So, I was wondering why I wasn't getting any calls for the past couple days. Whenever I'd come home, I"d check the caller ID and there wouldn't be any missed calls. Usually there are at least one or two or something. So, it turns out my roommates fiance/boyfriend/friend whatever he is FORWARDED my phone to HIS phone! The phone that I am struggling to pay, the phone that no one else puts a dime into, the phone that my roommate already basically took over during the week or so that her cell phone was down. The phone that I try to leave in my room at night, but she comes and takes it as soon as she would realize it was gone, sleep with it, and then leave it downstairs where I can't hear it. You can't just forward a phone on accident. Its not something that the phone randomly does itself. So, now, I have no idea if anyone has called me because he's an idiot and wouldn't remember if they did. ARG! Anyways, I ran off without finishing yesterday because Aaron came to pick me up and we had to be somewhere. So, now I don't remember what I did all night. :P My roommates were partying, I remember that, because they partied again last night. I noticed as soon as Aleena left, they started partying and haven't stopped since. I hate all these kids they party with. We come downstairs for a second, and get bombarded about questions about if we do crack or drink, etc. and then one guy threatens to cut the lock off my Aaron's snowmachine and steal it. They just basically go around making this HUGE mess and being loud and stuff in my apartment. I thought they were going to steal stuff or break something the whole night. I'm pretty sure they were about to smoke weed downstairs, so we went downstairs to make some food and Josh asked me if I had a lighter, which I don't cause i gave my only one to them, realized they were smoking weed with it, so I didn't want it back cause it would smell bad. I remminded them they weren't allowed to smoke weed downstairs and they assured me they wouldn't. I decided that if it happens again, I will tell them that she getsw one more chance before I move out and they can pay for my part of the rent. I will tell them the same thing if they get a dog. Anyways, on a lighter note, its getting really warm outside. Its been nice. My eye is messed up and hurting so i'm trying not to wear my contacts as much until it gets better. I haven't heard from the movie theatre, but then again, maybe they called and Josh is an idiot. Oh well, i'll stop by the theatre and talk to HB. Oh, and yesterday I went to talk to Cate because she was back at work. She was in a meeting so everyone said to wait until she got out. I waited for an hour, because they got out late. Finally, they got out and everyone kept coming out, so I was waiting for Cate to come out. She didn't, so I went back there. She freaked out and told me that NO ONE who was off the clock was allowed in the back (I don't know how i'm supposed to check my schedule, talk to a manager, or clock on even for that matter because they are all in the back) and then told that I have to make an appointment to talk to cate. THat has never been the rule. THEN, I asked if I could make an appointment for later, and she told me I would have to CALL to make an appointment and I had to call before 11 (but she doesn't get there until 9 or so) or after 1 (except today I was there after 1 and she was too busy). So she couldn't make me an appointment because she didn't have her schedule, but she knew she was busy tomorrow. I HATE her. I decided that it was bullshit and I refuse to go back.
At 12:57 PM, December 09, 2005,
Erynn said…
Call the police on them, that'll shut them up. Last time I checked, doing drugs is _illegal_. I'll do it for you if you want.
At 8:15 PM, December 11, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
problem with calling the police its that it will get all of them evicted....and i am sure that aleena wouldn;t look too kindly on having her sister arrested and getting evicted from her appartment...But i do think that this should be their last chance, dont go giving them one more chance to fuck you over V...tell them that your not kool with what they are doing adn that you live there too and if they have a problem with that then your moving out and they can figure out how to pay your part of the rent, if they want to keep acting like you dont live there...
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