Am I allowed to talk about it now?
Anyways, I just wanted to update everyone on my current situation. I will try to be as positive as possible, although it will be hard. I may not say much, just so I don't spend the entire blog ranting about what upset me. Anyways, to start the whole story off as it unfolded
7/10 Monday: Aaron came over so I could cook him dinner before work. About the same time he got there, all my roommates left the house. That was kinda nice. I was able to cook him dinner and spend time in the kitchen without a bunch of people around. I cooked him spaghetti. It was yummy, he said so too. Before I started cooking, he looked out the window to see if everyone was gone. He noticed that my roommate Jackie had backed out, stopped and was waiting for something. Eventually she left. We cooked dinner, I went to work.
7/11 Tuesday: I was awake since 6, so I think I cleaned my room in the morning. I worked for a few hours, stopped by the bank, mailed my letters I've been meaning to mail, and went home. I was feeling very productive. Aaron was coming over to see me when he got off work. When he got there, there was a bunny rabbit underneath my car. After much working together (A+ cooperation) we caught the rabbit. We put him in a box, put the box in my room so he couldn't get out, and went to the store to get rabbit stuff. I wanted to keep him and was either going to find a friends house to keep him at, or ask my roommate if I could keep him outside or something. We went to Pet Stuff, Petco and Walmart. We ended up buying a few things for him, cheap stuff. (Don't worry I returned it the otehr day).
Anyways, when we went out to the car after walmart, Aaron was getting in, and saw the side of his truck looked funny. Upon a closer look, he realized that someone had MAJORLY dented the back end of his truck bed on the passenger side. Now, anyone who has met Aaron knows how he feels about his truck. It is his pride and joy (a close second to me. LOL!). He was SO MAD. He drove around petco for a bit looking for who might have done it. He called his mom and dad (both weren't home) and bryce (who didn't answer at first). It took him a while to calm down, but eventually he just accepted that it was a hit and run, and he was going to have to fix it. He was mad, but accepting. We had thought maybe a guest at the apartment had done it, but figured Jackie or Steph would have told us if one of their friends did.
We came pulling into his driveway and Jackie's car was there, along with Monica's and her other friend's car. Her back left tail-light was busted out, and had tape on it. He FREAKED out, we figured Jackie wouldn't do anything like that, no matter how much we didn't like her... we gave her more credit than that. I guess we shouldn't have. He slammed the door and ran to the door. He opened it, and was immediatly calm (compared to the rage he was before he opened it). I'm really proud of how well he can handle himself in an intense situation like that. He asked Jackie (who was in the kitchen with her friends) what happened to her tail-light. She got a "deer in the headlights" look, and shrugged her shoulders. She then said it happend at work during lunch today.
We walked outside, and Aaron called the police immediatly. Her and her two friends walked outside to leave. She looked at her tail-light, immediatly looked straight at the dent in his truck (although she supposedly didn't do it and didn't know about it) then continued to say that it happened at work while she was at lunch. We basically ignored her. They left in the two cars. She apparently wasn't bright enough to take her car with her. As we waited for the cops to get there, Aaron called bryce, and he came over. Aaron looked at the two cars, visually measuring where the marks on both vehicles lined up, there was a chip of tail-light in his truck, and we also found tons of tail-light shards right next to where Aaron always parks. We waited outside for the police, and he eventually showed up.
Aaron showed the cop the several pieces of evidence at the scene, explained what happened, etc. I went inside and changed the lock on my door to one I had from my previous apartment that has a key. If she was going to do something like that to Aaron's property in the driveway and not tell us, and lie about it, what might she do to my stuff, if she was upset, especially after we have called the cops on her. The police officer said it was VERY obvious what happend, and he was 100% it was her who did it. He said he would stop by that night to see if she was home to try to convince her that she should confess to it.
Aaron and I went with bryce to coldstones, and then drove back by the house later that evening. She had taken her car at this point, to park it somewhere else for the night, probably wherever she stayed the night. I stayed at Nava's house because i didn't really want to be at my house that night. I had been thinking about moving out early, like immediatly, because I did not trust Jackie enough to stay there any longer, plus I figured she'd kick me out anyways. I called April to see if I could stay with her, and she said she'd talk to her family, even though she had GOBS of stuff going on at her house the next month or so. I love her. :D (thanks april)
7/12 Wednesday: Aaron had an estimate done on his car, and it was $1300 worth of damage. He asked me not to blog about it until it was taken care of, or tell anyone at work. I had to work at 4:30, so I didn't get to see Aaron before work. during the daytime I returned all the rabbit stuff (I had let it go when we were waiting for the cops because I had realized not only could I not keep it, but I shouldn't have spent the money on the stuff, and Aaron was already stressed out enough with the event to deal with setting up a bunny. I went to Boston's to eat with Kayla too. :D It was nice to spend the day with her, since i haven't spend much QT with her for a while. She's grown up so much.
I got off work pretty early because it was not busy enough for me to stay. I picked up Aaron at home and he wanted to stop by my house to see if Jackie was home. She was, so we called the police and asked him to come by, because she was there, and if she wouldn't let him in, we would come let him in. We saw steph walking and gave her a ride to rob's house, because its quite a ways. The police officer said he had stopped by the night before, and three times during the daytime/evening. He said he would stop by soon. Aaron and I went to Taco Bell, and then drove around in town for a minute or two.
Aaron's phone rang and it was my house number. Aaron didn't really want to talk to her, so he waited for her to leave a message. She left a message, something like, "Aaron, I'd like to talk to you, so if you can give me a call, i'm at home and will be awake for an hour." While he was listening to the message, he got a beep and answered it. It was jackie, calling from her cell phone. She asked if he could come by to talk to her and he told her he could come by when the cop got there. She said the cop had already left. We had something else we had to do (go pickup my prize for winning a sales contest at work), but we came over right after that.
We walk in and she ignores us for a few moments, until Aaron asks what she wanted to talk about. She said she was sorry, she hit his truck. He said he wasn't mad because she hit his truck. He was mad because she lied about it. She said she had reasons for lying and if he wanted to hear them she would tell him but... but he wanted to hear them first. She told him she was late for work the day it happened, so she didn't talk to him then. She was going to call from work, but she got busy. When he came in and asked her about it, she was "startled" and so she lied about it, and it was her birthday. Sadface. I will keep my mouth shut about this, and only say I don't believe I can trust anything she says now, because I definatly don't believe any of those excuses. She told him because the cop showed up, and it would have been retarded to lie at that point.
I really didn't want to talk to her at all. I mostly stayed silent because I figured if I did open my mouth, I would definatly be yelling. She asked if I was moving out August 1 or September 1. I'm not sure why, considering I had ALWAYS been planning on moving out between August 20 and September 1, never anywhere NEAR the 1 of August, but she seemed confused. I told her the 25th, and she said "So, by september 1st" and i said, "No, by August 25th." Anyways, she also told me that her and steph had gone and set up a new cable and cable modem (steph had already mentioned) because they "didn't know what I was doing." She also told me she had a new phone number through GCI that should be ready to hook up. I asked her if they were just planning on disconnecting my phone without talking to me. She said I had to get mine disconnected first. I have given that number out to apartments and jobs. I'm not turning it off so they can have a phone, although neither of them use the current one. I told her just that.
Her and Aaron exchanged insurance information, while paced in and out of my room getting things I needed. I was AGAIN impressed with how Aaron handled it. I was so mad that she was still lying (making up excuses about why she didn't tell us, making it sound like she was going to tell us on her own at sometime) and that she had already lied that I could not even speak to her, whereas Aaron was casually talking to her about military housing and random crap. He was mostly just happy that his car was going to get fixed and everything was done with. He's apparently a better person than me.
We left and I was freaking out in the car at Aaron I was so mad about it. It bothered him to see me so upset, but I'm just not sure why I am constantly being surrounded by people that lie through there teeth. I try my hardest to be honest about things, but I have had at least two MAJOR experiences in the last month or two with people lying to me, and then also had one when I left my last apartment. Anyways, if I say anything more it will never stop, so I'll stop myself when I can. Just thinking about it upsets me so much. I hate being in this house because it reminds me about it, and makes me think about it.
Anyways, we ended up going 4-wheeling with Travis and Karrina. I had a horrible time because not only were travis and I not friends anymore, but we were also going to the place i like 4-wheeling the least, AND Karrina didn't want ot get muddy, so it made it even less fun. The worst part about it was that I had to wear a helmet, which hurt my neck, my back, looked funny, made it so I couldn't hear, made it so I couldn't snuggle with Aaron while we drove, and messed up my hair after I took it off. I refuse to wear a helmet again, even if I can't go 4-wheeling anymore. It ruins all the fun I had 4-wheeling, so its turned into snowmachining, which I hate. (well its a step above snowmachining because I hate the cold). I still went the whole time without complaining a lot because I didn't want to ruin it for Aaron. Anyways, i came home and went to bed.
4/13 Thursday: I woke up early to go to Boston's to support Kym in telling Lori that Travis is asking her to have sex with him, and then when she says no, he is a jerk to her at work, and as her supervisor makes her life hard. That was the MAIN reason, although Jeremy also mentioned how Travis was the one who told him to walkout in the first place, as a supervisor, so he could close early that night. We had to wait for Lori to be ready, so we all hung out in the bar for about 1.5 hours, and even Sarah showed up too. :D
After that, I went home and hung out in my room. Jackie knocked on my door and I said "Yes." No answer. A moment later, another knock at the door "YES." "Are you going to open the door, I'm not going to talk to you through the door." I open it (it wasn't even locked). She asked me if i was walking through the house with my shoes (which I haven't been). I told her no. She asked if I didn't trust her with my things anymore (because she had heard that). I told her that considering what she did to Aaron's truck, then lying about it repeatedly, made me wonder what she would do to my things, so No, I didn't trust her. She asked if she should be worried about her things. I told her I wasn't going to touch them, but if she wanted to be worried, she could. (I'm not in control of her feelings)
She then said she felt it would be "Best" if I moved out earlier in August. I asked her if that was a "I feel it would be best" or a months notice. After stuttering for a moment or two, she said it was a months notice. She asked if I wanted to change it to the 11th, because she heard that I had said on the 11th that I was going to move out. I cannot IMAGINE why I would want to move out on the 11th, but thanks for the option I guess. I told her I had thought about it, but changed my mind about it. I told her I would stick with the 13th. She also asked me if I had seen the electric bill on the fridge. I told her that was why there was the money the fridge for the electric bill, with the arrow pointing to it from the note. She left without taking the money, but I guess its her money, she can do what she wants with it.
Soon after I left to meet Aaron at Chaz. On the way out I asked the she write a formal written notice citing specific reasons why I'm being asked to leave. I spent the evening with Aaron, and went home around midnight. When I came home there was a letter for me. She cited her reason as being "time needed to prepare the apartment for incoming tenants." Again with the lying, but whatever. I guess I'll be gone in a month, so it won't matter anyways. So, I have to find a place to stay for two weeks before I leave for anchorage, which shouldn't be too hard, and then I will be gone.
I keep thinking of all these things I'd like to say to Jackie, most of them mean, but some of them just confused, or pointing out, etc. I probalby won't say any of them before I leave. I probably won't blog about them either, but I will say that I am pretty disappointed how this apartment turned out. I had a friend recommend her as a roommate, and I trust that person, because they have a good character, and they are a wonderful person. It makes me sad that the person they recommended did not posess the same characteristics. I am not sure if she is different with her friends, or if the person just didn't warn me, but either way, I had much higher expectations when going into this.
My next apartment will be solo, so I shouldn't have the problem of living with a crazy person again. LOL! That is until Aaron and i get married. LOL! Just kidding. Speaking of my next apartment, I did get a phone call today from one of the apartment buildings, the "safer/nicer" one (aka more expensive). They ahve accepted me, and i still have great credit. :D They also have a job opening there, and if I get it, I get 30% off the apartment price. :D She is going to send me a link with the website. I fixed up my resume just a touch, adding a few points for my boston's job. :D I'll let you know. If I ever get some from him, I will post pictures of the dent in his truck.
Anyways, sorry about any negativity in this post. It feels like all i've done in the last few days is deal with this, and it was definatly a big enough deal to post about. Even when I wasn't with Aaron, I kept thinking about it, because it bothered me so much, the lying. I counted and I found 12 chances she had to tell Aaron what happened, but she chose not to. To me, that definatly means she wasn't planning on telling him, until the cop showed up at her door. I'm not even sure why she would go to such measure's (i.e. lying) when her insurance will cover it, and barely raise her rates. Either way, I am trying to get over it, but it is hard. Every time I see her, every time I have nothing to occupy my thoughts, it comes back at me, and makes me upset, all over again. I just can't wait for this motnh and a half to be over and I'll be in anchorage, with all new trials and tribulations. :D
7/10 Monday: Aaron came over so I could cook him dinner before work. About the same time he got there, all my roommates left the house. That was kinda nice. I was able to cook him dinner and spend time in the kitchen without a bunch of people around. I cooked him spaghetti. It was yummy, he said so too. Before I started cooking, he looked out the window to see if everyone was gone. He noticed that my roommate Jackie had backed out, stopped and was waiting for something. Eventually she left. We cooked dinner, I went to work.
7/11 Tuesday: I was awake since 6, so I think I cleaned my room in the morning. I worked for a few hours, stopped by the bank, mailed my letters I've been meaning to mail, and went home. I was feeling very productive. Aaron was coming over to see me when he got off work. When he got there, there was a bunny rabbit underneath my car. After much working together (A+ cooperation) we caught the rabbit. We put him in a box, put the box in my room so he couldn't get out, and went to the store to get rabbit stuff. I wanted to keep him and was either going to find a friends house to keep him at, or ask my roommate if I could keep him outside or something. We went to Pet Stuff, Petco and Walmart. We ended up buying a few things for him, cheap stuff. (Don't worry I returned it the otehr day).
Anyways, when we went out to the car after walmart, Aaron was getting in, and saw the side of his truck looked funny. Upon a closer look, he realized that someone had MAJORLY dented the back end of his truck bed on the passenger side. Now, anyone who has met Aaron knows how he feels about his truck. It is his pride and joy (a close second to me. LOL!). He was SO MAD. He drove around petco for a bit looking for who might have done it. He called his mom and dad (both weren't home) and bryce (who didn't answer at first). It took him a while to calm down, but eventually he just accepted that it was a hit and run, and he was going to have to fix it. He was mad, but accepting. We had thought maybe a guest at the apartment had done it, but figured Jackie or Steph would have told us if one of their friends did.
We came pulling into his driveway and Jackie's car was there, along with Monica's and her other friend's car. Her back left tail-light was busted out, and had tape on it. He FREAKED out, we figured Jackie wouldn't do anything like that, no matter how much we didn't like her... we gave her more credit than that. I guess we shouldn't have. He slammed the door and ran to the door. He opened it, and was immediatly calm (compared to the rage he was before he opened it). I'm really proud of how well he can handle himself in an intense situation like that. He asked Jackie (who was in the kitchen with her friends) what happened to her tail-light. She got a "deer in the headlights" look, and shrugged her shoulders. She then said it happend at work during lunch today.
We walked outside, and Aaron called the police immediatly. Her and her two friends walked outside to leave. She looked at her tail-light, immediatly looked straight at the dent in his truck (although she supposedly didn't do it and didn't know about it) then continued to say that it happened at work while she was at lunch. We basically ignored her. They left in the two cars. She apparently wasn't bright enough to take her car with her. As we waited for the cops to get there, Aaron called bryce, and he came over. Aaron looked at the two cars, visually measuring where the marks on both vehicles lined up, there was a chip of tail-light in his truck, and we also found tons of tail-light shards right next to where Aaron always parks. We waited outside for the police, and he eventually showed up.
Aaron showed the cop the several pieces of evidence at the scene, explained what happened, etc. I went inside and changed the lock on my door to one I had from my previous apartment that has a key. If she was going to do something like that to Aaron's property in the driveway and not tell us, and lie about it, what might she do to my stuff, if she was upset, especially after we have called the cops on her. The police officer said it was VERY obvious what happend, and he was 100% it was her who did it. He said he would stop by that night to see if she was home to try to convince her that she should confess to it.
Aaron and I went with bryce to coldstones, and then drove back by the house later that evening. She had taken her car at this point, to park it somewhere else for the night, probably wherever she stayed the night. I stayed at Nava's house because i didn't really want to be at my house that night. I had been thinking about moving out early, like immediatly, because I did not trust Jackie enough to stay there any longer, plus I figured she'd kick me out anyways. I called April to see if I could stay with her, and she said she'd talk to her family, even though she had GOBS of stuff going on at her house the next month or so. I love her. :D (thanks april)
7/12 Wednesday: Aaron had an estimate done on his car, and it was $1300 worth of damage. He asked me not to blog about it until it was taken care of, or tell anyone at work. I had to work at 4:30, so I didn't get to see Aaron before work. during the daytime I returned all the rabbit stuff (I had let it go when we were waiting for the cops because I had realized not only could I not keep it, but I shouldn't have spent the money on the stuff, and Aaron was already stressed out enough with the event to deal with setting up a bunny. I went to Boston's to eat with Kayla too. :D It was nice to spend the day with her, since i haven't spend much QT with her for a while. She's grown up so much.
I got off work pretty early because it was not busy enough for me to stay. I picked up Aaron at home and he wanted to stop by my house to see if Jackie was home. She was, so we called the police and asked him to come by, because she was there, and if she wouldn't let him in, we would come let him in. We saw steph walking and gave her a ride to rob's house, because its quite a ways. The police officer said he had stopped by the night before, and three times during the daytime/evening. He said he would stop by soon. Aaron and I went to Taco Bell, and then drove around in town for a minute or two.
Aaron's phone rang and it was my house number. Aaron didn't really want to talk to her, so he waited for her to leave a message. She left a message, something like, "Aaron, I'd like to talk to you, so if you can give me a call, i'm at home and will be awake for an hour." While he was listening to the message, he got a beep and answered it. It was jackie, calling from her cell phone. She asked if he could come by to talk to her and he told her he could come by when the cop got there. She said the cop had already left. We had something else we had to do (go pickup my prize for winning a sales contest at work), but we came over right after that.
We walk in and she ignores us for a few moments, until Aaron asks what she wanted to talk about. She said she was sorry, she hit his truck. He said he wasn't mad because she hit his truck. He was mad because she lied about it. She said she had reasons for lying and if he wanted to hear them she would tell him but... but he wanted to hear them first. She told him she was late for work the day it happened, so she didn't talk to him then. She was going to call from work, but she got busy. When he came in and asked her about it, she was "startled" and so she lied about it, and it was her birthday. Sadface. I will keep my mouth shut about this, and only say I don't believe I can trust anything she says now, because I definatly don't believe any of those excuses. She told him because the cop showed up, and it would have been retarded to lie at that point.
I really didn't want to talk to her at all. I mostly stayed silent because I figured if I did open my mouth, I would definatly be yelling. She asked if I was moving out August 1 or September 1. I'm not sure why, considering I had ALWAYS been planning on moving out between August 20 and September 1, never anywhere NEAR the 1 of August, but she seemed confused. I told her the 25th, and she said "So, by september 1st" and i said, "No, by August 25th." Anyways, she also told me that her and steph had gone and set up a new cable and cable modem (steph had already mentioned) because they "didn't know what I was doing." She also told me she had a new phone number through GCI that should be ready to hook up. I asked her if they were just planning on disconnecting my phone without talking to me. She said I had to get mine disconnected first. I have given that number out to apartments and jobs. I'm not turning it off so they can have a phone, although neither of them use the current one. I told her just that.
Her and Aaron exchanged insurance information, while paced in and out of my room getting things I needed. I was AGAIN impressed with how Aaron handled it. I was so mad that she was still lying (making up excuses about why she didn't tell us, making it sound like she was going to tell us on her own at sometime) and that she had already lied that I could not even speak to her, whereas Aaron was casually talking to her about military housing and random crap. He was mostly just happy that his car was going to get fixed and everything was done with. He's apparently a better person than me.
We left and I was freaking out in the car at Aaron I was so mad about it. It bothered him to see me so upset, but I'm just not sure why I am constantly being surrounded by people that lie through there teeth. I try my hardest to be honest about things, but I have had at least two MAJOR experiences in the last month or two with people lying to me, and then also had one when I left my last apartment. Anyways, if I say anything more it will never stop, so I'll stop myself when I can. Just thinking about it upsets me so much. I hate being in this house because it reminds me about it, and makes me think about it.
Anyways, we ended up going 4-wheeling with Travis and Karrina. I had a horrible time because not only were travis and I not friends anymore, but we were also going to the place i like 4-wheeling the least, AND Karrina didn't want ot get muddy, so it made it even less fun. The worst part about it was that I had to wear a helmet, which hurt my neck, my back, looked funny, made it so I couldn't hear, made it so I couldn't snuggle with Aaron while we drove, and messed up my hair after I took it off. I refuse to wear a helmet again, even if I can't go 4-wheeling anymore. It ruins all the fun I had 4-wheeling, so its turned into snowmachining, which I hate. (well its a step above snowmachining because I hate the cold). I still went the whole time without complaining a lot because I didn't want to ruin it for Aaron. Anyways, i came home and went to bed.
4/13 Thursday: I woke up early to go to Boston's to support Kym in telling Lori that Travis is asking her to have sex with him, and then when she says no, he is a jerk to her at work, and as her supervisor makes her life hard. That was the MAIN reason, although Jeremy also mentioned how Travis was the one who told him to walkout in the first place, as a supervisor, so he could close early that night. We had to wait for Lori to be ready, so we all hung out in the bar for about 1.5 hours, and even Sarah showed up too. :D
After that, I went home and hung out in my room. Jackie knocked on my door and I said "Yes." No answer. A moment later, another knock at the door "YES." "Are you going to open the door, I'm not going to talk to you through the door." I open it (it wasn't even locked). She asked me if i was walking through the house with my shoes (which I haven't been). I told her no. She asked if I didn't trust her with my things anymore (because she had heard that). I told her that considering what she did to Aaron's truck, then lying about it repeatedly, made me wonder what she would do to my things, so No, I didn't trust her. She asked if she should be worried about her things. I told her I wasn't going to touch them, but if she wanted to be worried, she could. (I'm not in control of her feelings)
She then said she felt it would be "Best" if I moved out earlier in August. I asked her if that was a "I feel it would be best" or a months notice. After stuttering for a moment or two, she said it was a months notice. She asked if I wanted to change it to the 11th, because she heard that I had said on the 11th that I was going to move out. I cannot IMAGINE why I would want to move out on the 11th, but thanks for the option I guess. I told her I had thought about it, but changed my mind about it. I told her I would stick with the 13th. She also asked me if I had seen the electric bill on the fridge. I told her that was why there was the money the fridge for the electric bill, with the arrow pointing to it from the note. She left without taking the money, but I guess its her money, she can do what she wants with it.
Soon after I left to meet Aaron at Chaz. On the way out I asked the she write a formal written notice citing specific reasons why I'm being asked to leave. I spent the evening with Aaron, and went home around midnight. When I came home there was a letter for me. She cited her reason as being "time needed to prepare the apartment for incoming tenants." Again with the lying, but whatever. I guess I'll be gone in a month, so it won't matter anyways. So, I have to find a place to stay for two weeks before I leave for anchorage, which shouldn't be too hard, and then I will be gone.
I keep thinking of all these things I'd like to say to Jackie, most of them mean, but some of them just confused, or pointing out, etc. I probalby won't say any of them before I leave. I probably won't blog about them either, but I will say that I am pretty disappointed how this apartment turned out. I had a friend recommend her as a roommate, and I trust that person, because they have a good character, and they are a wonderful person. It makes me sad that the person they recommended did not posess the same characteristics. I am not sure if she is different with her friends, or if the person just didn't warn me, but either way, I had much higher expectations when going into this.
My next apartment will be solo, so I shouldn't have the problem of living with a crazy person again. LOL! That is until Aaron and i get married. LOL! Just kidding. Speaking of my next apartment, I did get a phone call today from one of the apartment buildings, the "safer/nicer" one (aka more expensive). They ahve accepted me, and i still have great credit. :D They also have a job opening there, and if I get it, I get 30% off the apartment price. :D She is going to send me a link with the website. I fixed up my resume just a touch, adding a few points for my boston's job. :D I'll let you know. If I ever get some from him, I will post pictures of the dent in his truck.
Anyways, sorry about any negativity in this post. It feels like all i've done in the last few days is deal with this, and it was definatly a big enough deal to post about. Even when I wasn't with Aaron, I kept thinking about it, because it bothered me so much, the lying. I counted and I found 12 chances she had to tell Aaron what happened, but she chose not to. To me, that definatly means she wasn't planning on telling him, until the cop showed up at her door. I'm not even sure why she would go to such measure's (i.e. lying) when her insurance will cover it, and barely raise her rates. Either way, I am trying to get over it, but it is hard. Every time I see her, every time I have nothing to occupy my thoughts, it comes back at me, and makes me upset, all over again. I just can't wait for this motnh and a half to be over and I'll be in anchorage, with all new trials and tribulations. :D
At 4:46 PM, July 15, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations - being accepted to the fancy apt. complex and being offered a job there! Wow. 30% discount every month! Is it a FT job or would you still work at Bostin's? Today I noticed a bang in my tailgate - can't open it. I traced it back to a pkg. lot incident. I checked for pkg. lot cameras, but none. I'm out $250 deduct. for repairs and wondering ... There must be a purpose in it.
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