Weekend in Anchorage
So, I haven't been updating alot like I said, but at least its not a week later. :D So, my MSN name for the time being is "tanning rocks my world." My friend charlene and I went tanning wednesday night. I LOVE tanning. I hadn't realized how much I missed it. Now that i've started going agian, i remember. Its so relaxing to just lay in a tanning bed, where you can't move, and just relax. It seems to melt any worries you have away. When i'm lying in bed at night, I think of everything thats going on, but in the tanning beds I just let my mind relax. So, I went friday afternoon too. Even though I burnt, it was still worth it. So, i've been hanging out with charlene mostly. ALthough my pool balls broke, we borrowed some from the RA's, so we can still play. So, I left for anchorage friday night. I just went home friday (so sad) and went to bed. Saturday I got to see my mom, whom I haven't seen since June. That was nice to be able to see her and spend some time with her. Since we e-mail all the time, the communication wasn't much different, but it was nice to be able to see/hear her and have her see/hear me. :D I mostly hung out with Beni during the day, until workshops performance, then jordan showed up after that, and we went out. I got to eat Popeyes chicken, which rocks, and then we just went to wal-mart. I know it sounds lame, but we basically just walked around the store with a pinwheel and a sqweegi, oh and took dishes and set up a mini tea party on one of their patio sets. :D We also sang to the taco bell guy, who said we should try out for american idol. Thats about it, because sunday I slept in until noon, went to the convention and hung out, went to workshop for a while, then went to the airport to go home. I'm glad to be home now, even though I had a blast in anchorage. :D