Music Video and Other updates
So, lets see, I know its been a week, so let me try to recall it. The week was okay, I think I looked cute on wednesday, and I actually went to class. :D I'm so proud of me. I had tests last week and now a test tomorrow. For a minute, i thought about buying a mustang, but decided not to. I think I"m still going to wait until the end of the summer to get a car. Spent most of the week looking at cars. Friday afternoon I went ice skating for the first time in probably about 2 years. It was fun, and I only fell twice. I've got a big bruise on my elbow and knee from it though. :D Next friday I have someone going ice skating with me. :D Friday night we went to the drag show to see a friend in it. It was really fun. :D I finally got to see a friend's place, and now I want to go next weekend and clean it. :D I'm sad, I know. Saturday, I went to a practice for the music video (more about that later), which was awesome, and then afterwards, we wanted to go out dancing, so we went to the military base because it was free. :D That dance was "INTERESTING." If you want details about that you will have to e-mail me, because its not something I want to post on this. So I spent all day hanging out on the front "porch" while this guy played guitar for money. It was pretty fun. Then I got ready and we went to shoot the music video. Okay, so this is for the film festival, and some people I know set this up, and then alot of my friends are in it, so I went with them to practice, and kinda got a small part. Its to brittney spears do somethin'. It was hard work, but we had a blast. I play the part of the "random white girl" LOL! I got to dance with one of the hockey players, and he wasn't as bad a dancer as I excepted, no offence to anyone who might be reading this who plays hockey, but they are good at hockey, but maybe not so good at dancing? LOL! It really was a blast, although we heard the song SOO many times and the word Jammin' or Jam so many times... :D I get to see the finished product on thursday or friday. I wore a short skirt, and it looked like they might have shot some up my skirt, so I REALLY REALLY hope that isn't on there, or I will be TOO MAD! Anyways, off to bed. I'm exhausted.
At 12:46 PM, April 16, 2005,
Anonymous said…
evelyna, hey, i am the trail of a blog, i am blogging .... so sprout, you are cute? (from another message) yes, you are but remember what someone who is reputed to have a simple mind, tho sometimes they say simply marvelous things, (as dont' we all do, occasionally) "pretty is as pretty does" are you doing pretty? if not, then the cute is cancelled. life is just a matter of work. it is work to work, it is work to be happy, it is work to be mad, blah, blah, blah, blah! so it it is all work, then err on the side of happy. we find what we look for, it is ALL out there!! so, about the dance, well since i am into "sayings", AA has a jewel - "you don't want to slip, then don't go into slippery places". of course if you do want to slip, then oops, there come contussions and bumps and other junk. evelyna, ever UPWARD, towards wisdom, courage, happiness, goodness. i have hit so many of the boulders of life, i'd like to offer a beautiful lady a few red flags to better roads, and the higher intelligence. love from, your admirer, susan XXXOOOXXX
At 1:18 PM, April 20, 2005,
Erynn said…
I'm not sure what that means, but hope you had a good time. :)
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