Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Super Lame

So, tonight is my night off. The "PLAN" was to go to this BBQ at UAF for springfest, hang out some before the evening, and then in the evening, go to Aaron's house and play Settlers of Catan with Aaron, Bryce, Aaron Ginnaty (Grundy) and whoever else would show up. So, I meant to get all dressed up before the BBQ, but woke up late. Picked Aaron up from class and went straight to the BBQ. It was crap. I talked to about 5 people, said hi, etc. The food wasn't even burgers and hotdogs, etc. it was gross sausage stuff, Veggie Burgers and this decent, but not great Ribs. Aaron has to go get his bike from TVC, and wants to ride back to his friend's Grundy's house.

The only fun I did have today was going mudding with Aaron. We took his truck up to Birch Hill on base. His truck was SOO muddy. He decided to drive through this Huge-O puddle. He ALMOST got stuck, but he didn't. He got himself out. He was worried for a second or so, and then pulled backward and forward, etc until he could Rally backwards and out of the puddle. It was exciting cause I had never really gotten close to getting stuck with him before. He hasn't gotten stuck since he moved up here. :D Hmmm.... knock on wood! LOL! ;)

He and I did NOTHING besides getting a milkshake and a later a sode and some cheese fries until about 9. We went to Aaron's house, and were trying to get ahold of Grundy to play with us. He was busy, but said to call back at 10. We did. He decides not to play. I passed up on bowling with Rachel (kinda) to stay and play this game with them cause Aaron really wanted to play this game with more than 3 people. So, when we find out its just us 3, he doesn't want to play, so we do NOTHING. I'm SO BORED!

Anyways, wednesday I worked until about 6. I made about $75 which isn't bad, but isn't great either. There was this lady as one of my last 2 tables who took FOREVER to order. When she did finally order, she ordered Pork Chops. I ordered them, and then was told we didn't have any (although it wasn't on the "out of stock" list ALL day. This apparently rocked this lady's world. "Every time I come in here you guys are out of what I want, I'm just going to have to stop coming here. I want a comment card. I'm going to mail it in." I feel bad, don't get me wrong, but it was apparently the biggest deal EVER, like someone died!

The other table I had was this group and one lady ordered a create-your-own pasta. They put bacon on it RANDOMLY. I brought it out without thinking, and she said she couldn't eat it with bacon. Thats understandable. I go back to the shortstaffed kitchen and have them remake it. It comes out of the oven with bacon on it again. I am shocked. They finally make it a THIRD time, no bacon. I bring it out, and although the bowl its cooked in the oven in is scorching (as always) but the noodles and sauce are ice cold and its even the wrong sauce. We gave up by then. We took it off the bill.

After work I met Aaron and Bryce and Debbie for the Bible Study thing we do at restaurants each wednesday. Aaron accidentally ordered the wrong thing, so I had to buy myself some of the right thing, which is okay. Then we come back to Aaron's house and played the game again. It was fun. We also played 1313 Dead End Drive and that was about all. In short today sucked and was super boring and lame and a waste of my ONLY day off!


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