I guess I can update
So, I guess I should update. Life is going good. Home is nice. Its getting all settled. My room is still a mess, but I will get to cleaning it soon. My living room and kitchen is clean most of the time. The "dining room" or basically the area where my table is is still messy. Some of it is Aaron's stuff, and some is mine. My bathroom is really clean too. :D Its nice living by myself. No roommates to deal with. I know no one is doing drugs in my house because I'm the only one here. Thats really nice. :D I never smell weed anymore. Its wonderful. :P No one has even dented Aaron's truck even though there are about 60 apartments here. :P LOL! Anyways, I am in a nice routine. None of the drama that went on Daily at Boston's. Its awesome to just have little boring stories from work, get off work, watch one my 200 channels... hang out with Aaron, etc. I went to a Baha'i Reflection Meeting Saturday. It was really nice. I haven't been to anything like that for a while. I am starting a book 4 tutored by Maniksaq (for those of you who know him) Friday. I'm really excited. Its one of the only books I haven't done. The NEW book 5 is the only one left and they might be starting one soon. :D It will be nice to not only have something social every friday, but some Baha'i activity in my life. Right now I don't have alot of social activity because the only people I talk to here is Aaron, his family and Jordan sometimes. He has a few friends in class, but isn't ready to hang out with them outside of work. At work I don't get much social interaction because I work with one person, my boss. I see people every now and then, but none my age. They are all bar owners, all 30-40-50, etc. Its funny, I remember having so many Baha'i friends here a long time ago. I don't know what happened to them. LOL! Anyways, I'm going to hang out with Jordan today and I went to H2Oasis Saturday night and Saturday day I had the Baha'i Reflection Meeting, so I've had lots of social interaction this weekend. :D I'm feeling good about that. Anyways, so thats the update. I'm happy, work is okay (my boss thinks i"m a total idiot), money is going okay, spirituality is going okay, relationship is going okay. In general I don't have any problems. :P This is nice. :D :D :D
At 5:00 PM, September 24, 2006,
Anonymous said…
me gusta your post :D
At 12:05 AM, September 25, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Boring is good.
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