Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Weekend in Anchorage

So, I haven't been updating alot like I said, but at least its not a week later. :D So, my MSN name for the time being is "tanning rocks my world." My friend charlene and I went tanning wednesday night. I LOVE tanning. I hadn't realized how much I missed it. Now that i've started going agian, i remember. Its so relaxing to just lay in a tanning bed, where you can't move, and just relax. It seems to melt any worries you have away. When i'm lying in bed at night, I think of everything thats going on, but in the tanning beds I just let my mind relax. So, I went friday afternoon too. Even though I burnt, it was still worth it. So, i've been hanging out with charlene mostly. ALthough my pool balls broke, we borrowed some from the RA's, so we can still play. So, I left for anchorage friday night. I just went home friday (so sad) and went to bed. Saturday I got to see my mom, whom I haven't seen since June. That was nice to be able to see her and spend some time with her. Since we e-mail all the time, the communication wasn't much different, but it was nice to be able to see/hear her and have her see/hear me. :D I mostly hung out with Beni during the day, until workshops performance, then jordan showed up after that, and we went out. I got to eat Popeyes chicken, which rocks, and then we just went to wal-mart. I know it sounds lame, but we basically just walked around the store with a pinwheel and a sqweegi, oh and took dishes and set up a mini tea party on one of their patio sets. :D We also sang to the taco bell guy, who said we should try out for american idol. Thats about it, because sunday I slept in until noon, went to the convention and hung out, went to workshop for a while, then went to the airport to go home. I'm glad to be home now, even though I had a blast in anchorage. :D

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Youth today need to learn respect

Okay, thats a bad title. So, this last week, I honestly don't remember what all I did. I'm sure there was nothing interesting. I watched some movies. My roommate has been gone the whole week, so its been interesting, different. Friday I do remember I saw the music video. I now remeber why i don't do music videos. I looked really bad. The music video was actually pretty good. I was really proud of kentrell and the rest of the crew that did it. :D I personally look bad on any kind of film (picture or video), but it was still fun to do. I'm going to anchorage this weekend, so i won't get to watch it at the film festival, but i'm sure he will make me a copy. This weekend was weird. I didn't want to go anywhere, or be out or antyhing, i just wanted to be in the dorms. The name is just from yesterday. Yesterday morning at 7, my friends brought my pool set back, and they had broken 2 of my pool balls (which is pretty hard to do), and the ones who broke them didn't even bring them up, my other friend did. I was too mad about it. Either way, I got over it. For dinner, I asked a friend of mine to tell me when he was going to dinner, but he had forgotten the night before, so i told him, just if he rememberd, and I wasn't going to wait for him to call. I saw a friend going, so went with him. When we got to the commons, he told me to pick a table, so i did, and when i did, he ended up sitting with another group of people, who i know, and thought I was friends with. I said "oh your just going to ditch me like that" and he said, "yeah." So, I figured I would sit with them, but the only open seat was another girls, and I didn't want to take her seat, but no one suggested moving in another table, they just looked at me like, there's no room. I ended up having to sit by myself. It really hurt my feelings. I know its silly, but it really bothered me, especially because some of them I thought were friends, but since my roommate left, they have hardly said more than 3 words to me. It got better though, when I played pool last night with my friends, and when my other friends brought me over to their house to eat spaghetti that they cooked for me. Anyways, I should start updating sooner, because I forget what happened. :D Sorry. Oh, and I haven't been working out, (bad bad me). I'm going to try to start up again. I really want to be fit for the "cheerleading tryouts."

Monday, April 11, 2005

Music Video and Other updates

So, lets see, I know its been a week, so let me try to recall it. The week was okay, I think I looked cute on wednesday, and I actually went to class. :D I'm so proud of me. I had tests last week and now a test tomorrow. For a minute, i thought about buying a mustang, but decided not to. I think I"m still going to wait until the end of the summer to get a car. Spent most of the week looking at cars. Friday afternoon I went ice skating for the first time in probably about 2 years. It was fun, and I only fell twice. I've got a big bruise on my elbow and knee from it though. :D Next friday I have someone going ice skating with me. :D Friday night we went to the drag show to see a friend in it. It was really fun. :D I finally got to see a friend's place, and now I want to go next weekend and clean it. :D I'm sad, I know. Saturday, I went to a practice for the music video (more about that later), which was awesome, and then afterwards, we wanted to go out dancing, so we went to the military base because it was free. :D That dance was "INTERESTING." If you want details about that you will have to e-mail me, because its not something I want to post on this. So I spent all day hanging out on the front "porch" while this guy played guitar for money. It was pretty fun. Then I got ready and we went to shoot the music video. Okay, so this is for the film festival, and some people I know set this up, and then alot of my friends are in it, so I went with them to practice, and kinda got a small part. Its to brittney spears do somethin'. It was hard work, but we had a blast. I play the part of the "random white girl" LOL! I got to dance with one of the hockey players, and he wasn't as bad a dancer as I excepted, no offence to anyone who might be reading this who plays hockey, but they are good at hockey, but maybe not so good at dancing? LOL! It really was a blast, although we heard the song SOO many times and the word Jammin' or Jam so many times... :D I get to see the finished product on thursday or friday. I wore a short skirt, and it looked like they might have shot some up my skirt, so I REALLY REALLY hope that isn't on there, or I will be TOO MAD! Anyways, off to bed. I'm exhausted.

Monday, April 04, 2005

I curled my own hair this morning and liked it, so I took a picture.

Dancings A Good Workout

So, last week not much went on. I went and looked at some cars, and found a few cool ones, some that I definatly couldn't afford. I wanted to get out of my dorm as much as possible. Friday night, after my junior youth study circle, which was small, I went back to the dorms. There my friends and I decided to go to the "Club G" which is the gay club. It was really fun to be able to dance without having to worry about impressing anyone. We had a blast. Before we left, though, a friend of mine who was drunk got in my car, stole my tassel and broke my dads backseat. I was really mad at him about it, and still am, but I still had fun at the club. Saturday, after my dad and I went to the movies, we went to my uncles for dinner. The new baby, whose picture I want to put up, but its in bitmap instead of jpeg, was crying, and I held her and she stopped crying and fell asleep. :D It was awesome. After that, we went to the club again, but this time it was the regular club. It was really awesome, and a lot of fun because a lot of friends from campus were there too. :D My knee still hurts form dancing, and i'm still sore, but it was a lot of fun. I got to spend sunday with my friend sigourney. :D My roommate and I cleaned our room, and took before and after pictures, which maybe someday i'll post, when I get them. It was crazy, how bad it was, and how good it is now... kinda. :D Anyways... I should go to bed because I have to work tomorrow, but I'm not tired. I'm more hungry than anything. :P