It was a computer malfunction, I swear.
Okay, so I realize its been a really really long time. What happened was that on June 12 I typed up this HUGE blog about what I had been doing in life, and it was really good (I thought) and it really was really really really long. Well, apparently blogspot was under repairs or some such thing, and it wouldn't post my blog. I tried to go back to save it as a draft instead then, and couldn't, so everything was lost. I was pretty disappointed. At them time, I decided to do it again later, so i would be less frustrated. So, now i have to figure out what has happened since may 30th. So, the day after my last blog I started my second job. I love it, but its exhausting. I really like doing it and have met tons of people (mostly hippies) and have learned alot. I was really really busy with that, which is why I didn't post. Aleena had left for michigan for Dave's brothers wedding. I missed her, and as soon as she got back she had gall stones. :( I stopped by to visit her once. So, starting June 8th there was an over 1000 person conference in town (evolution conference). It was actually really fun, although also stressfull. I ended up working 2 almost 40 hour weeks. The first one I didn't get overtime because I only worked a couple hours over a couple different nights, and the second week because I took friday off. The conference was awesome. Even though we were only working for it, we met alot of cool people. I have friends in Puerto Rico now and at Brigham Young Univeristy, and then different places in california and such. We had so much fun getting to know everyone. We took them canoeing once, hung out at their hotel once, took a couple out to dinner, drove them to the airport, and went on the riverboat with them (and ate at the salmon bake with them). Working there was even fun, but a little stressful. I used to hate it when my business teacher would say that "line" and "staff" management fight all the time. At the Newsminer it wasn't like that. Well he was right, because "line management" doesn't respect staff management. (which he also said that staff management thinks they are more important than they really are, which is pretty offensive because staff management is basically everything I do). That was the probelm in this case. We, the business office, were dealing with the money, and got no recognition, no respect, and basically, the money was really off because of it. Basically, after that was over, there was a bit of cleanup, but Rachel and I took friday off and maria took part of friday off. We went and saw "sisterhood of the traveling pants" which i thought sucked and I had a hair appointment (I have bangs now) and a tanning appointment. :D Friday night I went out to harding lake with Aleena and Felicia and My roommate Ron and then our friend Mike and one of his roommates Nic met us out there, and we eventually went back to Mikes apartment to hang out a bit more. It was pretty fun. We have some great stories. 1) We decided to go swimming, and it never really got deep, so we ended up getting out and changing back into our dry clothes cause it got cold. There was this paddle boat sitting there, and everyone was gone, and so we decided to take it for a spin. We got into it and took it out a little bit, but all of a sudden Aleena and Felicia's butt's started to get wet. We bailed on the boat and decided to walk back to shore (cause it was all shallow). Turns out the shortest way back to shore was the deepest part of where we had been, so my pants got soaked. :P Luckily I had shorts, but they were cold. :P 2) Mike showed up and we decided we wanted to make a fire cause it was windy where we were, so we moved to the fire pit and mike tried to light a fire with a propane torch thing he had in his truck. He almost caught his hand on fire which was funny, but crazy. We finally got the fire started. :P 3) Driving back we were going pretty fast to try to keep up with each other and Felicia hit a seagull going close to 100 mph and so we drove back to look at it and it was dead. I have a picture of it on my phone. We all screamed so loud. :P Anyways, that was friday night, saturday night was pretty boring cause i worked like hell all night and then took aleenas car to meet her and then we all went back to my dorm (after trying denny's but they were closing) and they left pretty soon after. Took my dad to dinner for fathers day, then worked the rest of the night (didn't realize I had to either until they called during dinner) and then stayed up last night to do laundry. From now on, I will try to update every day or every other day because otherwise my memory fails and I have no idea what happened, and no one wants to read this huge of an update. :P
At 12:30 PM, June 24, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
LIAR!!!! i read your blog, even though it was huge. sounds like you had fun at harding.
ps i didn't finish the CC they were boring. but i did the stack. love ya
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