Youth today need to learn respect
Okay, thats a bad title. So, this last week, I honestly don't remember what all I did. I'm sure there was nothing interesting. I watched some movies. My roommate has been gone the whole week, so its been interesting, different. Friday I do remember I saw the music video. I now remeber why i don't do music videos. I looked really bad. The music video was actually pretty good. I was really proud of kentrell and the rest of the crew that did it. :D I personally look bad on any kind of film (picture or video), but it was still fun to do. I'm going to anchorage this weekend, so i won't get to watch it at the film festival, but i'm sure he will make me a copy. This weekend was weird. I didn't want to go anywhere, or be out or antyhing, i just wanted to be in the dorms. The name is just from yesterday. Yesterday morning at 7, my friends brought my pool set back, and they had broken 2 of my pool balls (which is pretty hard to do), and the ones who broke them didn't even bring them up, my other friend did. I was too mad about it. Either way, I got over it. For dinner, I asked a friend of mine to tell me when he was going to dinner, but he had forgotten the night before, so i told him, just if he rememberd, and I wasn't going to wait for him to call. I saw a friend going, so went with him. When we got to the commons, he told me to pick a table, so i did, and when i did, he ended up sitting with another group of people, who i know, and thought I was friends with. I said "oh your just going to ditch me like that" and he said, "yeah." So, I figured I would sit with them, but the only open seat was another girls, and I didn't want to take her seat, but no one suggested moving in another table, they just looked at me like, there's no room. I ended up having to sit by myself. It really hurt my feelings. I know its silly, but it really bothered me, especially because some of them I thought were friends, but since my roommate left, they have hardly said more than 3 words to me. It got better though, when I played pool last night with my friends, and when my other friends brought me over to their house to eat spaghetti that they cooked for me. Anyways, I should start updating sooner, because I forget what happened. :D Sorry. Oh, and I haven't been working out, (bad bad me). I'm going to try to start up again. I really want to be fit for the "cheerleading tryouts."
At 4:01 PM, April 20, 2005,
Erynn said…
It's kind of funny, but I remember things like that. Now I just think how I'm happily married, starting my life, and working for one of, if not the most popular game company in the world. Feeling good about how I'm doing is pretty easy. Now, trying not to imagine how my arch enemies are completely miserable failures... that's the hard part. :P
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