Tired, and Burnt Out
So, I am still a pretty happy camper, besides work burning me out. Saturday night I made pretty good money, and got off at like 1:30 in the morning. I was SO tired, I picked up Aaron and went straight home, to bed. I slept in until noon. It was nice. I don't get alot of sleep recently. :( I keep getting kept up right as I'm going to sleep by something or another, or I'm getting woken up early to do something. Sunday, after sleeping in, Aaron and I went to eat, and to the store. We had nothing to do, so we went and I got ice cream at my supervisors shop at Alaskaland (Pioneer Park). Then we walked through to the backside, and I asked someone when the Red Green Regatta was, because Aaron wanted to see it. It turned out we had missed it. It started at 11 and had just finished. The person I happened to ask was my childhood friend and upstairs neighbor's mom. She asked how my mom was doing, and my dad. After that I took Aaron home and went to work. I was early, so I bought new pens, and they work really well. I even got some that are MY pens, that I refuse to give out for credit card slips and such. I got off around 11, got gas and went to Aaron's. I had to take him home this morning to get his truck to bring it to Chaz. They got him a rental, but he asked for a full size so he could still put his 4-wheeler in it, and they gave him an S-10. Its cute though. (cough, I mean rugged and manly) So, I've just been happy, every day is one step closer to Anchorage, and no matter how annoying my roommate is, or how annoying the cooks at work are, I am just happy that I am finally going to be in Anchorage soon. :D Oh, and work has been so much more fun now that My dad and Kayla visited yesterday, and April, Amin and Kayla visted Saturday. :D
At 10:04 PM, July 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you are enjoying the sites & tastes of summer in Fairbanks p perhaps your last there for a while. Do you wear your personal pens aorund your neck? How is the job hunt in Anch. going? IS it still open to do the apt. mgr. thing? And what about the office job they wanted to hold? If you can get offers like that long distance - it's a good guess you can get good offers once you get there in person.
Love you
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