Funny, I Can't Seem to Read My Own Blog
Okay, so since this has to be quick and I don't remember what I wrote last, I'll just tell you about the last couple days. So, I redecorated my room. I think it was the day before yesterday. I really like it now. Aaron helped me out, and now it looks better, even when its messy, and I have a desk for my computer (also known as my bedside table) and I have my movies all upstairs, and remotes so we don't have to get up to change the channel or the volume. Yesterday we went to go pick up the Topper for Aaron's truck, and he didn't have the clamps to clamp it on. He ended up propping it half on half off the truck bed and putting a board to make it not fall. He was so worried the whole time it would fall off and shatter. Finally, we got to Wal-Mart (who doesn't sell clamps, which is dumb) and bought wrachet straps. We strapped it down. We went to Fred Meyers and he bought me this really nice ring for Christmas, but its getting sized. Then we went to go get something to eat after hanging out at my house for a while. It turns out somethings wrong with my car... yay, another thing I can't fix. ALso, I applied to bostons and have to go in on tuesday to talk to them. And Denny's took me off the schedule because they are dumb, so I have to talk to the lady on wednesday to start working again. I'm going to work Denny's Part time (11-3) Hopefully, and then Bostons during the daytime.
At 1:49 PM, December 07, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Ok, so I read your blog to learn more about you... and I learned that you are a complete snob, and it is Karma, that is why you are struggling with employment and seem to have drama... I am telling you it is bad Karma...
At 8:52 AM, December 08, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I want to know why you think V is a snob too...shes always nice to people as far as i know and have seen...and its not Karma its called LIFE...there are always ups and downs, bad days and good.
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