Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Quick Update Before Work

So, I probably don't have time to update everything. I'm feeling alot better since the accident, although I'm still pretty loopy sometimes, and slow. Since then, I've worked twice, and both times I couldn't make shots because it hurt my Clavical (I think). Hopefully tonight I can so nava doesn't have to deal with it. So, yesterday I went to Delta which was alot of fun. I payed a dollar to guess which square section of a pen that a cow would crap in. Its called the "cow drop" this was the most hick fair I have EVER been to. It was so funny. Either way, we watched the mud races, which was awesome and I"m really glad we got to go. I got back pretty late, and then after some running around for errands, I went to my apartment, and Nathan and Aaron and Forrest and Aleena and I all hung out for a while. Nathan drank like 1 or 2 shmirnoffs, but Aaron drank like 7.5. He stayed there because he was too drunk to drive home. Actually it was really nice, although I didn't "get any" because as he says he's "not easy" I had fun. We "slept" (yes actually sleeping) together, and just hung out. We didn't even kiss. Its kinda crazy, cause part of me is like, damnit, but the other part is happy that its going so slow. He gave me a ride to work, and he said he'd see me tomorrow. I really do like him, he's an awesome guy, but i'm going to try not to get too attached until i'm sure. Oh well, I have to work and I feel really sick. :P


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