Moving Out
Okay, so that really was the last straw. I'm still upset, but not as raging mad as I was before. Anyways, i'll try to go in order, cause it organizes my thoughts so I don't forget anything. Thursday night at work was REALLY busy. I hate working there. I think I accidentally cashed out a walkout because my tips were way less than they should have been, because i kinda have an idea before the end of the night how much they are going to be. Thursday they were barely 10% and I know I was getting 15-20% tips. I was about 20 short. Oh well, its over and done with now. The cook was being a jerk, but he was better tonight. My manager got mad at me because I told her that I was leaving at 3:30. They schedule me until 3, but I'm basically considered at their beck and call. They usually don't let us stop taking tables until 3. Well, thats when I get off, and if its busy I don't have time to do my sidework, so I get off late. The other night I got off at 4 (an hour late) because I had to keep taking tables and then do sidework. Starting soon, I'll have a second job and I won't be able to get off that late or else I won't get enough sleep. If we are slow, then I get sent home early (even if I don't want to) and can't make enough money to pay bills. That doesn't seem fair. Either way, I was mad last night, but I told her that it wasn't her, it was just the way they do things isn't fair. I'm pretty sure, legally, I could walk out at 3, because thats when my schedule says I'm off, but they'd probably fire me. Anyways, so I called Aaron and he came over. We put a lock on my door. It made it much easier to sleep. :D I wasn't planning on locking it when I left the house really. It was more for when I'm sleeping. I woke up at about 3 or so, but I was still tired cause I only got 2 hours from the night before. I convinced Aaron to let me sleep another 15 minutes, but it ended up being a few hours. At about 6 we left to go run some errands. I had a message on my machine, and so I went to find the phone to make a phone call. It was in Felicia's room. I went to get it and on the way out I asked her to please not leave it in her room, since no one is paying for it but me and I am struggeling to pay for it and its my only phone. She was like "whatever". (We are getting to the "last straw" part). I left. We ran some errands and were headed back so I could make a phone call. I got to the house and Aleena's brother and his roommate were there (and some girl with them). I went to make a phone call and the phone was dead. I was like, dangit, its cause she left it in her room. Aaron took it and explained it wasn't dead, she had TAKEN OUT THE BATTERY. I was SO SO SO MAD! That was it. There wasn't a chance now. I'm glad i got the lock on my door now. I can't trust her not to mess with stuff when she gets mad and decides to act like a child. If I could keep the phone in my room only, I would. I asked Aleena about it, but she said she didn't know anything about it. Aaron and I left to go to chili's with Bryce and Brannon (Bryce's brother). I was REALLY REALLY mad. I called Margarets friend about a place she had, and I'm going to look at it tomorrow. Its only 250, and then I pay Internet, Cable and Phone. She pays electric. Its a really really good deal. It will be more if she cannot find another person before the 1st, but even if we split their 250, thats still 375... much less than I pay now. We ate at chilis, and then came home. Aleena asked if I was mad at her, when she got home, and I told her no, but explained that I was moving out, and I wasn't going to take her sisters shit anymore. I took all of my stuff out of everywhere else in the house so its all in my room. I told Aaron there is ALMOST nothing she could say to change my mind, short of kicking Felicia out (which won't happen). Aaron said I can't let her because if she did, I cannot trust felicia. It would mean EVERYTHING would always have to stay in my room, and I would have to lock my door all the time. I think he's right. I just hated telling aleena about it, because it becomes a problem for her. I figured it would be easy because I partially think she could have done more, but when I explained it to her, I started to feel bad. I figured it wouldn't be as hard because she hadn't been around anyways cause she was too busy with Forrest, and I figured she would be mad. Instead she just said "okay." I went to work and got off early (by choice though. Helen gave me a choice. :D) I still worked until the time that we stop taking tables, and I made $40. I need to clean up my room just a bit and then probably go to bed. I'm supposed to hang out with Nina tomorrow sometime, and Aleena sometime, and also go look at this other apartment. Aaron is going to Cantwell to go snowmachining. He leaves tuesday night for Wisconsin. :( Thats about it I think. :D
At 7:25 AM, December 19, 2005,
Erynn said…
It is important, if you feel that you are living in an unhealthy environment, to move. :) I'm glad you have the courage to stand up for what is important to you! Also, although I don't always comment I always read your blog. :) What classes are you taking in the spring?
At 9:21 AM, December 19, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I'm glad to see that you are standing up for yourself too V...thats is bulls, taking the batteries out of the phone...i hope this other place works out for you.
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