Things are getting out of hand
So, Tuesday was my 1st day off. I got up pretty late, and hung out around the house. Got a few things done, like depositing money, etc. Before I went to my dads to do laundry and watch the movie, I visited Aaron. I told him to read my blog, and he did. He was not happy about the idea of me going early, but I think he just knows he would miss me. I did watch a movie, but doing the laundry didn't work out cause the landlord at his place had unplugged the dryer/washer to use the plug in and we didn't want to mess with it. The movie was okay, not so great. I talked to my dad about leaving early. We decided together it is probalby the best choice I have.
Wednesday morning I had to go to work again. I was planning on talking to Travis, but I just put that aside forthe end of work. All day he bugged me about what was up and to talk to him. I told him every time that I would talk to him later, that I didn't feel that Lori should have to pay me to sit there and talk about this with him. When I had NO customers, I was being all productive and deep cleaning stuff. I was proud of myself. Travis was going to leave, and said to call him. I didn't want to do this over the phone so I talked to him then.
At first, he gave these excuses about why he didn't want them. I don't know why. I told him that didn't matter, he tried to explain that the date wasn't really a date, it was supposed to be a "hangout." Then, when I told him that wasn't hte part I was mad about either, it was the lying, etc, he basically said they were lying. We argued for a while, going back and forth, getting nowhere. I told him I didn't believe him cause he does lie, etc. He was pretty mad that I had gone and told Sari that he was a liar the other day.
When work was over, I called Aaron. He stopped by boston's while my last table was finishing up. Sari and Celia got to work, and mentioned to me that Travis had come BACK to work Monday and told them that he had tlaked to me and I had been joking about calling him a liar and I had apologized about the whole thing. I didn't "forget to mention" that part in my last post. It just DIDN"T happen. I didn't even apologize on Wednesday. We were all laughing about it, because he thought it was funny that he was trying to get away with all this. Kym overheard us, and asked to talk to me. Kym asked me if Travis had a girlfriend. I told her that he did and it was their 3 year anniversary the other day. Kym was a little shocked.
After that, Aaron and I left. We went to Aaron's house for a bit. We ended up going 4-wheeling at Birch hill, which was fun. When we got back, Bryce and Aaron wanted to go eat. We went to Chili's. That was fun. Aaron came over and we watched "The Davinci Code" excepts its from Korea, so I couldn't read the subtitles, and some parts were in french, and not english. It was okay, but i fell asleep towards the end.
Today was my other day off. I was going to get up early and go do my laundry, but I slept in. I went to my dads to do laundry, did a couple errands, came back to my dads, and my clothes weren't dry. I went and did errands for him, and they still weren't dry (I had put a huge load in there and it had to be on low). I went home for a little while. When I was at home, Travis called me. He asked me what was up with me "talking S***" about him at work. I told him I didn't. He asked me why people were calling his cell phone to tell him that I did. I told him I didn't know. Aaron called, so I told him I had to go. I talked to Aaron for a few minutes, and then went back to my dads. The clothes were finally done. :D
I came back home to wait until Aaron was done with work, etc. Travis had called me 2 times while I was at my dads. I called him back, and he didn't answer. I left a message saying I was returning his call, if he wanted to talk to me. He called back a WHILE later. He yelled at me for about half an hour about me getting in his business. A lot was said, including "if you are going to make life hard for me, I will make life hard for you at work" which he apparently doesn't consider a threat, because he said later he "never threatened me". He kept insisting I was talking crap about him, and I kept telling him I didn't. It also came up that I didn't consider him a friend anymore. That surprised him for some reason. I don't know if he has alot of friends that Threaten, Harass and Lie to him. I try not to.
Anyways, finally, towards the very end of the conversation, he randomly apologized for yelling at me. I wasn't sure why, because for the last few minutes, I hadn't said ANYTHING new. Either way, it didn't seem very sincere. I called Aaron, and went to his house. While I was at Aaron's house I decided that Tomorrow at work I'm going to talk to Lori. Not about EVERYTHING and I won't even use names (I came up with that part later), but just let her know that SOMEONE is mad at me, and might try to say things about me to her to get me in trouble, and that if that happens, to ask me about it, and I promise to tell her the truth about it, even if it will get me fired.
If Travis tries to talk to me about it, I will just tell him I don't want to talk about it anymore, and to just let it go. If anyone else asks me about him and Karrina, I will just say last time I talked to her they were dating, but I don't want to say anything more. I figure that is the best course of action. Alot of people want me to just say nothing and tell them to either ask travis, or that I don't know. The problem with that, is that Karrina is a friend of mine, and I love her and don't want people to do mean things to her. If these girls keep listening to his lies, it could hurt Karrina, or them, and I don't want any of them hurt, most of all Karrina.
Anyways, this has put a bunch of stress on me. Although I had already almost definatly decided to leave for Anchorage at the end of June, its even more sure now, because I don't want to have to work with Travis, and I don't want to have to work with Tony (I don't remember if I've mentioned him, but he grabbed my ass at work, and when I told Travis about it, he supposedly told Lori, but nothing ever happened about it) and they work opposite shifts. Doesn't leave much time for me to work. It will just be alot easier for EVERYTHING if I leave now, and then Aaron comes down mid-august. :P
Wednesday morning I had to go to work again. I was planning on talking to Travis, but I just put that aside forthe end of work. All day he bugged me about what was up and to talk to him. I told him every time that I would talk to him later, that I didn't feel that Lori should have to pay me to sit there and talk about this with him. When I had NO customers, I was being all productive and deep cleaning stuff. I was proud of myself. Travis was going to leave, and said to call him. I didn't want to do this over the phone so I talked to him then.
At first, he gave these excuses about why he didn't want them. I don't know why. I told him that didn't matter, he tried to explain that the date wasn't really a date, it was supposed to be a "hangout." Then, when I told him that wasn't hte part I was mad about either, it was the lying, etc, he basically said they were lying. We argued for a while, going back and forth, getting nowhere. I told him I didn't believe him cause he does lie, etc. He was pretty mad that I had gone and told Sari that he was a liar the other day.
When work was over, I called Aaron. He stopped by boston's while my last table was finishing up. Sari and Celia got to work, and mentioned to me that Travis had come BACK to work Monday and told them that he had tlaked to me and I had been joking about calling him a liar and I had apologized about the whole thing. I didn't "forget to mention" that part in my last post. It just DIDN"T happen. I didn't even apologize on Wednesday. We were all laughing about it, because he thought it was funny that he was trying to get away with all this. Kym overheard us, and asked to talk to me. Kym asked me if Travis had a girlfriend. I told her that he did and it was their 3 year anniversary the other day. Kym was a little shocked.
After that, Aaron and I left. We went to Aaron's house for a bit. We ended up going 4-wheeling at Birch hill, which was fun. When we got back, Bryce and Aaron wanted to go eat. We went to Chili's. That was fun. Aaron came over and we watched "The Davinci Code" excepts its from Korea, so I couldn't read the subtitles, and some parts were in french, and not english. It was okay, but i fell asleep towards the end.
Today was my other day off. I was going to get up early and go do my laundry, but I slept in. I went to my dads to do laundry, did a couple errands, came back to my dads, and my clothes weren't dry. I went and did errands for him, and they still weren't dry (I had put a huge load in there and it had to be on low). I went home for a little while. When I was at home, Travis called me. He asked me what was up with me "talking S***" about him at work. I told him I didn't. He asked me why people were calling his cell phone to tell him that I did. I told him I didn't know. Aaron called, so I told him I had to go. I talked to Aaron for a few minutes, and then went back to my dads. The clothes were finally done. :D
I came back home to wait until Aaron was done with work, etc. Travis had called me 2 times while I was at my dads. I called him back, and he didn't answer. I left a message saying I was returning his call, if he wanted to talk to me. He called back a WHILE later. He yelled at me for about half an hour about me getting in his business. A lot was said, including "if you are going to make life hard for me, I will make life hard for you at work" which he apparently doesn't consider a threat, because he said later he "never threatened me". He kept insisting I was talking crap about him, and I kept telling him I didn't. It also came up that I didn't consider him a friend anymore. That surprised him for some reason. I don't know if he has alot of friends that Threaten, Harass and Lie to him. I try not to.
Anyways, finally, towards the very end of the conversation, he randomly apologized for yelling at me. I wasn't sure why, because for the last few minutes, I hadn't said ANYTHING new. Either way, it didn't seem very sincere. I called Aaron, and went to his house. While I was at Aaron's house I decided that Tomorrow at work I'm going to talk to Lori. Not about EVERYTHING and I won't even use names (I came up with that part later), but just let her know that SOMEONE is mad at me, and might try to say things about me to her to get me in trouble, and that if that happens, to ask me about it, and I promise to tell her the truth about it, even if it will get me fired.
If Travis tries to talk to me about it, I will just tell him I don't want to talk about it anymore, and to just let it go. If anyone else asks me about him and Karrina, I will just say last time I talked to her they were dating, but I don't want to say anything more. I figure that is the best course of action. Alot of people want me to just say nothing and tell them to either ask travis, or that I don't know. The problem with that, is that Karrina is a friend of mine, and I love her and don't want people to do mean things to her. If these girls keep listening to his lies, it could hurt Karrina, or them, and I don't want any of them hurt, most of all Karrina.
Anyways, this has put a bunch of stress on me. Although I had already almost definatly decided to leave for Anchorage at the end of June, its even more sure now, because I don't want to have to work with Travis, and I don't want to have to work with Tony (I don't remember if I've mentioned him, but he grabbed my ass at work, and when I told Travis about it, he supposedly told Lori, but nothing ever happened about it) and they work opposite shifts. Doesn't leave much time for me to work. It will just be alot easier for EVERYTHING if I leave now, and then Aaron comes down mid-august. :P
At 2:44 PM, June 10, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
OK now i hate who ever Tony is...that is messed up and if he does it again tell him he has to deal with the only one who is allowed to grab your butt LOL JJat
And question...have you told Karina about travis? cause the if you havent and she finds out from someone else and then finds out that you knew...that might hurt her even if it was me in her shoes i would be pissed if i found that out and that you knew and didnt tell me, cause it woul dbe like being betrayed not only by my boyfriend but by my best friend too adn i would wonder why you protected him by not telling me... if you need to talk you can call me V you know that...and we have to have a good bye party before you leave...but it has to be b4 the 19th cause i will be in the feild after that adn i dont know when i will be coming back, it will either be the 30th or not untill july 31st....
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