I love Clothes
So, last week nothing much really happened. Just watched a movie, worked, etc. Friday night I didn't really do anything, except go to dinner with my dad. Its nice to spend time with him every once in a while. :D I think it would be nice to have a regular dinner that I go to, except I'm the one whose usually busy. :P Friday after that I didn't do much of anything, which sucks. Aleena went camping, and I didn't have a way to get back for work the next morning, so I didn't go. Work was awesome. I was working in the drivethrough, and had to open it, which was some responsibility, which made me feel very important. :D I LOVE working in the drivethrough. Its very fast paced, but you usually work alone, and tips are pretty good. Theres no one around, so I can sing to the music, or listen to what I want, etc. I can even sit down if theres no one there. I tend to make a bigger mess though, because you have to be so fast. It was a slow day and I made $22 in 6 hours, which is pretty good. The girl who works for Just Gumbo said that she's seen alot of people in the drivethrough and that I'm really good. :D I also had a GREAT day because Eric called, but I was REALLY busy, so I was like, talk fast. He said he couldn't go that night because he had to work. I was okay with that. When I got a minute, I text messaged him telling him it was too bad he couldn't come, that I was sorry I could talk earlier but I was at work with customers waiting, and that hopefully I would see him another time. I knew he wouldn't text message me back, because he has told me a couple times about how he doesn't text message cause its a waste of 10 cents, etc. So wasn't I surprised when I got a text from him. You should have seen the smile on my face. :P He said that he might be able to get stuff done early enough on sunday to come up and see me. I felt so incredibly special that he texted me. :D I texted him back and told him just that. He answered again and said that he was making overtime and is making a dollar in the time it takes him to write one message, but that he was cramping his thumbs. I told him not to hurt himself, but just that I felt really special. I had forgotten I had to work sunday night though. After work, i went home, and did some stuff, and decided to take a nap until aleena got into town to get me for camping. I took out my contacts, put on pajamas (cause i didn't want to get in my bed with my dirty work clothes) and as soon as my head hit the pillow, my phone rang. It was aleena asking me to be ready in like 15 minutes. No nap for me. LOL! I got ready and she didn't have time to go anywhere, so my NEW AE clothes just sat there at my dads house. :( I really wanted to go get them. Harding lake was fun at first, but there was alot of drama, like highschool drama, and it was too much for me. I ended up leaving at about 11 or so. Rachel took me back home and I had to work for a couple hours sunday anyways. We watched part of troy before I fell asleep. Sunday, i got up in time to go to work. Worked for only 2 hours (I had called eric the night before and he wasn't able to make it up, but said he plans to this weekend) and then aleena took me to her house, we cleaned up a bit, then we went and got my clothes, returned movies, went shopping, and then she came back to my room to look at some clothes I was getting rid of. All in all, I got 2 skirts, 1 pair of shorts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 shirt, 1 used pair of pants and 1 used shirt (from aleena). I love getting new clothes, but I'm trying to pace myself and only wear ONE new thing a day, so i dont just run through all my new stuff excitedly. LOL! Hopefully this weekend Eric will come up, but honestly, it might not happen. So, this has been long enough I think, and I didn't even explain the drama of camping. LOL! That part isn't important.
At 9:39 AM, July 29, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
V's INLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!LOL ok not in love but you are SOOOOOOO Crushing on this guy.LUV U -Shorty
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