Okay, better update
I know I know. I have been so spacey since the car accident. I have been like HYPER-ADD girl. Its INSANE! I can't seem to remember anything anymore, at least not longer than about a day or so. So, I haven't said much about my apartment. I've had it for 2 weeks now. I love it so much. Its awesome. We have cleaned it up and moved in. My room is mostly set up, the downstairs is set up, the kitchen is set up, the bathrooms. I guess thats everything. My room is probably the LEAST done because i"ve been so so so busy recently. Its been INSANE! I already said that didn't I. LOL! Okay, so basically, thats whats been up. Work, Apartment, Aaron, I think that cover's everything. My mom is coming into town this weekend, and she DEMANDED I spend time with her, which makes me mad, so I seriously thought about ditching her and going to anchorage for the weekend, but that would make her SO mad, she wouldn't forgive me and then i'd have to put up with it. It really did make me mad though. So, I will hopefully start updating more now. Sorry. :( I am setting up internet soon at my new place. Probably once I get a car and know my schedule more.
At 5:57 PM, September 01, 2005,
Erynn said…
Haha... such a April-mommy answer. :) Not that it's wordy... I'm just saying. Love you mom!
How rude of me to talk to my mom through Evelyna's blog. In the words of Stewy, "Oh... oh you're so bad!"
Okay, I'm done.
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