Darn Network Repairs
So they are doing network repairs in the dorms, so i can only get online during the day at work. :P So, I have run the past 3 days, and i'm planning on running again tonight (maybe). I'm really proud of myself. :D Yesterday, after we went running, I helped out at work a little late and then went to dinner with Maria. It was pretty fun. Wednesday night was pretty calm, just chillin at home, and stopped by the CCH to get something to drink (well, for my roomy to get something to drink). My dad just gave me the car for the weekend (yay!) so now I have a car this weekend, but no driving it to any parties. Its for errands and work and class, etc. I have to figure out how to get him from the airport on sunday though. Oh well, this should be a good weekend. I got paid and I have a car. :D I think thats about all I have to report. I work tonight. (yay tips, boo tiredness) LOL!
At 3:03 PM, June 28, 2005,
Erynn said…
Hey sis! Uhmm... I guess I have some property at the police dept. on campus that needs to be picked up. If you wouldn't mind I can send you some money to mail it down. They founds some stuff that got stolen. Go Sadly, I don't have your e-mail. If you'd like to give it to me or call or something I can give you the Lt. # and name of who you need to get it from. Let me know. *HUGS*! Miss you!
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