Better Concrete Examples
Okay, so I got another comment from the same person who said I was a snob giving me better concrete examples. Thanks. :D In response, the reason I responded first, and did not delete the comment, is because I really do like to improve myself. If there is something wrong with me, I try to understand it so I can fix it. I asked a friend if he thought I was a snob, and he started going on and on and on trying to make me feel better and tell me to ignore what some stranger who doesn't know me wrote about me. I told him I wasn't upset about it. I am just trying to use it as constructive crticism. I HAVE noticed that often times when a stranger reads my blog, they find me selfcentered, but all my friends tell me that I am too nice to people and let myself get walked on. I think I figured out last time it is because in this blog, I write about myself only. Yes, this blog is about me, because thats the point of it. My whole life isn't about just me, but this, this is. THats kinda the point of a blog in my opinion. I write a little about my friends and family when something happens to them, but mostly because this is almost a description about my life. It helps me to go back and reread it to know what I was thinking at a certain time, and it lets me vent about things, in a way thats not backbiting. Anyways, in response to the "i'm too good to hang out with my mom." The thing is that anyone who doesn't know me WELL does not understand the relationship my mom and I have. I love my mom, but our relationship has been really rocky. I don't like to go into it because if she read it, she would probably cry, and why needlessly upset her when she hasn't done anything wrong recently. She may think I was mad at something she did, and then be sad, but I'm not currently mad at her. My mom actually thanked me for all the time I spent with her when she was here. She said she didn't expect as much time as I gave her. We do much better over e-mail and such anyways, because we tend to argue less. THe job situation also has information that I haven't written about on my blog. You must have gone way back to read about me quitting my other job. Actually my boss gave me a GREAT reference, as did my boss from the job I had before that. They both love me and would have me back in an instant. You can't get away from quitting jobs, unless you work at the same job forever. The reason I quit this most recent job was because I could not work in such a negative environment. My best friend works there and I can see it slowly killing her. She has so much trouble there, and is hunting for a new job, but can't seem to find one. The one I was fired from, if you ask the Owner, I think he'd say that I was a good employee. In fact, right before I left, he gave me a raise because of how dedicated I was to his business, coming in whenever they needed me and I was avaialable, covering extra shifts, etc. The woman who fired me hadn't worked with me, and before and after I got fired, everyone I talked to agreed that they also had problems with her. I heard even the owner had problems with her. I was going to quit that job, but I wanted to find a new one first. At Denny's, they must have thought that I was a good employee before because they rehired me. The movie theatre, the situation is interesting. I quit because I was going back to school. I was going to be a senior, taking calculus, and going to be on the swim team. I was not goign to have time to work that year. I was waiting until swimming started to give my 2 weeks though. Right before I was going to quit, after working there for an entire year (much longer than most of the employee's there, because the turnover rate is very high), I got 2 write ups in a week from a new manager. If no one had written me up for anything (other than miscounting a few times on my till) for that entire year, and then all of a sudden there is a new manager and they write me up twice, I think that says something. I agree with one thing that was said. I shouldn't have called in to work at my current job since I wasn't really sick. I could list all the reasons, like that they mistreat me, and that there is no way to get out of work there unless you are dying, etc. but those would just be excuses. I realized after talking to my dad, who pointed out that it wasn't right to lie to them just cause they lie to me and mistreat me. He was right. I actually have been told by all my previous bosses that I have amazing work ethic. I hate to get paid to do nothing. I think that its okay to talk and work at the same time both parties can get their work done, etc. But, for example, at the movie theatre, many people would just stand around, or go watch movies while getting paid. I refused to do that. Althouhg through this blog it seems all I have is problems with jobs, it seems that alot was missed. I have written many times about how much I loved the coffee shop while I worked there. My boyfriend would remind me that I loved my job before I'd go to work. I was constantly praising my IAB job until I started to really notice all the negativity, and backbiting, and gossip, and favoritism, etc. I liked the movie theatre while I worked there, enjoyed it. I liked my job at denny's before, and at first I really enjoyed it, but then started to have problems with being mistreated. The current boss is another that everyone is having problems with. Anyways, I guess in conclusion, I do have many many problems, I will not deny that. I just really don't think that being a selfish snob is one of them. Rachel, who reads my blog, will tell you how many times I've been there for her. My best friend Aleena, I believe would tell you how much I've been there for her. My boyfriend actually gets mad at me because i keep letting people walk on me. I let my roommate take advantage of me (although that has stopped) and others. I guess I take more stock in what they, and others I know, thinkg because they actually know me, as apposed to someone who has read my blog. I do appreciate the conversation though, and I do really try to read it with an open mind, but I guess in the end its something that I just don't agree with. I do thank you for commenting and trying to help me. I really do apreciate it, even if you may not think I do. I am curious what brought you to my blog in the first place, where you started. Anyways, thats all for today folks. :D I welcome the comments. :D
At 9:30 PM, December 13, 2005,
Anonymous said…
So.... this stranger... just in case they couldn't figure it out. Your blog is a freaking person web blog!
What are you supposed to talk about?
Jeeeez. some people need lives.
At 10:57 PM, December 13, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous ... if you can't phrase it respectuflly, don't bother writing at all. I will repeat this once more for you,...if you can't phrase it respectuflly, don't write anything to my daughter again.
At 8:05 AM, December 14, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I agree with your mom V, dont they teach us that in kindergarden???? its one thing to tell somone something to help them improve but it has to be a constructive critisism....not just a lashing.
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