School, friends and all that jazz
So, school has been a struggle for me this semester. I don't know why but I CANNOT seem to get up for my history class. Its only at 9:15, which isn't that early, but I am having so much trouble with it. I also didn't do my homework last night, although I was planning to. I really need to get into school. I went to two of my classes yesterday, and the third, the only reason I didn't go is because I want to be caught up in it before I go. I'm going to catch up tomorrow, or maybe a little today. I also took a makeup quiz yesterday and told the teacher I'd be at class this morning, but I wasn't. I feel so retarded. Aleena misses forrest. I worry about her because she goes to bed really early every night, so that she doesn't think about him being gone and doesn't miss him as much. That worries me. H's been gone for a week and she's been okay so far, but I know its hard for her. I hope he comes back soon, cause otherwise she will start to worry. I felt so productive yesterday. I cleaned the bathroom, went to classes, did errands. Today I slept until 2. I went to dinner at my dad's with my boyfriend last night. It was fun. We watched law and order and then went back to my house. I love being with him. Last night I asked him if he would still be happy if we didn't mess around or anything. He said yeah, I'd still make him happy. That made me feel really special. He's good at that, making me feel special. Anyways, thats about it. Work is going okay, although I'm not liking the "new" (or old, but was gone this summer) manager. Shes kinda a bitch sometimes. Like, the other day I closed with another girl and we got everything done, or so I thought. I was kinda proud of us cause we got out of there at 12:30 and everything, and the next morning she left a note saying ALL THIS STUFF wasn't done, some of which i KNEW was done. Then, today I called to make sure it was okay for Me and another coworker switched shifts, (that there should have been no problem with) and she spent 10 minutes freaking out about it, only to say that it was okay. Anyways, that is all, I believe. I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow. Hope it turns out really cute. :D
At 5:32 PM, September 21, 2005,
Erynn said…
I love you Evelyna! :) And miss you. I once missed a class and thought I couldn't catch up. I did just that, wanted to be caught up before I went back to class. Yeah, I was out of that class for probably over a 3 weeks before I went back because of that reason. Please be very very careful. It's better to go behind than not go at all! :)
At 6:39 PM, September 25, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
when / why did forest leave? I'm confused....I hope aleena is ok too. leah is going through the same sort of thing..give her a hug for me..
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