Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Just thinking

So, I got an e-mail from somone saying I complain alot on my blog and do alot of backbiting and gossip. At first, I thought about it and wasn't really sure how to take it I guess. Then, as I was talking to my friend rachel, i kinda realized something (only slightly related to the backbiting and gossip stuff). She was talking to me about how her boyfriends been very, as Aaron and I call it, "Lovey Dovey" recently. She really likes it. I started thinking about how nice it is for her to have that. (I am getting to the relationship between these two. My brains weird.) She was pretty happy about that, and although alot of other crap is going on, she was able to be happy about that. I started thinking about how nice its been that my life is been going pretty easy. I like my job, even when they are being stupd. I have a few good friends that I enjoy. I have a boyfriend I love, who is Lovey Dovey quite often actually.

Anyways, I wondered what I have been complaining about on my blog. I thought about it, and remembered some of the crappy stuff, like the Travis thing, and the roommate thing, and the Customer Service thing (although that was more of a rant than something that actually made me "unhappy about life." Anyways, I realized that although those are the things I talk about (sometimes) thats not really all that bad, and my life is going pretty good. Now, i just have to find a way to keep that fact from God so he doesn't test me by throwing some stick in my wheel and ruin the happiness I have. LOL! I figured if I keep complaining to everyone maybe it will trick God into thinking that I'm having enough tests as it is. LOL! No? it won't work you say? Lame!

Anyways, Aaron has noticed it too, that i've been alot angrier recently. I talk about people at work sometimes and how they make me mad, and get REALLY into it, or I talk about people on the road, or the McDonalds thing (that one was the worst). I would get really angry and glare at these people, etc. Then I'd come home and rant (loudly) to him about it. I was trying to figure out why I've been letting these little things upset me. I don't know if its the people I'm around (my roommate, people at work, etc.) or if its something to do with me. They don't really ruin my life or anything (these little things) just recently they have been bothering me and then the ranting is just cause i like to talk I guess.

Anyways, I apologize for some of the complaining on my blog. I am not going to apologize for all of it, because the main point of this blog for me is to A) Let people know whats going on in my life and B) to vent my frustrations. I try to do that without being mean about people. I think I've gotten better about it. If people just come on here to see what i've been up to, I don't have enough to write about to blog even every week. The only thing that changes from week to week is either my work schedule, or my bill situation, which is basically, i'm Caught up, etc. Speaking of, I transferred the money to Aaron today. :D


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