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Okay, sorry about being rushed the other day. It was 5 and we were getting off work, everyone was leaving, and it was time to go running. Running was pretty good yesterday. We hadn't run in a WHILE, which is bad, but I hate running alone and we hadn't been working, or like it was raining on wednesday. :P Running was nice because it wasn't too hott, but wasn't too cold, and it was perfect. We ran quite a ways too, farther than I had been. :D I think I just get tired running every day and sore, and then when I try to run even the same amount, I can't make it. I'm feeling good today though, so hopefully I will be able to run the same amount. :D I did forget my stuff though, which means we have to go back to the dorms first. Work today kinda sucked. Normally I enjoy a work day where I can stay ALL day and don't have to leave and comeback for class. It just feels like a waste because not only am I missing 2 hours for class (often times a class I dont NEED to go to in order to understand the material) but also another 30 minutes just getting to and from work. I am also interupted at work to leave, and it thorws off my flow. Today though, I took a lunch, even though I normally don't take lunches. :( Anyways, last night rachel did my hair (I'll work on getting a picture for you guys) and its in braids halfway down my head. I like it. I had it done before in belize, but I don't know if I have any pictures of it. :P So, we went to the store last night, and to dinner. Not all that great, but it was okay. :D Oh, and today is good because its PAYDAY! I'm so excited. I love paydays. I rememberd this morning, early, or late last night I think, but I forgot the rest of the day, in the stress of the day, and now that I rememberd, I'm happy. The first thing I did was go through and pay all my bills. I'm fixing my budget now. :D I like fixing my budget, even though it kinda means that I usually overspent, its fun for me. Okay, wow, I'm REALLY REALLY sad! Anyways, I was all excited to go running today but now my dad is picking me up to take me to dinner, so i can't. I have a fun weekend planned, so hopefully I'll update by monday. :D Have a nice weekened. :D
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