Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Productivity to the MAX!

So, I am Super proud of myself. :D I really am. Yesterday (Tuesday) was one of my days off. I got up around noon cause Aaron called. He had a dentist appointment and wanted to know if I wanted lunch after. Seemed weird cause usually I'm not allowed to eat after the dentist, but if he can, then sure. We go to Wendy's. YAY Wendy's. I'm so glad its open again. Their fries weren't too good, but the service was super fast. The line was really long, and we got in and to a table with food in like 5 minutes. Sweetness. I took my own car so he could go straight back to work. After wendy's I went to Fred's to get some cleaning stuff and deposit some money. I am not up to $150 at AkUSA, on its way to paying back my dad and Aaron. :D

I deposited some money at NSFCU too. I stopped by the Post Office on the way home and picked up an envelope and stamps to Mail my mom's mothers day gift. Now, no ragging people. I sent her a card, and then thought of a sweet gift afterwards, which will probably make her cry, so HAH! Anyways, I got home and was supposed to hang out with Kristin Norman, who is back in town after moving to Georgia. She wasn't ready yet, so I cleaned the entry-way (like swept and then scrubbed on my hands and knees). After that, I noticed the porch was super dirty, so I swept the entire porch, steps, and by the front window. I even knocked the dust out of the doormat. :D

After that, Kristin called, and we went to Wendy's. I didn't buy anything cause I'm not eating out. I got to see her baby and her and her friend Lenaea (spelling is SO wrong there). I ate leftovers at home (hey, it was leftover steak, so its not bad at all!) and put my hair in pig-tail braids cause we were going to go 4-wheeling. I went over to Aaron's house, and he was snuggling up under his blanket. He wantd to nap. I was surprised cause I thought he wanted to go 4-wheeling, but he wanted to nap. I watched TV for a bit, and played a computer game for a bit. Eventually, he woke up. We went to the store to get his letter mailed off to get his transcripts sent to UAA, and he went grocery shopping. After we got home, we decided to go to my house.

We rented two movies, and watched one before going to bed. He also made a fort (yes, my 20 year old boyfriend made a fort with a sheet and rubberbands and tacs). He had to get up for work on Wednesday (today), and I had to work at 11:30. I worked till about 4, only making $40. It was DEAD. I had some nice talks with Troy, the manager, cause he hasn't managed in a while, so he's been too busy to talk. The cooks were ridiculously slow part of the times. Corporate is coming though, soon, which menas work is going to suck for a bit, with all the cleaning. I let Taz work the last hour instead of me cause it was so dead.

I went to Fred Meyers and bought groceries for home. I'm not eating out anymore, for at least a week, and then only if I feel I must, and only once a week. When I got home, I put the food in the fridge, organized all my old food in the fridge, found some of Nina's food and threw it away (after I confirmed it wasn't Jackie's, cause that would have been bad), moved half my food from the pantry to a cabinet, and even cleaned out the cabinets before I put the food in. After that, I worked out (YAY FOR ME!) and then called Aaron. I got read to go and went to his house.

He seemed tired again, but decided to go 4-wheeling. We went to Birch Hill at Ft Wainwright (after he got a new truck battery at Sears and changed it in the parking lot). It was TONS of fun. After we were done, we went to WalMart, and then to Barnes and Noble. He didn't come in with me cause he didn't want to, but I went in and looked at cookbooks. My dad is going to give me his, cause I couldn't find one (they have WAY too many) and he has one I'd probably like. We went back to his house, and we were going to watch the other movie, but he had to do something with his truck. While I waited I watched TV.

When he came in, we were going to start the movie, and RIGHT as we were going to start the movie, Travis called. THey were talking for a bit, so I went to the kitchen. As a sidenote, these boys NEVER do dishes. They are boys. Its okay, but there was some mold in the bottom of the sink, so I felt like I HAD to do dishes. I didn't mind, and I figured it would make Aaron happy, and surprise him. Does anyone recall what happened last time I surprised him? (The fish?)

He came in and got mad at me cause I wasn't watching the movie with him cause i wanted to finish the dishes. I told him to watch it without me, but he didn't want to. I told him to help me so they got done quicker, he didn't want to. He called me Jackie cause he felt I was lecturing him. Of course that made me pretty mad, but I wanted to finish the dishes. Towards the end, he came in and talked to me, and apologized. He waited for me to finish, and then we went in and finished the movie. Just so no one tries to save me from the EVIL boys who MAKE me do dishes, I didn't mind doing them, no one asked me to, it was a favor, so no one get those ideas. :D

Anyways, now I'm home and going to go to sleep. I'm going to try to clean the bathroom tomorrow, and maybe the rest of my room (the desk still needs to be cleanedl, and vacuuming would be nice. :D I will have to take down the fort though, cause it gets in the way. Sorry Aaron. I am supposed to go 4-wheeling with Kristin and Halley and Aaron tomorrow after he gets off work, but I also promised rachel if she called that I would immediately help her, which I will, so I may have to postpone that if she wants it. (The IRS screwed her over... Rachel, I will help, I promise, Love you!).

I wanted to make a completely unrelated oberservation I guess it would be. I realize that sometimes I've gotten upset about someone and used my blog as a way to VENT, because it felt like it was a way to get all the anger out without backbiting or hurting anyways. I think it is like that, but then after the whole thing with my roommate, I realized that if someone who I was "venting" about stumbled across this blog, they might be extremely hurt. I would feel really bad about that. My blog is no secret, so its not like someone would have to go hunting for it. ANYWAYS, I was thinking about it, because I really still need to vent. It has helped me get over alot of stuff. I think what I will do is try really hard to only relive the incident, and how it made me feel. I will try to avoid name-calling and other possibly hurt-ful things. That is what I tried to do during the whole blog about the incident with Jackie. I would relay interesting things that I read on her blog that pertained to me, and relayed the incident, but tried to call her names or say some of the things I was thinking about her when I was mad. I tried to relay how I FELT about it. I think thats very mature of me, but mabye not. LOL! We'll have to see how it goes. If anyone notices me using name-calling, let me know, so I know and then can try to do better the next time around. :D


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