Cute Hair does a person wonders
Okay, so I got my hair done yesterday. I LOVE IT. I think I look so hot, and I can change my earrings, so I've been wearing totally cool earrings, and doing my makeup while I'm at it. I love it. I think I look like i'm ready to go out clubbing all the time now. It does wonders for my mood. I was in the greatest mood yesterday, no matter what, cause I look cute. The main problem with me looking cute is that I tend to look in windows, mirrors and everything, and get a little narsassitic. Sad I know. Okay, so wednesday afternoon I got to see Aaron for a bit at walmart, then went to work. Work was okay, but I realized that I had spent all my money again. SUCKS. I hate that I keep spending all my money. I closed the till, but since I was working with Mattie (she's been working here longer than me) we got out of here by 12:15, which was awesome. I went home and counted out ALL my change to deposit in the bank, got ready for bed, ate, and then tried to sleep. Couldn't fall asleep until like 2, and couldn't have been 15 minutes later, Felicia's Cat (the evil one, winston) started scratching at my door. I got up to throw something at the door, so the noise would scare him away. He stopped, so I laid back down. He started again, so I opened the door and chased him off. He ran downstairs, started knocking something over downstairs, made a little bit of noise, but I could ignore it. Then, right as I almost fell back asleep, he started again. I went to the door and he ran off, but I called him to me, picked him up, and then put him in Felicia's room. I was SO MAD thought. I was so tired yesterday. So, I got up for class anyways, and I like my communications class. Went to my hair appointment after borrowing $40 from aleena to get my hair done. Got my hair done, LOVED IT. Its really dark now, like when its wet it looks black, when its dry it ALMOST looks black. Its actually really dark brown. I LOVE IT. I went home and did my makeup and put in new earrings. I looked so hot. I went and showed aleena, went and showed nava and kayla, went to walmart with nava, and then was heading to class and decided not to go. Bad deal, I know. :P Went home, waited for Aaron, we went and looked at tires, went out to my sister in law's families house to have lamb. It was really good (thanks April! :D). They have a new kitten and puppy and they are so cute. :D Then, Aaron and I went to his cabin, he took a shower while I watched the OC (or the beginning). We went back to my house to see Forrest, who just got back in town, but Aleena and him had left, so we hung out there. I got really upset because I all of a sudden realized how manipulative I am. Then I was kinda mad at myself. I started crying and Aaron was totally sweet, telling me I wasn't a bitch. He puts up with so much shit from me and he's so sweet. So, this morning I ACTUALLY made it to History class. I haven't been to that class in 2 weeks. (one week I was sick). Now i'm goign to work today, but only around my class. Then this weekend I'm so busy with work and promises and parties. I have to do ALL my homework today then, during the day. I really don't want to, but i'm going to. Good for me. Well, i'm off to home. :D
At 11:58 AM, September 23, 2005,
Erynn said…
Do we get to see a pitcutre? :)
At 11:41 AM, September 28, 2005,
Erynn said…
Miss you so much Evelyna and wish I was there with you guys enjoying life. Can't wait to see you! *hugs*
At 3:57 PM, October 04, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
have you been going to class?
At 9:45 AM, October 05, 2005,
Erynn said…
I haven't heard from you in so long. I hope you are okay Evelyna. I miss reading about your life. :(
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