Okay, Okay. I real update
I know i've been rushed every time I tried to update in the past while. I'm sorry. I've been rushed for the past several weeks almost all the time, and if I am not rushed for a moment, i don't have access to the internet. So, I think i've mentioned all this, but in case I haven't. I have a car (A plymouth neon 2001, silver), I have an apartment which I share with my best friend and her sister (and I love it so much), I have a job I love (College Coffee House), I am going to school (four classes, calculus, accounting, history, and communications) and I have a guy who I am NOT dating, but eventually will be. To explain that last part, we act like we are dating and spend alot of time together, even hold hands in public and such, but he doesn't want to "make a commitment" and I have told him, for now, that its okay. When its not okay anymore, I will let him know and he will have to decide if I am worth making a commitment for. I am pretty sure he will decide I am, but theres always that chance, so i'm not ready to make him make that choice yet. I know alot of people think he's an ass for it, or think that I should make him decide now, but I'm not ready to give him up, and there is always that chance he will decide i'm not worth it. Anyways, besides that, everything is wonderful. My mother is in town though, but its going okay so far. Typical mother, for those of you that know her. I went to lunch with her today. Aaron was supposed to come, but he had to go work on the cabin, so he couldn't make it. I went to Transporter 2 with my dad, which is actually a great movie. Funny kinda, because of how unreal it is. So, leftover from my car accident I have been having serious memory problems. I have to make lists for EVERYTHING I do because otherwise I will forget what I need to do. I forget temporary things very quickly. Long term things, I remember though. Its really getting in the way of things, but I'm hoping it will go away soon. Another plus is that I have alot of money with nothing specific to do with it. I will probably pay off alot of my credit cards, but some of it i'musing to get settled. I hadn't gone shopping in a while until yesterday. I think Aaron has been distracting me from it, or he's just so sensible that I have been sensible, but when he went out of town for the weekend, I had nothign to do, so I went shopping. Bought two CD's, 100 worth of clothes at AE, and some earrings. Another plus, my ears are basiacally healed, which is awesome, so I can start changing my earrings soon. I need to stop by BPU soon and see if they are healed enough to change my earrings. Anyways, another note, I look HOT today cause Aleena picked out my clothes. The wonderful thing about living with her. I get to wear her clothes too. :D ANyways, if there is anything you can think of that you want to hear about (in regards to my life) or anything you know I"ve left out, let me know. Like I said, lots of memory problems. Thats all for now!
At 4:38 PM, September 06, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
One thing you need to remmeber to do before while you still have all that money....pay back IAB for the overage on your paycheck.i figured that this will remind you everytime you get on line so maybe i wont have to remember to remind you everytime i talk to you...seems my memory is going too and i remember it every time i come into work
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