Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Happy, Silly Feeling Post

Okay, so I guess I'll update from the last couple days, but first I want to warn you. For some Crazy reason, I feel silly, oh so silly, so silly and willy and jay... okay, see, that is an example of what will come to pass throughout this blog, so if you can't handle it, then I suggest saving it for another time. If you are ready for this, if you think you can HANDLE this... then proceed.

So, saturday at work went much better. I hardly worked because it was Memorial Day weekend, everyone was out camping, etc. No one to eat at little old Bostons. I worked from 11-2:30 or something, and I made like $30 or so. Sad, I know. I got off work, and called Aaron. He hadn't gone on the trip, but he was busy helping bryce with something, so I went home. I cleaned my room!!! (Ta da da DA! okay, sounds are bad online, but that was like the superhero da da da da thing... ya know... ) My roommate was home when I got home on Saturday, and I was dreading it, but I just walked to my room. I played around for a while, but after a bit, I really cleaned my room. I can see the floor! I hope "Aunt Hocchamagoocha" is coming over. Okay, hardly anyone will get that reference, but seriously... its a funny one. (ALthough I really don't think I'd be happy if she did, cause she's got high standards, and its not THAT great, just WAY greater than before. LOL!)

SIDENOTE!!! So, as you can see from the first part of the post, one LONG paragraph really only said I worked little, made little, went hom and cleaned my room. This is DEFINATLY not going to be short and sweet. :P

I was very proud of myself. So, I called Aaron, and we went to his house, because we were having a BBQ, except without the food. Yeah, it sounds lame, it was just a campfire, with nothing. I think 1 person roasted a marshmellow. It was only me, Aaron, Kyle, Rachel, Travis and Karrina, and not even ALL at the same time. :P We sat around a campfire. WOW, we are just CRAZY folk! Anyways, we were giong to go 4-wheeling, and rachel had gotten a ride from Aaron, so we decided to 4-wheel her home. We tried to go through base, but didn't want ot get in trouble, so we took this WAY OUT OF THE WAY way. Okay, I said Way, WAY too many times in that sentance. We should have some herbs and whey... heehee. Okay, sorry. We had to cross this STREAM. The boys called it a creek, or a slu... it was a freakin stream. Either way, we made it. We got to Rachels house without getting thrown in Army Jail. Hooray for us!

We dropped rachel off, but I was REALLY cold, and Karrina was a little, and we didn't want to go back through the stream. Rachel offered to bring us home in her sisters car, but we told her it was okay, so we went back with the boys. I"m too happy to think about sad times, but there was this whole drama on the way back with me and Aaron in a fight, but the end conclusion was we still love each other, it was a misunderstanding, and although Travis got involved for a moment, and there was a bit of tension after that between him and Aaron, its over now and everythings Mango-y. (I wanted to use something other than peachy).

We got home and my eyes hurt like a mother... although I don't know what a mother hurts like, so I shouldn't use that example, but it did hurt pretty bad, and I"m sure mothers hurt pretty bad sometimes. :P I fell asleep at Aaron's house watching this movie I'd already seen. It was 4am by the time we were done. Aaron was sleepy too, so sometimes he wants to take a little nap before he drives me home. I didn't take out my contacts, because I was thinking he was taking me home. We snuggle-bugged up in his bed, and fell asleep. I woke up a few times, but couldn't see the clock at ALL. My eyes hurt so much more! Like a GRANDMOTHER! sorry... just kidding... I fell back asleep. I was going to call in to work cause I had chills like CRAZY because of being cold on the 4-wheeler all night, plus my eyes hurt. (i knew it would be dead anyways).

I didn't call. I didn't wake up until 2. Aaron woke up in the morning, but it was morning, I had already stayed over (it was an accident) so we just stayed asleep. I should have called work after we got up, but I didn't. Bad Evelyna! (slap on wrist...OW! that really did hurt, I see why they use it as punishment). My eyes hurt so bad, so I took out my contacts. More pain. I got in Aaron's truck for him to drive me home, and I couldn't keep my eyes open in the truck because it felt SO BRIGHT outside, and it made me dizzy to force them to stay open. Finally, i got to my house, put Visine in my eyes, took a shower and rinsed my eyes a bit, and then put in brand new contacts. Did that solve the problem at all? No. (man my wrist hurts. :P)

My eyes have been red like I have been doing HARDCORE drugs since Sunday Morning. Not been doing drugs since sunday morning, but red since sunday morning. Aaron and I went to dinner at Chili's, and I treated myself to a steak because I have paid all my bills until the 18th of June, which is pretty good. :D Its 2 paychecks away. :D i'm not going to pay to eat out at all for at least, exactly a week, that way i can spend less on food. Anyways, after dinner we stopped by Walmart to waste time. I went to my dads to watch a movie and do laundry. Travis called Aaron while we were at Walmart and asked if we wanted to help him with something. We said yes. When I was done with my dads, we met up at Aarons house.

My plan for the night
*Ride with Travis and Karrina to Nenana while they haul boats.
*Aaron drives one of the trucks back to FBKS and be home at about midnight.
*Sleep until 3am
*Pick up Ruhi and Ben and bring them to Sigourney's house
*Observe Ascension of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i Holy Day)
*Drive Ruhi and Ben Home
*Be back at home by5am
*Sleep until 8am
*Call work, tell them I will be in today
*leave for work at 10:15
*Be at work 30 minutes early to talk to boss and apologize for not calling

Let me explain how the night ACTUALLY went. We get to Travis's house, and they haven't finished loading the boats. THey were already on trailers, but they weren't hooked up to the trucks yet, and the boats weren't loaded up, and the stuff that was already loaded wasn't strapped down, etc. We left their house at 11:15 or 11:30. We went to Fred's to get gas, and went inside (cause these guys, not travis but the rest, are going to be in Villages ALL summer, so they wanted to stock up). They had to kick us out of Freds cause it was midnight. We left TOWN at 12:15.

The drive was fun. We were in this car with this guy named scott, really funny guy, had a ncie talk, some jokes, some fun, etc. We get to Nenana at about 1:15am. I had called Ruhi from Fred's, and told her I should be able to make it, but just in case, I'd call and she could call my dad if I couldn't make it. Travis was like, why wouldn't you make it? I figured we would get the boats unloaded (supposedly the easy part according the everyone) and leave at about 2am, just in time. The boat shop hadn't done this stuff they should have done when they sold them, so they had never been run, so that took a bit. A guy had to go get his family, another guy had to fill up barrell's with gas. We left Nenana at 3am. I called Ruhi, told her I couldn't make it, and she said she wasn't going, she was too tired.

We got back to fbks at 4am, and I got home at 5am because we had to go to travis's, I had to drive Aaron home, then go home myself. I went straight to bed, after taking out my contacts, which hurt REALLY bad. I had to get up at 10am to leave for work at 10:15. It wasn't that bad, just not what I had planned. I really wanted to go to the Holy Day Observance. :P Travis's mom did give us $50 for doing it. Aaron didn't want to take it, but she stuffed it in his pocket. Should I be jealous? I insisted we split it 50/50, because even though I didn't drive, I had to stay up and miss the thing because of it, and he got to sleep in until 4:30pm.

I went to work at 10:30, and apologized to my boss. I explained about my eyes and stuff. Told her I was really sorry, she said you only get 2 no call/no shows. Since that was my first, only 1 more. Funny cause my first weekend a girl no call/no showed twice in a row, then did the same thing the next weekend I worked, although she worked one day between them. She still works there to this day. Thats okay though... maybe they are cracking down. I'm a good waitress though. They need me. :P There was no one to set up, everyone was scheduled for 11, so I asked her if she wanted me to clock on early. I didn't, but started working early on accident, but I made up for it by sitting there talking to my trainee (I HAD A TRAINEE!!) for a bit while I was showing her the cashout.

I HAD A TRAINEE!! Wow, Dejavu. LOL! It was fun, she is really nice, and seemed to get it. My daddy came in and brougth me a stuffed animal, which I hope is there tomorrow cause I forgot it. :P I paid for his salad, cause I am a good daughter, and he lets me do laundry at his house. :D It was a slow day, but we had not enough cooks, so we had to do dishes (which I HATE only because I get soaked, and then have to go check on my tables looking like I showered in my uniform. Hi, I can I get you the "el nino special?"). Also, the food took forever, so a few people barely tipped. Made $85 dollars though (-10 for my dads meal left me with $75). I had to cut lemons, and this guy from the kitchen INSISTED I use the Lemon Wedger. We don't use Lemon WEDGES we use Lemon SLICES. I know it sounds the same, but it really isn't. Oh well.

I went to meet Aaron and we went to Bamboo Panda and used about half of the $50. I made sure he kept the money separate from his so he didn't go spend it on himself, its for both of us. We went back to his house and I was SO TIRED! I only got about 5 hours of sleep, and it was evening already. He went to help bryce with some stuff, so I took out my contacts and took a nap. It hurt more to take out my contacts then it did to put them in later. I'm dreading taking them out right now! I need to buy some glasses. The nap was nice, REAL nice.... (you have to say that outloud with a hick accent for it to work right... SAY IT!). It was 2 hours later, and we watched a movie and I went home. :D Now, I'm home. So, yes, thats about all. I notice the silliness wore off towards the end. I think I"m getting sleepy............................................

"Thank you Ladies and Gentleman (what gentleman even read this at all?) for riding on the ADHD express today. I hope you've enjoyed your trip, and if the destination isn't where you expected, well you all signed that waver. I mean, this is the ADHD express, where did you think it would stop, where you wanted? THats just silly people! Okay, yes, i'm leaving now.... just kidding... right now..... now.... now... sorry. Right NOW!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My day started horrible, but it got better.

So, the other day my roommate left a note on the dry-erase board a little something like this "Since you ahven't done anything to help out around the house for the last month, could you take the trash to the dump. Also rent is due on the first. And change the TP roll when it is out, don't be LAZY and leave it for someone else."

When I read this, it really hurt my feelings. It was really hurtful for me that she called me Lazy (I would say more forgetful) and was complaining about me not helping out. I was mad at the time (probably not the most diplomatic note) so I left a note that said this "I am much more likely to want to help out if you don't ask using insults or demands. When I first moved in I mentioned that if you ever wanted help cleaning, to just ask, and I would gladly do it, but that I don't really notice when things are dirty."

It was much longer, but I can't remember what else I wrote. Oh, I suggested that I write the check to her for rent because that way if there is a problem, she can deal with it easier, since I understand she doesn't have alot of time. Anyways, the answer I receieved was "I shouldn't have to tell you what to do around the house. You live here too. I'm not your parent. You aren't a child. Write the rent to Paul. If you want ot move out, you can. Just don't pull a Nina, Tell me when you are going to be gone. Thats not an insult, its an example"

Again, I'm mad at first, but when I think about it a little more, it really hurts. It made me really sad. I wrote an entire letter to her (which I won't post on this blog, unless there is a request). Basically apologizing profusly, (although I don't think i'm wrong about quite a bit of it) and telling her that her notes REALLY hurt my feelings, and that if she wanted me to move out, there really wasn't anything I could do, but that I didn't want to. I explained to her that she didn't seem to have a problem asking for help cleaning in the beginning, and that her standard of clean is much higher than mine, so It ALWAYS seems clean, even right before she cleans it. I told her that I have tried to be a good roommate, and i'm sorry she doesn't seem to think I have been. The whole e-mail was really sad and it made me sad, thinking she thought that badly of me. That was nothing yet.

I went to send this letter to her through myspace. I do not have her e-mail address, and I don't have a printer. While at her myspace, about to send her a message, I saw at the top right, her blog, and the first entry was entitled "Stupid people give me a headache!" I was curious, and its not snooping because hse posted it for the public. It contained this. "Stupid people give me a headache.... at times I wonder why there are so many stupid people in the world. So, I sat down to think about it last night. Hahaha....not really. My only last thought on the matter is that they are too lazy to use the gift that we were all given. Do you know that that gift is? You should.... it's your Brain. So the next time you come across someone that you may find stupid just remember that they are only using one percent of their talent. I have only one solution and that is to add some bleach to the gene pool. If we wipe out the laziness in our society then we maybe better in our education systems. They should have parenting classes as a requirement in high school, so stupid asses can parent themselves once off the tits of their parents. The fact of the matter is the generations are becoming lazier if their parents never took the time to instill life ethics into them. Okay... I am done for now. It isn't even 9 am yet and I want some rum and coke. I will take my stupidity in a bottle please.... THANKS!"

That REALLY hurt my feelings. I was pretty sure, considering the content, that she was referring to me, especially after the note from the other day. Notice the similarities (Lazy, Parenting). I even asked Aaron 3 times last night if he thought I was stupid or lazy. Anyways, I sent the letter. I went to work, and it got worse from there, but keeping on one train of thought, just a few extra notes about Jack-o (her nickname from Aaron and I. We really call everyone by their name and an O, so its nothing mean or anything). SHe apparently COUNTS the nights Aaron spends the nights. I figured it was a guestimate, but in one of her blogs she said that he had used all 3 of his nights already. Thats a little creepy, I think. She also has tons of stuff about her work, and at work she either sits around doing nothing, or she runs around taking pictures of her and her friends at work dorking around while they are supposed to be running errands. I figured she was frustrated with work (working those LONG 40 hour weeks she's always complaining about). Apparently her work is REAL stressfull. Anyways, I will continue with my blog, but if you would like to read more of her blog, her myspace profile is and the blog is at the top right of the page.

Okay, so I get to work pretty early, and I'm in a really sad mood, because it really hurt, what she wrote. I get to work and its pretty slow, and I'm sad, but not horrible. I called Aaron earlier and started crying when I told him what she had written about me. Its pretty slow, even the rush part, so they cut Sandra and Nora and keep me and Eddie (the slow new guy, although usually that doesn't matter). Well, we had a second rush, and it was BAD. I gave the worst service ever (even after working at denny's. LOL!). I had 2 tables tip me NOTHING, and a third pay 6 cents LESS than the bill. That I teared up after. I had one lady who I thought was going to give me nothing, and she gave me $10 for a $35 ticket, and told Lori that she thought I was a great server, but it wasn't fair that everytime she comes in here, I am the only one working and it is really busy. It finally calmed down a bit. This is where things started to turn up. :D

I called Aaron and cried one more time, although that was more of a relief thing than a upset thing. Kinda when you're worried about someone so much you don't cry until you realize they are okay. I made $80, which is more than I"ve made in a while, and Aaron was coming to get me to go to Bryce's Mom's BBQ. I talked to Kristin (she had not called about 4-wheeling last night, and I thought she was just pretending to like me so I felt better) and she said that something else came up, but that she was really sorry, and still wanted to go another time. :D They tried to get me to take another table, but I insisted I wasn't going to, because it was dead and there were 3 servers on (the servers tried, they didn't want to take one yet).

Aaron came to meet me, and on the phone I had told him he should bring me a rose because I was very sad, and it would make me feel better. He didn't have one, but that was okay. He was going to Fred Meyers to the bank, and I told him I would give him money to buy one. Just him walking in with a rose was enough to make me happy. :D He insisted he wouldn't, and wouldn't take my money. He got a little irritated, and left. I was kinda bummed that he wouldn't even take the time to go get one with my money while he was in the store. Can you guess what happened? He came back with a rose HE bought. It made me happy, just like I thought. :D

We went to Theresa's BBQ. It was TONS of fun. We ate BBQ stuff, the kids had a bunch of water fights, we joked around, talked alot, the boys climed a tree and messed around. I had TONS of fun. Seriously. I used to do that alot as a kid, have huge-o BBQ's at my house, with tons of peopel there. They faded as time went on, so even when we would have them, they were either boring, or no one showed up. It made me sad. This was just PERFECT! We left to go to see X-men 3. I was excited. We watched it, and I feel bad cause Aaron didn't have a good time, because it was too hot, and we were there 45 minutes before the movie, and he was tired. I really liked it. There were a few things that didn't match up with the cartoon, which I ADORE, but mostly, it was good. :D

Aaron drove me back to work to get my car, and I drove home. Jackie was in the living room watching a movie, which sucked cause I had to walk by her. I just came in, locked the door, and went straight to my room. Just looking at her makes me sad, and feel like shit. :( Oh well. I dont know if she left a message cause i haven't looked yet. I will when I go to the bathroom. :D Anyways, I work tomorrow. A lady (a friends parents) who I haven't seen in a while is coming to Boston's to see me, since she is in town. Aaron is thinking about going on a 4-wheeling trip tomorrow. Rachel probably isn't going camping. So, sounds like work and sitting at home all weekend. LAME-O!

So, while I've been sitting here reading her blog, trying not to leave, I realize she called me a "Dumb A** Hoe" (excuse my language people). "Yeah Right! So i have been home for 44 min and the white rat up stairs has been barking non stop since that time. All I have to say is F****** rat! "I cant sleep because the dog was barking and whining." Okay maybe whining but not the f****** barking. Dum a** hoe." At first, I thought she was talking about the dog, but then realized that was the same day I left the note FOREVER ago about Maze whining. I really don't understand how she can be complaining about the neighbor's dog and thenin the same paragraph get mad at me for complaining about her friends dog. I think she was saying that Maze wasn't barking, but she was. Not that it matters anymore, but it was "Yip, Yip, Yip, Yip" for about an hour. She wasn't there. Maze doesn't whine, she barks. I love Maze, but it was annoying. Also creepy, she listens to mine and Aaron's conversations.

Anyways, I checked the fridge. There was just a note about rent. SHe had just told me before rent was due, which means she read the note, cause I asked her about it in the letter. I wonder if she would have just given the check for $375 if I had given it to her. She never said someone else was definatly moving in on the first. ANyways, so someone is. It is her friends boyfriend. I guess he will be over alot more. I wonder if he will be allowed to spend the night more than 3 times a week. Curious. ANyways, I am heading to bed. I think after work tomorrow, if i'm not doing naything, I might clean my room. I always say that, so it might not happen, but I might. :D

My boss at work did suggest that I just plan to clean a certain thing once a week, like EVERY wednesday I clean the bathroom, or something. I think I might clean the bathroom every tuesday and clean the tub every thursday. That way, she can never say that I don't help out. I don't think she would accuse me of it if I was doing it (my boss suggested that I keep a list in case she tried to say I wasn't doing anything.) I think its just hard for me to clean when it already looks clean, and she keeps it so outrageously clean that I can never tell when its clean, and when its dirty. :P Oh well, maybe this will work. :D

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bored out of my mind

Okay, so I guess I could be being productive and cleaning my room like I had planned today, or working out, like I had also planned today, but of course not. I'm playing computer games and sitting in my room. I did quit the computer game though, so I'm going to go out in the kitchen and eat in a minute, then I'm hopefully going to do SOMETHING productive. Aaron is at work right now, and today is my day off, so I'm doing nothing. I am working Friday, Saturday, Sunday daytime, in case anyone wants to stop by. :D I haven't been 4-wheeling much anymore because Aaron went with Travis alone once or twice, and then we just got busy doing other stuff. Sometimes I wasn't in the mood, sometimes he wasn't, and sometimes there just wasn't time. We are supposed to go with Kristin (this cool girl I work with) if she calls. I really do hope she calls. :D I went to a BBQ that my friend Rachel had last week. It was just Aaron, Me, Her and her new friend, (who was really cool too). We had fun anyways. We were SUPPOSED to go camping this weekend, but I don't know cause i haven't heard anything. If I do, I'll have to get up and leave at 10:00 so I can be at work by 11 each morning. I think it would be fun anyways. :D My eyes hurt, and I don't want to put in my contacts because of it, but I can't see anything which sucks. Oh well, I'm off to do something. :D

Monday, May 15, 2006

Four-Wheeling... its all I do anymore!

So, thats really all i've been doing when i'm not at work the last couple days. Saturday I didn't go to work, so I hung out with Aaron doing random things. I was looking at horseback riding places online, so me and Aaron can go, although he insists he's only riding on a pony in a circle. LOL! That night, Travis came over and Aaron fixed his machine, and I cooked them burgers. They liked them. :D We went for a short ride, but then Travis had to leave. Aaron and I went for another ride alone. It was fun.

Sunday I worked in the morning, and left with about $100. It was pretty sweet. I got my schedule for the next week, and switched shifts with a couple people. I worked today, and then I work Wednesday & Friday night and Saturday & Sunday morning. After work, Aaron and I went to his house and we were supposed to go four-wheeling with Travis and Karrina, but they never called back, so we went alone. We went on the dike at Cushman and Peger, etc. It was alot of fun. It was like 3 hours or something. Oh, and I e-mailed my mom to wish her Happy Mothers Day.

I worked this morning and made about $50 (but it was dead all day) and then was going to go to Aarons to go Four-Wheeling (AGAIN!). I had to stop by and pick up Toilet Paper for the house, and get Brake Pads for my car (which Aaron is going to fix), and so I got home a little later then Aaron wanted. He was irritated, but I told him I was on my way. I still had to get the Brake Pads, and stop by my dads to check the mail. I told him that. He was being Poopy, so I decided not to stop by my dad's. I get all the way to his house, and he is not home. I figured he was mad, so I came home. He just called a few minutes ago, but I told him I was not driving back out there if he wasn't there the first time I went over. He's going to come pick me up (i think) cause he wants me to go. :D

Saturday, May 13, 2006

If this is Fairbank's Finest, We are all in trouble.

So, after I posted, I went to Aaron's house to go Four-Wheeling again. We left his house (after getting dinner in town) at about 8:00pm. We went the same way we came back last night, and drove out to 9 Mile. We went through a couple trails, and came back to the main road a couple times. The last trail we took was nice and smooth and easy riding for a while. We got to this muddy part, and Aaron tried to drive through and we got stuck. I had to get off the 4-wheeler, and help him find logs to put under the tires, (and all the wood was rotten, so it kept breaking) and there were mosquito's everywhere and it was REALLY muddy. We called Travis, and he was on his way to come help us out, but we got it out before he left his house (he had to get all the way home first). After we got out, he had to get back over this muddy part, so this time I got off and he drove accross (barely didn't get stuck) and I had to walk across. My shoes got sucked into the mud, so my shoes were covered in mud, my toes were muddy and my socks had to come off.

Sadly, this was not the worst part of the evening. We came back and were going to drive into the river a bit to wash off the machine. When we were coming back there was this HUGE-O bonfire at the exact place we have to drive by to leave. We figured people were drinking/partying. We drove really far away from them to the river to wash off, but that was still the only way to get out. I thought I heard a gunshot at one point (when we could still see them) but Aaron said he didn't hear it. Later we were driving a little closer to them, and we could still see them, and we heard several gunshots. We drove behind a burm where they couldn't see us and turned off the machine. It really seems like these people are shooting at us. We figure they are drunk. We call 911 to get the cops to come out there. I told the lady where we were, and asked if she knew where we were, she said yes. (this was after I had been put on hold for about 10 minutes). I had told her people were shooting at us.
We called Travis and talked to him, told him the cops were on their way. we waited there for about 20 minutes while these people fired their guns in our direction. We even saw the bullets hit the water about 100 yds from us. It was really scary. Finally, 20 minutes later, I called the cops back to see where they were at, and how far they were, etc. She said they had to come from far away, but that they were on their way. She got a bit better directions from me. We called Travis, and he came from his house (out off of Nordale) and hooked up his 4-wheeler trailer, and drove out to where we were, we gave him directions, and he got out there. The cops still weren't there, so I called them back again (this was about 30 minutes from the second call) the lady said they couldn't figure out where we were. Instead of calling us to ask, they just drove around aimlessly, hoping to just fall on us I guess. We told them we would have a friend who drove out there meet them at the road. Travis met them out there, and they had to wait for backup (I don't know why they didn't have it with them. The situation hadn't changed) and then drive down this road, and wait a little longer for the other car to catch up. Finally, about 20 minutes from the third call, we get a phone call saying that the people aren't doing anything illegal and that we should drive up there and leave while the cops are there. I asked if the people are leaving, and the guy said no because they weren't doing anything wrong. We got up there, and were about to leave, after passing a group of people who all looked like college students. The cop got on the loudspeaker and asked us to stop as we drove by. We stopped and waited for him to walk down by us.
He asked for our ID, got mad at me because I didn't have one on me, and told me if I had gotten shot, how would they know who I was. Then, told us that it was a family with some other family from out of town just having a bonfire. They said they stopped shooting when they saw us. I tried to explain to the Trooper (who didn't even ask us our side at all) that we could still see them when they started shooting, and said "shooting at us" and the Trooper freaked out and started yelling at me telling me that they WERE NOT shooting at me, and that I need to get that out of my head. He's yelling at me as I am CRYING.
So, basically, I call 911, tell the dispatch someone is shooting at me, and an hour and a half later, I am getting yelled at by a cop because I was scared that people were shooting at me. I have had so many friends tell me that when they call the Troopers for help with someone they always end up leaving feeling like they were the ones in trouble, and I always tried to stand up for them and tell everyone that they aren't like that, etc. Well, everyone was right. I am so extremely disappointed in how I was treated by the dispatch and by the troopers. It makes me not want to call them in the future, and instead deal with it myself (like some people suggested shooting back at them). Anyways, I"m supposed to work tomorrow, but I'm going to get no sleep because of this, and I have to buy new shoes for work and my check card is at Aarons so I have to go to the bank first, and I don't think i'm going to work.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Long time No Post

So I was planning on posting alot more often, but it seems life caught up with me. Instead of trying to remember EVERY day what happened, I guess I'll just post what is important for now. Lets see, I was talking to Travis the other day about my roommate being crazy, but that I don't have anywhere else to go really, so I"m staying here until I leave for Anchorage. He asked about friends I could move in with. I told him my two female friends are Karrina and Rachel. Rachel lives at home (i'm not moving in with my friends parents, although he suggested it). I thought Karrina was going to Anchorage or Aniak for the summer. It turns out that she is housesitting for Travis's Parents (since he has his own house and isn't going to be there) while they are out of town all summer. He suggested I stay there with her. I wasn't sure if she was okay with that, or if her parents were okay with that, but he said he'd ask. I asked what Karrina said and he said she was going to call me about it. No call yet, but I will keep up hope for a week or so. It would be free to stay there, which would be awesome. :D

The only other thing I can think about that I have to talk about is Aaron just bought a 4-wheeler yesterday. We went for a 2 hour ride with Bryce (after a 20 minute ride just us). It was really fun, although after we got off it was just getting dark, so it was cold and I got really cold for a while afterwards. If there is anything else Important that I missed, someone let me know!