Really Crazy Day. (actually surprisingly good)
Okay, so this morning I posted and I was like all bummed out. I moved some of my stuff to the garage in order to move it to my dads. I was waiting for rachel to come pick me up. She got there, and we went to bring it there. While we were there I called the girl about the place i'm going to stay. We made an appointment for 5:30. Then I called the landlord. You could tell by her voice that Felicia had talked to her, and she apparently believed felicia and was suspicious of whatever I would say. I'm really not worried about it. I took a half an hour nap before rachel picked me up, only that short cause Aaron called (totally worth missing sleep). I tried the state troopers, but I got a message machine. I'll try another time maybe, depending on what the landlord says. Anyways, Rachel and I came home and there was a message from Bostons. Weird cause if you recall I went in to get a job there and they didn't need anyone. They wanted to do an interview. I'm not sure if it was because Travis (a friend) works there and told them to hire me, or if the Lady who manages at night had seen me working at Denny's and I had been her waitress and maybe she had been impressed, so she told them to hire me. He told me what hours he needed and had me fill out some papaerwork. Saturday I'm going to go get my uniform, etc. Anyways, I didn't have anything to do, and I figured felicia would be home, so I didn't want to go there, and iA only had about an hour and a half, or two hours before I had to go look at the apartment. I put oil in my car (it was below minimum) and air in my tire. I picked up my paycheck (only 80 because i'm working so few hours). Deposited it. I didn't have anything to do, so I drove to April's to see her and the kids, but no one was home. Drove back into town. When I got to the place to look at it, I was SHOCKED> The outside is SO GHETTO, like looking like those people who are "fixing their house" but for several years, and can't afford nice stuff to make it look okay in the meantime. I also know the person who lives upstairs from when I was little. Anyways, I went inside anyways, and its really nice inside. The girl is really nice, a bit of a neat freak, but really nice. It would be really cheap to live there if we had a 3rd person. I am going to talk to Rachel (or she can read this) and SERIOUSLY SUGGEST she think about it. She is always saying how she needs to get out of the house, and its really cheap. I think she could afford it, esp if her dad pitched in like he promised, but even if he didn't. So, yeah, be expecting me to contact you about it Rachel. She's even really clean, which you like. :D Anyways... So, back to my crazy day. Then, i went to my dads for dinner and had a greta time. We ate, talked, watched Beauty Shop, and Deal or No Deal (cool show! I went home to get dressed for work and Denny's had called. I called them back and they want me to work Swing Shift. I would make alot more money that way. Sweet! When school starts it will change laot of things, but I will worry about that then, cause i will almost be 21. So, lets see... Yeah, and I made 70 bucks at work, and now i'm home and Aarons online and i'm talking ot him. :D
At 8:40 AM, December 22, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
hey just read your blog....ok yeah that is like duh, why would i be leaving a comment if i hadnt read your blog...Sorry its been one of theose cheap is cheap? because i dont thinkk that i will be working as much as i did last semester this semester, if you can believe that....i dont think that i will be working more than like 10hours a week or somthing cause of chemistry.....last semester i made about 300 a month when i worked as much as possible with school and i think my lowest paycheck for two weeks was somthing like 80....maybe it will change if i get a lab job but i'm not holding my breath, i think i will be staying with my parents untill i am a graduate student adn then i will find a nice little place...i kinda like not having to work if school gets too crazy...and its not that bad at my parents cause they let me do almost anything i want now that i am 20, actually i might start paying rent to them so that i can have more freedom....that and if i am going to move out, i'm not letting them help me, other wise why would i move out? they help me now and i am there to help them, if i moved out and they paid part of my expenses it would be just like now but i wouldnt be helping them in exchange...see what i mean? well i better get back to work.ttyl
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