope I at least get 1 of them. LOL!

Anyways, the other night Aaron bought me a set of hub caps for my car (because i don't like mine). We put them on, and they are really sweet. I love them. They are shiny. Also, My sister in law is in town. I went to the airport Friday night to see her come in, and then I've spent almost every day at her mom's house with her and her family. Its been so much fun. Aaron's even come over once or twice. I love her and her family, so its been a blast, although sometimes I worry its too much. Today I wasn't over there because I had all this stuff to do with job hunting, etc. (even though I didn't do all of it).

So, yes, I'm having a blast visiting Erynn, Having fun spending time with Aaron when he's not free. The fair starts friday and he might have friday off, so we might go to the fair before i have to work. Also I got Darryl Worrly tickets at the fair office. Its tuesday night. I'm excited. I hope hes in town Tuesday! I've been paying off things. I've paid off EVERY bill I have except my phone bill until September. Basically I won't have to pay anything until I'm already in Anchorage. I even set it up so I paid 2 months of insurance so I wouldn't have to pay until October for that. When I get to Anchorage, I'll have to pay Rent, and then I won't have to pay anything until the 18th, and thats my Credit Cards. I am going to pay my dad back sometime after this week hopefully. (not a gaurantee, but hopefully). Everythings going good. Sunday I made $150, which is more than I've ever made. :D