Job Hunting
Okay, so Monday I went job hunting (YAY). It didn't really turn out great (boo). I found some jobs I wanted, mostly from the FDNM and and some I didn't. There is one at C&R Pipe, which would be awesome cause it was an office job, which I like to do, but because it is a small pipe and steel company, I have the feeling I could dress casual and the environment would be casual. I've really enjoyed learning about construction stuff from aaron. This would be kinda the same. Anyways, there was a secretary job at the Effie Kokrine Charter School (anyone know where that is? LOL!) but I doubt I'll get it. There was a lady turning in an app, and she looked all kindergarden receptionist like.. and I realized that maybe thats why i'm not getting the jobs I want, that people that have been adults for a while are applying for the same jobs, and so they are getting them instead of me, a new adult. LOL! So, another job was an office assistant at a Law Firm. That one would be okay (its just in someones house kinda) but I don't know if i"ll get that either. I looked at some waitress positions too, but I would rather not waitress. I stopped by Fairbanks Memorial Hospital to see Carla Archer (a family friend who my Uncle who works at FMH suggested i talk to) but she was in a meeting. My uncle wasn't busy so I chatted with him a bit. I got a paper with a website on it to look for jobs online. I stopped by some banks, but I don't think I filled out any applications because they were either part time or I had to do it online or something like that. I hadn't slept yet, so as SOON as I got home I went to sleep. I sletp until late, then called into work. I wouldn't have done that, but aaron was willing to pay me $100 to stay home (about what I would have made if I went). I didn't want to go to work anyways. I didn't have to work tuesday night because they hired another girl. So I had Tuesday Night off, Wednesday and Thursday night off like usual. I also didn't work Saturday and Sunday night I only worked for a few hours. My paycheck for that week is going to be HORRIBLE. So, Denny's cut back on my hours (poo on them) so now I"m only working 2 8 hour days (16 hours) and then 2 4.5 hour days (9 hours), which means that i'm only working 25 hours a week. Thats lame. Before I was working 2 4.5 hours (9 Hours) and 3 8 hours (24 hours) so that was at least 33 hours. I can't live of 25 hours a week. Anyways... Tuesday I slept. I was supposed to get up and go to FMH, but I didn't because I didn't wake up in time. Tuesday night Aaron and I got into a fight, and I was mad at him, but started crying because he was mad at me. I went into the lobby to wait for him (he's living at his work, so its like his entry way or living room I guess) and was crying and he came out and we were leaving there for him to take me home. We pulled up to turn onto the highway and he tapped me. I just started bawling and hugging him (normal for me recently cause i"m a dork. LOL!). I realized he was crying (he's only cried once beforein front of me) and he told me he was sorry and not to be mad at him. I told him I loved him and I wasn't mad, and it would be okay. When he felt better we drove to my house. He asked if he could come in to talk to me more. We were upstairs in my room and I was listing all the wonderful things he does that makes him a good boyfriend (because he was upset that he treated me bad). As I was trying to cheer him up, and I told him I loved him some more, this is what happened
"you know what?"
"I love you too."
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you before but I just couldn't"
"Yeah, I knew you did"
So, yeah, I was really excited because he had never told me he loved me and he's never told another girl (besides family, etc.) that he loved them. Anyways, he really does brighten up my day. Today I went to ACS to go pay $20 on my phone bill so I can pay the rest later. I spent time the other day setting up payment plans with alot of my debtors. I need to call a few more. Rachel stopped by on tuesday too. That was nice. I also had breakfast with her on Monday. We had SO MUCH FUN! I miss rachel. Its been nice seeing her more. :D Anyways, so tomorrow I'm going to TRY to clean my room, but we'll have to see how that goes. I always say that. I want to stop by FMH to try to talk to Carla again. I just applied online for 2 postions there, admin assistant and radiology receptionist. I also applied for a bookkeeping/accountant thing (but its entry level, and supervised, so a really good way to get into accounting). I e-mailed them my resume with a letter explaining how much I'd love the job. I tried to be professional, but also sound eager. :D Hope if worked. That would be perfect. I also may register for classes tomorrow (probably). I know Micah and Erynn insisted its a bad idea, but I think I can handle 2 classes and I really want to continue school. I keep thinking I want to at least take some accounting classes and learn something. So, I may go to Krisin's wedding tomorrow (see her blog in my links section). I haven't seen her baby that she just had. I might just stop by though cause I have nothing to wear and I"m not sure if i'm invited, etc. (Ruhi and April said I was, its at their house). Umm... and yeah, i'm watching the OC tomorrow. LOL! Oh, and when I went job hunting I visited my Foster Sister from way back. I always remember her waking up when she was like 16 (and i must have been like 7 or 8 or something (really young) and getting ready (curling her hair, doing her makeup, choosing her clothes). It always seemed so glamorous and I LOVED watching her. Anyways.... thats it for now.
"you know what?"
"I love you too."
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you before but I just couldn't"
"Yeah, I knew you did"
So, yeah, I was really excited because he had never told me he loved me and he's never told another girl (besides family, etc.) that he loved them. Anyways, he really does brighten up my day. Today I went to ACS to go pay $20 on my phone bill so I can pay the rest later. I spent time the other day setting up payment plans with alot of my debtors. I need to call a few more. Rachel stopped by on tuesday too. That was nice. I also had breakfast with her on Monday. We had SO MUCH FUN! I miss rachel. Its been nice seeing her more. :D Anyways, so tomorrow I'm going to TRY to clean my room, but we'll have to see how that goes. I always say that. I want to stop by FMH to try to talk to Carla again. I just applied online for 2 postions there, admin assistant and radiology receptionist. I also applied for a bookkeeping/accountant thing (but its entry level, and supervised, so a really good way to get into accounting). I e-mailed them my resume with a letter explaining how much I'd love the job. I tried to be professional, but also sound eager. :D Hope if worked. That would be perfect. I also may register for classes tomorrow (probably). I know Micah and Erynn insisted its a bad idea, but I think I can handle 2 classes and I really want to continue school. I keep thinking I want to at least take some accounting classes and learn something. So, I may go to Krisin's wedding tomorrow (see her blog in my links section). I haven't seen her baby that she just had. I might just stop by though cause I have nothing to wear and I"m not sure if i'm invited, etc. (Ruhi and April said I was, its at their house). Umm... and yeah, i'm watching the OC tomorrow. LOL! Oh, and when I went job hunting I visited my Foster Sister from way back. I always remember her waking up when she was like 16 (and i must have been like 7 or 8 or something (really young) and getting ready (curling her hair, doing her makeup, choosing her clothes). It always seemed so glamorous and I LOVED watching her. Anyways.... thats it for now.
At 3:36 PM, December 01, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
i'm with you on taking classes. you do need to get back into school even if its only two classes.and i am happy that i have got to see you more lately too:D i feel like i finally have some breathing room as the semester is coming to a close.
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