Working in the Bar
Okay, so I am working on the Bar side of Boston's now, and i absolutly love it (sorry parents). Its alot more fun, and I make ALOT more money. Last night it was slow according to the bartender, and I made $80 in 5.5 hours. I spent most of the night talking to this one table, because they were there all night and really talkative. Most of the customers are alot more friendly in the bar. In the restaurant, the idea is to get in, get food, and get out. IN the bar, most of the people come to hang out, so they want to talk to the waitress, which in turn, gets me better tips. :D Plus, I get to wear a WAY cuter outfit.
Anyways, enough about that. For people if they want to stop by... RACHEL... my schedule is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday night. So, if someone... RACHEL... and her friends are going out Friday or Saturday night, Boston's has a fun bar... kinda. :D Then I could be your Bar Server. :D
The whole Travis thing is mostly over. I just stopped talking to anyone about it, except I mentioned to Lori to let me know if he said anything about me. She said she noticed his lying too. Either way, I am done with it. Travis wants to be friends again, but I keep having to tell him its going to be a long time. He wants me to forgive him and get over it. I think he still thinks he was right, but that he's sorry about yelling at me and harassing/threatening me. I don't think he sees the lying as a problem. He called Aaron like 4 times a day every day until Sunday, when Aaron FINALLY called him back.
Other than that, not much doing. I called Jordan last night, and she has signed a year lease with her boyfriend. I had been planning on not staying with her, but then I realized how expensive everything is on my own. I guess I don't really have a choice though. She was the ONLY person I could think of. Yesterday I had all this stuff to get done and didn't get anything done. I can't figure out how my productivity works. Why am I TOTALLY ON some days, and then do NOTHING others. I get it someday. :D
Anyways, enough about that. For people if they want to stop by... RACHEL... my schedule is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday night. So, if someone... RACHEL... and her friends are going out Friday or Saturday night, Boston's has a fun bar... kinda. :D Then I could be your Bar Server. :D
The whole Travis thing is mostly over. I just stopped talking to anyone about it, except I mentioned to Lori to let me know if he said anything about me. She said she noticed his lying too. Either way, I am done with it. Travis wants to be friends again, but I keep having to tell him its going to be a long time. He wants me to forgive him and get over it. I think he still thinks he was right, but that he's sorry about yelling at me and harassing/threatening me. I don't think he sees the lying as a problem. He called Aaron like 4 times a day every day until Sunday, when Aaron FINALLY called him back.
Other than that, not much doing. I called Jordan last night, and she has signed a year lease with her boyfriend. I had been planning on not staying with her, but then I realized how expensive everything is on my own. I guess I don't really have a choice though. She was the ONLY person I could think of. Yesterday I had all this stuff to get done and didn't get anything done. I can't figure out how my productivity works. Why am I TOTALLY ON some days, and then do NOTHING others. I get it someday. :D
At 10:21 PM, June 14, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
hey V...i feel so bad cause work has me running around like a mad woman...i worked 12 hours today with only a 30min really it was 12.5 hours cause i couldnt just shut off the work thinking while i was eating...adn i leave for the feild either sunday or monday....but i think i might be working pretty heavy untill i leave for the feild...i feel bad cuase i am negelting all my friends( including micheal) i am going to miss his birthday....wich i am really upset about cause we got into this huge fight and i know its cause i am going out into the feild for so long but if i dont go they would have to cancel all of the trips that are going out of the base camp that i am suposed to be working at cuase they dont have anyone who can take my place cause a bunch of people dropped out last min for various reasons....I cant tell you how sorry i am if i dont get to see you before i leave but as things are going i dont even know if i will get to say good bye to micheal...although we are at least talking....the fight just really bothered me but it doesnt seem like there is any time to think or talk or anything....i feel like a bad friend and gf...i swore work would never take priority in my life and without realizing it it did anyway....any way i feel like crap both cause of personal shit adn cause i am exhasted from work....and now i have to start getting my stuff together and through stuff in the wash...adn this message is entirely too long..know that i love you adn i am sorry
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