Leaving Tomorrow
So, I'm excited about leaving for anchorage. I should update first.
Tuesday: Before I went to work, I called TDL and AkUSA. AkUSA said that they were still doing interviews, so I am going to call them back on Monday and see where they are at. TDL made an appointment for Wednesday morning. Aaron took my car during the day, and came and picked me up. I got paid $15 in tips from Nora, since I did most of the work that day. She doesn't have to give me anything since I am training, so her giving me anything is nice.
Wednesday: My day off. Those are nice. :D Aaron worked early in the morning. I had my meeting with TDL. They have a receptionist position at Pacific Movers. I have to call them Monday, and I will have an interview Tuesday morning. I hope it goes well, and quick cause I think I work tuesday morning. I spent most of the day with Aaron which is always nice. :D
Thursday: I worked by myself today. It was really easy. I made $45. :D I got off at like 3:30 (so I made $10 an hour in tips alone, and thats on top of the 7.15 and hour wage). Aaron stopped by right before I got off, and asked if I would drive him and his friend to go sledding. I did, picked up my check, wrote a check to my insurance company, dropped off my check at the bank, and then after they were done sledding, I cooked them dinner. It was fun. Aaron and I watched TV most of the evening, then he decided he wanted to go sledding again. I drove him and bryce there to meet the same friend from earlier. I have to go drive them home now.
Tuesday: Before I went to work, I called TDL and AkUSA. AkUSA said that they were still doing interviews, so I am going to call them back on Monday and see where they are at. TDL made an appointment for Wednesday morning. Aaron took my car during the day, and came and picked me up. I got paid $15 in tips from Nora, since I did most of the work that day. She doesn't have to give me anything since I am training, so her giving me anything is nice.
Wednesday: My day off. Those are nice. :D Aaron worked early in the morning. I had my meeting with TDL. They have a receptionist position at Pacific Movers. I have to call them Monday, and I will have an interview Tuesday morning. I hope it goes well, and quick cause I think I work tuesday morning. I spent most of the day with Aaron which is always nice. :D
Thursday: I worked by myself today. It was really easy. I made $45. :D I got off at like 3:30 (so I made $10 an hour in tips alone, and thats on top of the 7.15 and hour wage). Aaron stopped by right before I got off, and asked if I would drive him and his friend to go sledding. I did, picked up my check, wrote a check to my insurance company, dropped off my check at the bank, and then after they were done sledding, I cooked them dinner. It was fun. Aaron and I watched TV most of the evening, then he decided he wanted to go sledding again. I drove him and bryce there to meet the same friend from earlier. I have to go drive them home now.
At 7:09 AM, April 07, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
hey V,
I just got some interesting news last night that i thought you might want to know. I was at Niki's bridal shower adn one of the girls there, Rochelle, you might know her from school...anyway we were talking and she started saying that she had just gotten a new job at a bank adn i asked wich one and she said AkUSA, she had interview on tues and they called and hired her the next day....were they hiring more than one position? I hope this didnt upset you but i thought you should know just incase they are giving you the run around, i dont like it when people do that, espesecially to you....LL
At 11:12 PM, April 08, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
EEEK i did it V!!! i applied for this job with the parks service! i was unsure about it cuase it would mean leaving home most of the summer and we both know how i feel about leaving home and working weekends but i just couldnt pass it up so i applied just now on line and i am going to call monday and see if they got my application and see when they might call for an interview (cause the application deadline isnt untill after the 24th...Im so excited!!!this is somehting i never would have done a year ago cause i was too affraid to leave home, i dont know why...im nervous about it but really excited too, i just had to tell someone other than my dad!!! ll
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