Why does this bother me so much?
Okay, I'm not sure why this is bothering me. I normally can just get over this kind of stuff. Why is it different this time? Why does it actually hurt? Okay, sorry that all that doesn't make sense. So, today, I hung out with my sister-in-law's brother, after my final, which I didn't do NEARLY as good on as I had planned. :( I didn't really care though. After watching a movie, Jonathan took me to the fair, and I got to see his family, finally. I was so excited, then I hardly hung out with them. I was just weird. I really do hate the fair. LOL! Jonathan took me to work, and I had ALOT of fun. I was retarded when Nathan and Aaron came in, and thought I made a total fool out of myself, but apparently, they didn't notice anyway. It was pretty busy. The boys came back so I could give them free smoothies. Then, the waited to give me a ride home. I asked Nathan if he left because of Josh, Me, or just cause he needed sleep, and he said cause he needed sleep. I text messaged him after I got home and asked him if it was okay, like last night (when we were sitting together. He knew what I meant), cause it didn't seem like it was, and he told me he just wanted to be friends, chill and hang out. Usually, thats totally cool. It really doesn't bother me, and I really can't figure out why it does this time. What makes this guy so special that it actually kinda hurts? Oh well, i'll probably feel okay about it once I talk to aleena, but I think she might be asleep.
At 10:53 AM, August 11, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Maybe because you were using him to get over that other guy that you were talking about earlier, Forest or something, cause your friend stole him away from you. why would she do that if she knew you liked him, and even told you that she thought he was into you. Just something to think about.
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