I hate to say goodbye :(
So, I slept all day until it was time to go to work, and then went to work. Work was fun, like it always is. I love working. I kept thinking Travis wasn't going to make it to say goodbye, but he did. I told him he should come pick me up after work, so he did. I got to say goodbye to caleb then, although I thought he would be coming back. Travis picked me up, and we drove around for four hours, just talking about anything and everything. It was awesome. I love talking to him and chillin with him. I love that we just chilled, and nothing happened, even though, OF COURSE, part of me would have loved for something to happen, another part of me is SO glad nothing did, because it made it that much more awesome. EVERYTIME I get into a car, or get in a situation where I"m just talking to someone for a long time, about everything, I want something to happen. Its always been like that. I think its because when you talk like that, you get to a deeper level. When its just you and that person, in a car, with not very many distractions (like other people talking or whatever) it makes you so close. Its an awesome feeling. I"m not good at handeling that closeness and not liking the person. I need to practice apparently. :P Anyways, thats the most recent update. Not as amazing as the previous, but still cool for me. :D
At 8:34 AM, August 15, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I like Travis, i think he respects you... Is he coming back up here? and how long is he at war for? that seems like such a weird question, even though we have been at war for a while now, suddenly it seems real cause i know someone who is going.Do you know where he will be or his last name so we can send him stuff?
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