My day started horrible, but it got better.
So, the other day my roommate left a note on the dry-erase board a little something like this "Since you ahven't done anything to help out around the house for the last month, could you take the trash to the dump. Also rent is due on the first. And change the TP roll when it is out, don't be LAZY and leave it for someone else."
When I read this, it really hurt my feelings. It was really hurtful for me that she called me Lazy (I would say more forgetful) and was complaining about me not helping out. I was mad at the time (probably not the most diplomatic note) so I left a note that said this "I am much more likely to want to help out if you don't ask using insults or demands. When I first moved in I mentioned that if you ever wanted help cleaning, to just ask, and I would gladly do it, but that I don't really notice when things are dirty."
It was much longer, but I can't remember what else I wrote. Oh, I suggested that I write the check to her for rent because that way if there is a problem, she can deal with it easier, since I understand she doesn't have alot of time. Anyways, the answer I receieved was "I shouldn't have to tell you what to do around the house. You live here too. I'm not your parent. You aren't a child. Write the rent to Paul. If you want ot move out, you can. Just don't pull a Nina, Tell me when you are going to be gone. Thats not an insult, its an example"
Again, I'm mad at first, but when I think about it a little more, it really hurts. It made me really sad. I wrote an entire letter to her (which I won't post on this blog, unless there is a request). Basically apologizing profusly, (although I don't think i'm wrong about quite a bit of it) and telling her that her notes REALLY hurt my feelings, and that if she wanted me to move out, there really wasn't anything I could do, but that I didn't want to. I explained to her that she didn't seem to have a problem asking for help cleaning in the beginning, and that her standard of clean is much higher than mine, so It ALWAYS seems clean, even right before she cleans it. I told her that I have tried to be a good roommate, and i'm sorry she doesn't seem to think I have been. The whole e-mail was really sad and it made me sad, thinking she thought that badly of me. That was nothing yet.
I went to send this letter to her through myspace. I do not have her e-mail address, and I don't have a printer. While at her myspace, about to send her a message, I saw at the top right, her blog, and the first entry was entitled "Stupid people give me a headache!" I was curious, and its not snooping because hse posted it for the public. It contained this. "Stupid people give me a headache.... at times I wonder why there are so many stupid people in the world. So, I sat down to think about it last night. Hahaha....not really. My only last thought on the matter is that they are too lazy to use the gift that we were all given. Do you know that that gift is? You should.... it's your Brain. So the next time you come across someone that you may find stupid just remember that they are only using one percent of their talent. I have only one solution and that is to add some bleach to the gene pool. If we wipe out the laziness in our society then we maybe better in our education systems. They should have parenting classes as a requirement in high school, so stupid asses can parent themselves once off the tits of their parents. The fact of the matter is the generations are becoming lazier if their parents never took the time to instill life ethics into them. Okay... I am done for now. It isn't even 9 am yet and I want some rum and coke. I will take my stupidity in a bottle please.... THANKS!"
That REALLY hurt my feelings. I was pretty sure, considering the content, that she was referring to me, especially after the note from the other day. Notice the similarities (Lazy, Parenting). I even asked Aaron 3 times last night if he thought I was stupid or lazy. Anyways, I sent the letter. I went to work, and it got worse from there, but keeping on one train of thought, just a few extra notes about Jack-o (her nickname from Aaron and I. We really call everyone by their name and an O, so its nothing mean or anything). SHe apparently COUNTS the nights Aaron spends the nights. I figured it was a guestimate, but in one of her blogs she said that he had used all 3 of his nights already. Thats a little creepy, I think. She also has tons of stuff about her work, and at work she either sits around doing nothing, or she runs around taking pictures of her and her friends at work dorking around while they are supposed to be running errands. I figured she was frustrated with work (working those LONG 40 hour weeks she's always complaining about). Apparently her work is REAL stressfull. Anyways, I will continue with my blog, but if you would like to read more of her blog, her myspace profile is and the blog is at the top right of the page.
Okay, so I get to work pretty early, and I'm in a really sad mood, because it really hurt, what she wrote. I get to work and its pretty slow, and I'm sad, but not horrible. I called Aaron earlier and started crying when I told him what she had written about me. Its pretty slow, even the rush part, so they cut Sandra and Nora and keep me and Eddie (the slow new guy, although usually that doesn't matter). Well, we had a second rush, and it was BAD. I gave the worst service ever (even after working at denny's. LOL!). I had 2 tables tip me NOTHING, and a third pay 6 cents LESS than the bill. That I teared up after. I had one lady who I thought was going to give me nothing, and she gave me $10 for a $35 ticket, and told Lori that she thought I was a great server, but it wasn't fair that everytime she comes in here, I am the only one working and it is really busy. It finally calmed down a bit. This is where things started to turn up. :D
I called Aaron and cried one more time, although that was more of a relief thing than a upset thing. Kinda when you're worried about someone so much you don't cry until you realize they are okay. I made $80, which is more than I"ve made in a while, and Aaron was coming to get me to go to Bryce's Mom's BBQ. I talked to Kristin (she had not called about 4-wheeling last night, and I thought she was just pretending to like me so I felt better) and she said that something else came up, but that she was really sorry, and still wanted to go another time. :D They tried to get me to take another table, but I insisted I wasn't going to, because it was dead and there were 3 servers on (the servers tried, they didn't want to take one yet).
Aaron came to meet me, and on the phone I had told him he should bring me a rose because I was very sad, and it would make me feel better. He didn't have one, but that was okay. He was going to Fred Meyers to the bank, and I told him I would give him money to buy one. Just him walking in with a rose was enough to make me happy. :D He insisted he wouldn't, and wouldn't take my money. He got a little irritated, and left. I was kinda bummed that he wouldn't even take the time to go get one with my money while he was in the store. Can you guess what happened? He came back with a rose HE bought. It made me happy, just like I thought. :D
We went to Theresa's BBQ. It was TONS of fun. We ate BBQ stuff, the kids had a bunch of water fights, we joked around, talked alot, the boys climed a tree and messed around. I had TONS of fun. Seriously. I used to do that alot as a kid, have huge-o BBQ's at my house, with tons of peopel there. They faded as time went on, so even when we would have them, they were either boring, or no one showed up. It made me sad. This was just PERFECT! We left to go to see X-men 3. I was excited. We watched it, and I feel bad cause Aaron didn't have a good time, because it was too hot, and we were there 45 minutes before the movie, and he was tired. I really liked it. There were a few things that didn't match up with the cartoon, which I ADORE, but mostly, it was good. :D
Aaron drove me back to work to get my car, and I drove home. Jackie was in the living room watching a movie, which sucked cause I had to walk by her. I just came in, locked the door, and went straight to my room. Just looking at her makes me sad, and feel like shit. :( Oh well. I dont know if she left a message cause i haven't looked yet. I will when I go to the bathroom. :D Anyways, I work tomorrow. A lady (a friends parents) who I haven't seen in a while is coming to Boston's to see me, since she is in town. Aaron is thinking about going on a 4-wheeling trip tomorrow. Rachel probably isn't going camping. So, sounds like work and sitting at home all weekend. LAME-O!
So, while I've been sitting here reading her blog, trying not to leave, I realize she called me a "Dumb A** Hoe" (excuse my language people). "Yeah Right! So i have been home for 44 min and the white rat up stairs has been barking non stop since that time. All I have to say is F****** rat! "I cant sleep because the dog was barking and whining." Okay maybe whining but not the f****** barking. Dum a** hoe." At first, I thought she was talking about the dog, but then realized that was the same day I left the note FOREVER ago about Maze whining. I really don't understand how she can be complaining about the neighbor's dog and thenin the same paragraph get mad at me for complaining about her friends dog. I think she was saying that Maze wasn't barking, but she was. Not that it matters anymore, but it was "Yip, Yip, Yip, Yip" for about an hour. She wasn't there. Maze doesn't whine, she barks. I love Maze, but it was annoying. Also creepy, she listens to mine and Aaron's conversations.
Anyways, I checked the fridge. There was just a note about rent. SHe had just told me before rent was due, which means she read the note, cause I asked her about it in the letter. I wonder if she would have just given the check for $375 if I had given it to her. She never said someone else was definatly moving in on the first. ANyways, so someone is. It is her friends boyfriend. I guess he will be over alot more. I wonder if he will be allowed to spend the night more than 3 times a week. Curious. ANyways, I am heading to bed. I think after work tomorrow, if i'm not doing naything, I might clean my room. I always say that, so it might not happen, but I might. :D
My boss at work did suggest that I just plan to clean a certain thing once a week, like EVERY wednesday I clean the bathroom, or something. I think I might clean the bathroom every tuesday and clean the tub every thursday. That way, she can never say that I don't help out. I don't think she would accuse me of it if I was doing it (my boss suggested that I keep a list in case she tried to say I wasn't doing anything.) I think its just hard for me to clean when it already looks clean, and she keeps it so outrageously clean that I can never tell when its clean, and when its dirty. :P Oh well, maybe this will work. :D
When I read this, it really hurt my feelings. It was really hurtful for me that she called me Lazy (I would say more forgetful) and was complaining about me not helping out. I was mad at the time (probably not the most diplomatic note) so I left a note that said this "I am much more likely to want to help out if you don't ask using insults or demands. When I first moved in I mentioned that if you ever wanted help cleaning, to just ask, and I would gladly do it, but that I don't really notice when things are dirty."
It was much longer, but I can't remember what else I wrote. Oh, I suggested that I write the check to her for rent because that way if there is a problem, she can deal with it easier, since I understand she doesn't have alot of time. Anyways, the answer I receieved was "I shouldn't have to tell you what to do around the house. You live here too. I'm not your parent. You aren't a child. Write the rent to Paul. If you want ot move out, you can. Just don't pull a Nina, Tell me when you are going to be gone. Thats not an insult, its an example"
Again, I'm mad at first, but when I think about it a little more, it really hurts. It made me really sad. I wrote an entire letter to her (which I won't post on this blog, unless there is a request). Basically apologizing profusly, (although I don't think i'm wrong about quite a bit of it) and telling her that her notes REALLY hurt my feelings, and that if she wanted me to move out, there really wasn't anything I could do, but that I didn't want to. I explained to her that she didn't seem to have a problem asking for help cleaning in the beginning, and that her standard of clean is much higher than mine, so It ALWAYS seems clean, even right before she cleans it. I told her that I have tried to be a good roommate, and i'm sorry she doesn't seem to think I have been. The whole e-mail was really sad and it made me sad, thinking she thought that badly of me. That was nothing yet.
I went to send this letter to her through myspace. I do not have her e-mail address, and I don't have a printer. While at her myspace, about to send her a message, I saw at the top right, her blog, and the first entry was entitled "Stupid people give me a headache!" I was curious, and its not snooping because hse posted it for the public. It contained this. "Stupid people give me a headache.... at times I wonder why there are so many stupid people in the world. So, I sat down to think about it last night. Hahaha....not really. My only last thought on the matter is that they are too lazy to use the gift that we were all given. Do you know that that gift is? You should.... it's your Brain. So the next time you come across someone that you may find stupid just remember that they are only using one percent of their talent. I have only one solution and that is to add some bleach to the gene pool. If we wipe out the laziness in our society then we maybe better in our education systems. They should have parenting classes as a requirement in high school, so stupid asses can parent themselves once off the tits of their parents. The fact of the matter is the generations are becoming lazier if their parents never took the time to instill life ethics into them. Okay... I am done for now. It isn't even 9 am yet and I want some rum and coke. I will take my stupidity in a bottle please.... THANKS!"
That REALLY hurt my feelings. I was pretty sure, considering the content, that she was referring to me, especially after the note from the other day. Notice the similarities (Lazy, Parenting). I even asked Aaron 3 times last night if he thought I was stupid or lazy. Anyways, I sent the letter. I went to work, and it got worse from there, but keeping on one train of thought, just a few extra notes about Jack-o (her nickname from Aaron and I. We really call everyone by their name and an O, so its nothing mean or anything). SHe apparently COUNTS the nights Aaron spends the nights. I figured it was a guestimate, but in one of her blogs she said that he had used all 3 of his nights already. Thats a little creepy, I think. She also has tons of stuff about her work, and at work she either sits around doing nothing, or she runs around taking pictures of her and her friends at work dorking around while they are supposed to be running errands. I figured she was frustrated with work (working those LONG 40 hour weeks she's always complaining about). Apparently her work is REAL stressfull. Anyways, I will continue with my blog, but if you would like to read more of her blog, her myspace profile is and the blog is at the top right of the page.
Okay, so I get to work pretty early, and I'm in a really sad mood, because it really hurt, what she wrote. I get to work and its pretty slow, and I'm sad, but not horrible. I called Aaron earlier and started crying when I told him what she had written about me. Its pretty slow, even the rush part, so they cut Sandra and Nora and keep me and Eddie (the slow new guy, although usually that doesn't matter). Well, we had a second rush, and it was BAD. I gave the worst service ever (even after working at denny's. LOL!). I had 2 tables tip me NOTHING, and a third pay 6 cents LESS than the bill. That I teared up after. I had one lady who I thought was going to give me nothing, and she gave me $10 for a $35 ticket, and told Lori that she thought I was a great server, but it wasn't fair that everytime she comes in here, I am the only one working and it is really busy. It finally calmed down a bit. This is where things started to turn up. :D
I called Aaron and cried one more time, although that was more of a relief thing than a upset thing. Kinda when you're worried about someone so much you don't cry until you realize they are okay. I made $80, which is more than I"ve made in a while, and Aaron was coming to get me to go to Bryce's Mom's BBQ. I talked to Kristin (she had not called about 4-wheeling last night, and I thought she was just pretending to like me so I felt better) and she said that something else came up, but that she was really sorry, and still wanted to go another time. :D They tried to get me to take another table, but I insisted I wasn't going to, because it was dead and there were 3 servers on (the servers tried, they didn't want to take one yet).
Aaron came to meet me, and on the phone I had told him he should bring me a rose because I was very sad, and it would make me feel better. He didn't have one, but that was okay. He was going to Fred Meyers to the bank, and I told him I would give him money to buy one. Just him walking in with a rose was enough to make me happy. :D He insisted he wouldn't, and wouldn't take my money. He got a little irritated, and left. I was kinda bummed that he wouldn't even take the time to go get one with my money while he was in the store. Can you guess what happened? He came back with a rose HE bought. It made me happy, just like I thought. :D
We went to Theresa's BBQ. It was TONS of fun. We ate BBQ stuff, the kids had a bunch of water fights, we joked around, talked alot, the boys climed a tree and messed around. I had TONS of fun. Seriously. I used to do that alot as a kid, have huge-o BBQ's at my house, with tons of peopel there. They faded as time went on, so even when we would have them, they were either boring, or no one showed up. It made me sad. This was just PERFECT! We left to go to see X-men 3. I was excited. We watched it, and I feel bad cause Aaron didn't have a good time, because it was too hot, and we were there 45 minutes before the movie, and he was tired. I really liked it. There were a few things that didn't match up with the cartoon, which I ADORE, but mostly, it was good. :D
Aaron drove me back to work to get my car, and I drove home. Jackie was in the living room watching a movie, which sucked cause I had to walk by her. I just came in, locked the door, and went straight to my room. Just looking at her makes me sad, and feel like shit. :( Oh well. I dont know if she left a message cause i haven't looked yet. I will when I go to the bathroom. :D Anyways, I work tomorrow. A lady (a friends parents) who I haven't seen in a while is coming to Boston's to see me, since she is in town. Aaron is thinking about going on a 4-wheeling trip tomorrow. Rachel probably isn't going camping. So, sounds like work and sitting at home all weekend. LAME-O!
So, while I've been sitting here reading her blog, trying not to leave, I realize she called me a "Dumb A** Hoe" (excuse my language people). "Yeah Right! So i have been home for 44 min and the white rat up stairs has been barking non stop since that time. All I have to say is F****** rat! "I cant sleep because the dog was barking and whining." Okay maybe whining but not the f****** barking. Dum a** hoe." At first, I thought she was talking about the dog, but then realized that was the same day I left the note FOREVER ago about Maze whining. I really don't understand how she can be complaining about the neighbor's dog and thenin the same paragraph get mad at me for complaining about her friends dog. I think she was saying that Maze wasn't barking, but she was. Not that it matters anymore, but it was "Yip, Yip, Yip, Yip" for about an hour. She wasn't there. Maze doesn't whine, she barks. I love Maze, but it was annoying. Also creepy, she listens to mine and Aaron's conversations.
Anyways, I checked the fridge. There was just a note about rent. SHe had just told me before rent was due, which means she read the note, cause I asked her about it in the letter. I wonder if she would have just given the check for $375 if I had given it to her. She never said someone else was definatly moving in on the first. ANyways, so someone is. It is her friends boyfriend. I guess he will be over alot more. I wonder if he will be allowed to spend the night more than 3 times a week. Curious. ANyways, I am heading to bed. I think after work tomorrow, if i'm not doing naything, I might clean my room. I always say that, so it might not happen, but I might. :D
My boss at work did suggest that I just plan to clean a certain thing once a week, like EVERY wednesday I clean the bathroom, or something. I think I might clean the bathroom every tuesday and clean the tub every thursday. That way, she can never say that I don't help out. I don't think she would accuse me of it if I was doing it (my boss suggested that I keep a list in case she tried to say I wasn't doing anything.) I think its just hard for me to clean when it already looks clean, and she keeps it so outrageously clean that I can never tell when its clean, and when its dirty. :P Oh well, maybe this will work. :D
At 8:56 PM, May 27, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
OK this is kinda weird leaving a comment for you considering you are sitting right behind me. but i want to be on record in sayin...first off your key board is dumb...sorry its skipping all over the place while i am typin...and your roommate pisses me off...and if she reads this good...Jackie your a B**** (PS im not using foul language out of respect for V)Love you girl
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