Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I wish people would be more descriptive

I try to be open to feedback, I really do. I"m not sure if I am good at it, but I do try. Anyways... someone left an anonymous comment saying I was a snob. I would really like to hear more about why. I need some concrete examples to understand where they get that. I don't know if they plan on reading this ever again, but if they do, I'd really appreciate the concrete examples. I think it is possible that it could have been someone who contacted me on Yahoo. I often have people contact me on Yahoo who I don't know and want to become best friends, or date me. Thats not happening. I have made a few friends online, but that was very few out of the majority that talk to me, and i don't really talk to them anymore because I don't really know anything about them or who they are. Most people have encouraged me to not reply to people I don't know. Recently I have stopped because of all this. Part of me feels bad about hurting people's feelings, but not all of me. Anyways, that may have been a waste because maybe it had nothing to do with that. Anyways, if that person is still reading, then I would appreciate some concrete examples, if not, nevermind. I'm not really sure I believe in Karma, and I really don't mind Drama. I actually have found a job and might eventaully become a manager. Anyways, enough about the being a snob thing. So, Monday night I don't even remember what I did. Probably sat around doing nothing. Yeah, that was it, sat around doing nothing. LOL! Tuesday I went to Boston's, and the lady said she didn't need anything during the day. I went to the movie theatre and my old manager just took my name, SS# and phone number to call about rehiring me. He also told me that they are looking for some managers. I know that he loves me, which means that I'll basically almost definatly get the job, and maybe manager, which would be sweet cause I could quit denny's. Gotta go, blog more later.


  • At 8:50 AM, December 08, 2005, Blogger Rachel_Bachert said…

    Manager??!!! that would be awsome V, i hope you get it...and who the hell called you a snob?Maybe i am partial cause you are one of my best friends and you have always been there for me but heywhat can you do right? Oh yeah so yesterday i went to the shop to see micheal, and he definatly dimattled my snow machine....i think he took parts off to put on to James sled, i know i dont ride it that much but it was still MINE...i sound like a little kid, anyway i'm gonna make him buy me new stuff, or give me back my stuff and then i'll have to take you out snowmaching k?
    love you much

  • At 12:26 PM, December 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, I decided to come back to see if you would resond, and much to my surprise, you did, especailly since you could have just deleted the comment. (Actually now that I think about it, it is always about you, so it makes sense that you would make a scene out of it).

    Everything is about you... you, you, you, you, you... what are you too good to hang out with your mom, she only wanted a little bit of time. (what if you were never to see her again... and you would rather spend time with someone you could possibly see almost every day) That leads me to think that you are self centered and selfish, everything is all about you.

    I find your current situation quite, how would you say... deserving. So you can't get a job with the movie theatre, because of how you quit. So you are on the HR file, how many HR files are you on. A while ago you quit one job (I am SURE you are on their HR file). Then you were fired, (not too good of a track record so far, oh and you are definitely on their HR file). And now you are not showing up to your current job, so you can spend time with your boy friend, heading towards black marks in their HR file I am sure.
    So basically what I know about you: you are selfish (not considerate about others, unless it suites you), you have absolutely NO WORK ethic. I know, I know all the excuses are flowing through your brain, but here is a reality check: you are the one thing that is constant in all the situations, hence the problem.

    One final argument on this: poor work ethic, you have not had a job recently there has not been a problem with... ummm.

    So why do I write this, because I want to help. You really need to start thinking about others, even the people you do not want to think about. Maybe you can apologize to people you have looked past or trampled on, (not a nice thing to do)

    Trust me, unless you recognize the problem, WHICH YOU HAVE, (even though I am sure at this very moment you are denying it) You need to get a grip, and lose a little pride and start changing your life, or life with jump up and bite you in the butt, and it is going to bite you REALLY hard. So beware...

    I am sure that I will meandor back to your blog in the next week or so.

  • At 9:21 AM, December 13, 2005, Blogger Rachel_Bachert said…

    I'm curious what else you have to say about or too V. I Agree that V has her problems, everyone does, but i dotn agree with her being as selfish as you think. I have seen her get used by people and it pisses me off because she is too nice. And I cant help but feel for her when it comes to work, i know how hard it is to get up and go to a job when you dont like the work your doing...Every job i have had has just been a job to me, to make money, and i try to find some form of enjoyment but alot of the time i have to just tell myself " you need the money, thats why your getting up, adn its not like your going to do this for the rest of your life..." I think i may know who you are, maybe....
    My last point...V is an Awsome friend, and i wouldnt trade her for the world, she got herself into the situatuions she is in, she knows that and so do i but she will get herself out too. Liek me she is just looking for that Job that is a career. Along the way you make mistakes, and you learn, V is learning from her mistakes, like us all.

  • At 9:41 PM, December 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Anonymous

    Get a life.

    If you really wanted to help you would of said just
    "Your mom only wanted a little bit of time. what if you were never to see her again?"

    Which gets your point across without sounding arrogant or stupid.. But no you had to add "Everything is about you... you, you, you, you, you."

    As you and everyone else knows you don't know the poster... but hey, if you want to read other peoples blogs that’s fine. I do it too... but if you are going to read other people personal blogs then you need to indeed be helpful and constructive. Instead you come off sounding selfish yourself...because you seem to be looking for attention. There is a word for you. I bet you have heard yourself referred as it many times. The word is TROLL

    So ... here are the choices .
    1) be helpful, 2) go away and get a life, or 3) post your name and your own blog address so we know who we are talking to. Maybe we can know as much about you as you claim to understand about her.



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