Princess Winter

This blog is named after "My little pony" Princess Winter. Things I might talk about on my blog are: Me, Hockey, the OC, the baha'i faith, me, family, friends, school, me... etc.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I hate Camping

Okay, so I know I don't like camping, but I always forget how much I hate it until we actually go. We went out camping last night, but didn't end up getting out there until closer to midnight or 12:30. We had to buy chips and hotdogs and smores and all this stuff. We were definatly over stocked, like always. Anyways, we went out to Olness Pond and were just hanign out and joking around. There was this one girl there that I really don't like. I don't MIND her normally, but last night she pissed me off. She started getting into my business that she didn't even know anything about, and she was messing with aleena, which made me mad (like she actually almost hurt her), and I also got jealous because she tried to act like she was close with aleena, and like she had the same kind of relationship that Aleena and I have, but she doesn't... she wants to, but she just doesn't. That may sound bitchy to alot of people, but thats just the way it is. She kind of ruined my night a bit. After hanging out for a while, everyone went to go sleep in their cars because no one wanted to pitch a tent. I forget how much I hate camping until I try to sleep. I can't sleep because the bugs, the noises, the cold, the uncomfort, all of that. Everyone slept last night but me. I slept for like less than an hour and it wasn't even good sleep. So, I went back in witha friend who was going to work, and she took me home. :D I'm so glad I got to sleep on my bed. THen my friend Rachel's boyfriend apparently invited me to go with them tonight, which is a REALLY big deal cause he's really antisocial with anyone whose not in his little group of friends (just cause hes shy). He also said that I had lost weight and that I looked skinnier and that him and his friends were talking about it after we stopped by last night. I was so happy. That has totally made my day. :D Anyways, I am going to go to dinner at my uncles tonight because I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them. :D (my cousins. :D) Anybody who is reading this, if you have a blog, please update it, and if you have one that I don't know about, comment and put the address or something so I can read yours. :D


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